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/// <reference types="./ElementHandle.d.ts" />var __classPrivateFieldSet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldSet) || function (receiver, state, value, kind, f) { if (kind === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable"); if (kind === "a" && !f) { throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter"); } if ( typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver) ) { throw new TypeError( "Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it", ); } return (kind === "a" ?, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value; };var __classPrivateFieldGet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldGet) || function (receiver, state, kind, f) { if (kind === "a" && !f) { throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter"); } if ( typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver) ) { throw new TypeError( "Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it", ); } return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver); };var _ElementHandle_instances, _ElementHandle_frame, _ElementHandle_page, _ElementHandle_frameManager, _ElementHandle_scrollIntoViewIfNeeded, _ElementHandle_getOOPIFOffsets, _ElementHandle_getBoxModel, _ElementHandle_fromProtocolQuad, _ElementHandle_intersectQuadWithViewport;import { assert } from "../util/assert.js";import { MAIN_WORLD, PUPPETEER_WORLD } from "./IsolatedWorld.js";import { JSHandle } from "./JSHandle.js";import { getQueryHandlerAndSelector } from "./QueryHandler.js";import { debugError, isString } from "./util.js";const applyOffsetsToQuad = (quad, offsetX, offsetY) => { return => { return { x: part.x + offsetX, y: part.y + offsetY }; });};/** * ElementHandle represents an in-page DOM element. * * @remarks * ElementHandles can be created with the {@link Page.$} method. * * ```ts * const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); * * (async () => { * const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); * const page = await browser.newPage(); * await page.goto(''); * const hrefElement = await page.$('a'); * await; * // ... * })(); * ``` * * ElementHandle prevents the DOM element from being garbage-collected unless the * handle is {@link JSHandle.dispose | disposed}. ElementHandles are auto-disposed * when their origin frame gets navigated. * * ElementHandle instances can be used as arguments in {@link Page.$eval} and * {@link Page.evaluate} methods. * * If you're using TypeScript, ElementHandle takes a generic argument that * denotes the type of element the handle is holding within. For example, if you * have a handle to a `<select>` element, you can type it as * `ElementHandle<HTMLSelectElement>` and you get some nicer type checks. * * @public */export class ElementHandle extends JSHandle { /** * @internal */ constructor(context, client, remoteObject, frame, page, frameManager) { super(context, client, remoteObject); _ElementHandle_instances.add(this); _ElementHandle_frame.set(this, void 0); _ElementHandle_page.set(this, void 0); _ElementHandle_frameManager.set(this, void 0); __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ElementHandle_frame, frame, "f"); __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ElementHandle_page, page, "f"); __classPrivateFieldSet( this, _ElementHandle_frameManager, frameManager, "f", ); } /** * Queries the current element for an element matching the given selector. * * @param selector - The selector to query for. * @returns A {@link ElementHandle | element handle} to the first element * matching the given selector. Otherwise, `null`. */ async $(selector) { const { updatedSelector, queryHandler } = getQueryHandlerAndSelector( selector, ); assert( queryHandler.queryOne, "Cannot handle queries for a single element with the given selector", ); return (await queryHandler.queryOne(this, updatedSelector)); } /** * Queries the current element for all elements matching the given selector. * * @param selector - The selector to query for. * @returns An array of {@link ElementHandle | element handles} that point to * elements matching the given selector. */ async $$(selector) { const { updatedSelector, queryHandler } = getQueryHandlerAndSelector( selector, ); assert( queryHandler.queryAll, "Cannot handle queries for a multiple element with the given selector", ); return (await queryHandler.queryAll(this, updatedSelector)); } /** * Runs the given function on the first element matching the given selector in * the current element. * * If the given function returns a promise, then this method will wait till * the promise resolves. * * @example * * ```ts * const tweetHandle = await page.$('.tweet'); * expect(await tweetHandle.$eval('.like', node => node.innerText)).toBe( * '100' * ); * expect(await tweetHandle.