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Pothos GraphQL is library for creating GraphQL schemas in typescript using a strongly typed code first approach
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method default.prototype.exposeIDList
import { default } from "";

Create an ID list field from an id[] property on the parent object

Type Parameters

Name extends CompatibleTypes<Types, ParentShape, ["ID"], { list: true; items: true; }>
Nullable extends FieldNullability<["ID"]> = Types["DefaultFieldNullability"]


name: Name
  • the name of the property on the source object (does not need to match the field name).
...args: NormalizeArgs<[ExposeNullability<Types, ["ID"], ParentShape, Name, Nullable> & Omit<FieldOptionsFromKind<Types, ParentShape, ["ID"], Nullable, { }, Kind, ParentShape, ResolveReturnShape>, "nullable" | "resolve" | "type">]>
  • Options for this field