import { type Protocol } from "";
const { CookieIssueDetails } = Protocol.Audits;
This information is currently necessary, as the front-end has a difficult time finding a specific cookie. With this, we can convey specific error information without the cookie.
cookie: AffectedCookieIf AffectedCookie is not set then rawCookieLine contains the raw Set-Cookie header string. This hints at a problem where the cookie line is syntactically or semantically malformed in a way that no valid cookie could be created.
cookieWarningReasons: CookieWarningReason[]
cookieExclusionReasons: CookieExclusionReason[]
operation: CookieOperation
Optionally identifies the site-for-cookies and the cookie url, which may be used by the front-end as additional context.
request: AffectedRequest