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Lightweight proxy scraper for Deno.
export default async function proxyScrape(type, timeout, countryCode, ssl, anonymity) { if (!type) throw 'missing proxy type'
const types = ['http', 'socks4', 'socks5']
if (!types.includes(type)) throw 'invalid proxy type, available ones are: ' + types.join(', ')
if (!timeout) throw 'missing proxy timeout (in ms)'
if (!Number.isInteger(timeout)) throw 'timeout must be an integer'
if (timeout < 50 || timeout > 10000) throw 'timeout must be in range between 50 and 10000ms'
if (!countryCode) throw 'missing country code, for more see:'
if (!ssl) throw 'missing SSL support type'
const ssl_types = ['all', 'yes', 'no']
if (!ssl_types.includes(ssl)) throw 'invalid SSL support type, available ones are: ' + ssl_types.join(', ')
if (!anonymity) throw 'missing anonymity type'
const anonymity_types = ['all', 'elite', 'anonymous', 'transparent']
if (!anonymity_types.includes(anonymity)) throw 'invalid anonymity type, available ones are: ' + anonymity_types.join(', ')
const scraped = await fetch('' + type + '&timeout=' + timeout + '&country=' + countryCode + '&ssl=' + ssl + '&anonymity=' + anonymity)
return scraped.text()}