$eval('.retweets', node => node.innerText)).toBe( * '10' * ); * ``` * * @param selector - The selector to query for. * @param pageFunction - The function to be evaluated in this element's page's * context. The first element matching the selector will be passed in as the * first argument. * @param args - Additional arguments to pass to `pageFunction`. * @returns A promise to the result of the function. */ async $eval(selector, pageFunction, ...args) { const elementHandle = await this.$(selector); if (!elementHandle) { throw new Error( `Error: failed to find element matching selector "${selector}"`, ); } const result = await elementHandle.evaluate(pageFunction, ...args); await elementHandle.dispose(); return result; } /** * Runs the given function on an array of elements matching the given selector * in the current element. * * If the given function returns a promise, then this method will wait till * the promise resolves. * * @example * HTML: * * ```html * <div class="feed"> * <div class="tweet">Hello!</div> * <div class="tweet">Hi!</div> * </div> * ``` * * JavaScript: * * ```js * const feedHandle = await page.$('.feed'); * expect( * await feedHandle.$$eval('.tweet', nodes => => n.innerText)) * ).toEqual(['Hello!', 'Hi!']); * ``` * * @param selector - The selector to query for. * @param pageFunction - The function to be evaluated in the element's page's * context. An array of elements matching the given selector will be passed to * the function as its first argument. * @param args - Additional arguments to pass to `pageFunction`. * @returns A promise to the result of the function. */ async $$eval(selector, pageFunction, ...args) { const { updatedSelector, queryHandler } = getQueryHandlerAndSelector( selector, ); assert(queryHandler.queryAllArray); const arrayHandle = (await queryHandler.queryAllArray(this, updatedSelector)); const result = await arrayHandle.evaluate(pageFunction, ...args); await arrayHandle.dispose(); return result; } /** * @deprecated Use {@link ElementHandle.$$} with the `xpath` prefix. * * The method evaluates the XPath expression relative to the elementHandle. * If there are no such elements, the method will resolve to an empty array. * @param expression - Expression to {@link | evaluate} */ async $x(expression) { if (expression.startsWith("//")) { expression = `.${expression}`; } return this.$$(`xpath/${expression}`); } /** * Wait for an element matching the given selector to appear in the current * element. * * Unlike {@link Frame.waitForSelector}, this method does not work across * navigations or if the element is detached from DOM. * * @example * * ```ts * const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); * * (async () => { * const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); * const page = await browser.newPage(); * let currentURL; * page * .mainFrame() * .waitForSelector('img') * .then(() => console.log('First URL with image: ' + currentURL)); * * for (currentURL of [ * '', * '', * '', * ]) { * await page.goto(currentURL); * } * await browser.close(); * })(); * ``` * * @param selector - The selector to query and wait for. * @param options - Options for customizing waiting behavior. * @returns An element matching the given selector. * @throws Throws if an element matching the given selector doesn't appear. */ async waitForSelector(selector, options = {}) { const frame = this.executionContext().frame(); assert(frame); const adoptedRoot = await frame.worlds[PUPPETEER_WORLD].adoptHandle(this); const handle = await frame.worlds[PUPPETEER_WORLD].waitForSelector( selector, { ...options, root: adoptedRoot, }, ); await adoptedRoot.dispose(); if (!handle) { return null; } const result = (await frame.worlds[MAIN_WORLD].adoptHandle(handle)); await handle.dispose(); return result; } /** * @deprecated Use {@link ElementHandle.waitForSelector} with the `xpath` * prefix. * * Wait for the `xpath` within the element. If at the moment of calling the * method the `xpath` already exists, the method will return immediately. If * the `xpath` doesn't appear after the `timeout` milliseconds of waiting, the * function will throw. * * If `xpath` starts with `//` instead of `.//`, the dot will be appended * automatically. * * This method works across navigation * * ```ts * const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); * (async () => { * const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); * const page = await browser.newPage(); * let currentURL; * page * .waitForXPath('//img') * .then(() => console.log('First URL with image: ' + currentURL)); * for (currentURL of [ * '', * '', * '', * ]) { * await page.goto(currentURL); * } * await browser.close(); * })(); * ``` * * @param xpath - A * {@link | xpath} of an * element to wait for * @param options - Optional waiting parameters * @returns Promise which resolves when element specified by xpath string is * added to DOM. Resolves to `null` if waiting for `hidden: true` and xpath is * not found in DOM. * @remarks * The optional Argument `options` have properties: * * - `visible`: A boolean to wait for element to be present in DOM and to be * visible, i.e. to not have `display: none` or `visibility: hidden` CSS * properties. Defaults to `false`. * * - `hidden`: A boolean wait for element to not be found in the DOM or to be * hidden, i.e. have `display: none` or `visibility: hidden` CSS properties. * Defaults to `false`. * * - `timeout`: A number which is maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. * Defaults to `30000` (30 seconds). Pass `0` to disable timeout. The * default value can be changed by using the {@link Page.setDefaultTimeout} * method. */ async waitForXPath(xpath, options = {}) { if (xpath.startsWith("//")) { xpath = `.