import { type Protocol } from "";
const { AXPropertyName } = Protocol.Accessibility;
Values of AXProperty name:
- from 'busy' to 'roledescription': states which apply to every AX node
- from 'live' to 'root': attributes which apply to nodes in live regions
- from 'autocomplete' to 'valuetext': attributes which apply to widgets
- from 'checked' to 'selected': states which apply to widgets
- from 'activedescendant' to 'owns' - relationships between elements other than parent/child/sibling.
definition: ()
| "busy"
| "disabled"
| "editable"
| "focusable"
| "focused"
| "hidden"
| "hiddenRoot"
| "invalid"
| "keyshortcuts"
| "settable"
| "roledescription"
| "live"
| "atomic"
| "relevant"
| "root"
| "autocomplete"
| "hasPopup"
| "level"
| "multiselectable"
| "orientation"
| "multiline"
| "readonly"
| "required"
| "valuemin"
| "valuemax"
| "valuetext"
| "checked"
| "expanded"
| "modal"
| "pressed"
| "selected"
| "activedescendant"
| "controls"
| "describedby"
| "details"
| "errormessage"
| "flowto"
| "labelledby"
| "owns"