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Isomorphic JavaScript client for PostgREST.
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any/** * Error format * * {@link} */ export type PostgrestError = { message: string details: string hint: string code: string}
/** * Response format * * {@link} */interface PostgrestResponseBase { status: number statusText: string}
interface PostgrestResponseSuccess<T> extends PostgrestResponseBase { error: null data: T[] body: T[] count: number | null}interface PostgrestResponseFailure extends PostgrestResponseBase { error: PostgrestError data: null // For backward compatibility: body === data body: null count: null}export type PostgrestResponse<T> = PostgrestResponseSuccess<T> | PostgrestResponseFailure
interface PostgrestSingleResponseSuccess<T> extends PostgrestResponseBase { error: null data: T // For backward compatibility: body === data body: T}export type PostgrestSingleResponse<T> = | PostgrestSingleResponseSuccess<T> | PostgrestResponseFailureexport type PostgrestMaybeSingleResponse<T> = PostgrestSingleResponse<T | null>
export abstract class PostgrestBuilder<T> implements PromiseLike<PostgrestResponse<T>> { protected method!: 'GET' | 'HEAD' | 'POST' | 'PATCH' | 'DELETE' protected url!: URL protected headers!: { [key: string]: string } protected schema?: string protected body?: Partial<T> | Partial<T>[] protected shouldThrowOnError = false protected signal?: AbortSignal
constructor(builder: PostgrestBuilder<T>) { Object.assign(this, builder) }
/** * If there's an error with the query, throwOnError will reject the promise by * throwing the error instead of returning it as part of a successful response. * * {@link} */ throwOnError(): PostgrestBuilder<T> { this.shouldThrowOnError = true return this }
then<TResult1 = PostgrestResponse<T>, TResult2 = never>( onfulfilled?: | ((value: PostgrestResponse<T>) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null ): PromiseLike<TResult1 | TResult2> { // if (typeof this.schema === 'undefined') { // skip } else if (['GET', 'HEAD'].includes(this.method)) { this.headers['Accept-Profile'] = this.schema } else { this.headers['Content-Profile'] = this.schema } if (this.method !== 'GET' && this.method !== 'HEAD') { this.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' }
let res = fetch(this.url.toString(), { method: this.method, headers: this.headers, body: JSON.stringify(this.body), signal: this.signal, }).then(async (res) => { let error = null let data = null let count = null
if (res.ok) { const isReturnMinimal = this.headers['Prefer']?.split(',').includes('return=minimal') if (this.method !== 'HEAD' && !isReturnMinimal) { const text = await res.text() if (!text) { // discard `text` } else if (this.headers['Accept'] === 'text/csv') { data = text } else { data = JSON.parse(text) } }
const countHeader = this.headers['Prefer']?.match(/count=(exact|planned|estimated)/) const contentRange = res.headers.get('content-range')?.split('/') if (countHeader && contentRange && contentRange.length > 1) { count = parseInt(contentRange[1]) } } else { error = await res.json()
if (error && this.shouldThrowOnError) { throw error } }
const postgrestResponse = { error, data, count, status: res.status, statusText: res.statusText, body: data, }
return postgrestResponse }) if (!this.shouldThrowOnError) { res = res.catch((fetchError) => ({ error: { message: `fetchError: ${fetchError.message}`, details: '', hint: '', code: fetchError.code || '', }, data: null, body: null, count: null, status: 400, statusText: 'Bad Request', })) }
return res.then(onfulfilled, onrejected) }}