${xpath}`; } return this.waitForSelector(`xpath/${xpath}`, options); } asElement() { return this; } /** * Resolves to the content frame for element handles referencing * iframe nodes, or null otherwise */ async contentFrame() { const nodeInfo = await this.client.send("DOM.describeNode", { objectId: this.remoteObject().objectId, }); if (typeof nodeInfo.node.frameId !== "string") { return null; } return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ElementHandle_frameManager, "f").frame( nodeInfo.node.frameId, ); } /** * Returns the middle point within an element unless a specific offset is provided. */ async clickablePoint(offset) { const [result, layoutMetrics] = await Promise.all([ this.client .send("DOM.getContentQuads", { objectId: this.remoteObject().objectId, }) .catch(debugError), __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ElementHandle_page, "f")._client().send( "Page.getLayoutMetrics", ), ]); if (!result || !result.quads.length) { throw new Error("Node is either not clickable or not an HTMLElement"); } // Filter out quads that have too small area to click into. // Fallback to `layoutViewport` in case of using Firefox. const { clientWidth, clientHeight } = layoutMetrics.cssLayoutViewport || layoutMetrics.layoutViewport; const { offsetX, offsetY } = await __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _ElementHandle_instances, "m", _ElementHandle_getOOPIFOffsets, ).call(this, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ElementHandle_frame, "f")); const quads = result.quads .map((quad) => { return __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _ElementHandle_instances, "m", _ElementHandle_fromProtocolQuad, ).call(this, quad); }) .map((quad) => { return applyOffsetsToQuad(quad, offsetX, offsetY); }) .map((quad) => { return __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _ElementHandle_instances, "m", _ElementHandle_intersectQuadWithViewport, ).call(this, quad, clientWidth, clientHeight); }) .filter((quad) => { return computeQuadArea(quad) > 1; }); if (!quads.length) { throw new Error("Node is either not clickable or not an HTMLElement"); } const quad = quads[0]; if (offset) { // Return the point of the first quad identified by offset. let minX = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; let minY = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; for (const point of quad) { if (point.x < minX) { minX = point.x; } if (point.y < minY) { minY = point.y; } } if ( minX !== Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER && minY !== Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ) { return { x: minX + offset.x, y: minY + offset.y, }; } } // Return the middle point of the first quad. let x = 0; let y = 0; for (const point of quad) { x += point.x; y += point.y; } return { x: x / 4, y: y / 4, }; } /** * This method scrolls element into view if needed, and then * uses {@link Page.mouse} to hover over the center of the element. * If the element is detached from DOM, the method throws an error. */ async hover() { await __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _ElementHandle_instances, "m", _ElementHandle_scrollIntoViewIfNeeded, ).call(this); const { x, y } = await this.clickablePoint(); await __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ElementHandle_page, "f").mouse.move( x, y, ); } /** * This method scrolls element into view if needed, and then * uses {@link Page.mouse} to click in the center of the element. * If the element is detached from DOM, the method throws an error. */ async click(options = {}) { await __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _ElementHandle_instances, "m", _ElementHandle_scrollIntoViewIfNeeded, ).call(this); const { x, y } = await this.clickablePoint(options.offset); await __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ElementHandle_page, "f") x, y, options, ); } /** * This method creates and captures a dragevent from the element. */ async drag(target) { assert( __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ElementHandle_page, "f") .isDragInterceptionEnabled(), "Drag Interception is not enabled!", ); await __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _ElementHandle_instances, "m", _ElementHandle_scrollIntoViewIfNeeded, ).call(this); const start = await this.clickablePoint(); return await __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ElementHandle_page, "f").mouse .drag(start, target); } /** * This method creates a `dragenter` event on the element. */ async dragEnter(data = { items: [], dragOperationsMask: 1 }) { await __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _ElementHandle_instances, "m", _ElementHandle_scrollIntoViewIfNeeded, ).call(this); const target = await this.clickablePoint(); await __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ElementHandle_page, "f").mouse .dragEnter(target, data); } /** * This method creates a `dragover` event on the element. */ async dragOver(data = { items: [], dragOperationsMask: 1 }) { await __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _ElementHandle_instances, "m", _ElementHandle_scrollIntoViewIfNeeded, ).call(this); const target = await this.clickablePoint(); await __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ElementHandle_page, "f").mouse.dragOver( target, data, ); } /** * This method triggers a drop on the element. */ async drop(data = { items: [], dragOperationsMask: 1 }) { await __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _ElementHandle_instances, "m", _ElementHandle_scrollIntoViewIfNeeded, ).call(this); const destination = await this.clickablePoint(); await __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ElementHandle_page, "f").mouse.drop( destination, data, ); } /** * This method triggers a dragenter, dragover, and drop on the element. */ async dragAndDrop(target, options) { await __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _ElementHandle_instances, "m", _ElementHandle_scrollIntoViewIfNeeded, ).call(this); const startPoint = await this.clickablePoint(); const targetPoint = await target.clickablePoint(); await __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ElementHandle_page, "f").mouse .dragAndDrop(startPoint, targetPoint, options); } /** * Triggers a `change` and `input` event once all the provided options have been * selected. If there's no `<select>` element matching `selector`, the method * throws an error. * * @example * * ```ts *'blue'); // single selection *'red', 'green', 'blue'); // multiple selections * ``` * * @param values - Values of options to select. If the `<select>` has the * `multiple` attribute, all values are considered, otherwise only the first * one is taken into account. */ async select(...values) { for (const value of values) { assert( isString(value), 'Values must be strings. Found value "' + value + '" of type "' + typeof value + '"', ); } return this.evaluate((element, vals) => { const values = new Set(vals); if (!(element instanceof HTMLSelectElement)) { throw new Error("Element is not a <select> element."); } const selectedValues = new Set(); if (!element.multiple) { for (const option of element.options) { option.selected = false; } for (const option of element.options) { if (values.has(option.value)) { option.selected = true; selectedValues.add(option.value); break; } } } else { for (const option of element.options) { option.selected = values.has(option.value); if (option.selected) { selectedValues.add(option.value); } } } element.dispatchEvent(new Event("input", { bubbles: true })); element.dispatchEvent(new Event("change", { bubbles: true })); return [...selectedValues.values()]; }, values); } /** * This method expects `elementHandle` to point to an * {@link | input element}. * * @param filePaths - Sets the value of the file input to these paths. * If a path is relative, then it is resolved against the * {@link | current working directory}. * Note for locals script connecting to remote chrome environments, * paths must be absolute. */ async uploadFile(...filePaths) { const isMultiple = await this.evaluate((element) => { return element.multiple; }); assert( filePaths.length <= 1 || isMultiple, "Multiple file uploads only work with <input type=file multiple>", ); // Locate all files and confirm that they exist. let path; try { path = await import("path"); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof TypeError) { throw new Error( `JSHandle#uploadFile can only be used in Node-like environments.`, ); } throw error; } const files = => { if (path.win32.isAbsolute(filePath) || path.posix.isAbsolute(filePath)) { return filePath; } else { return path.resolve(filePath); } }); const { objectId } = this.remoteObject(); const { node } = await this.client.send("DOM.describeNode", { objectId }); const { backendNodeId } = node; /* The zero-length array is a special case, it seems that DOM.setFileInputFiles does not actually update the files in that case, so the solution is to eval the element value to a new FileList directly. */ if (files.length === 0) { await this.evaluate((element) => { element.files = new DataTransfer().files; // Dispatch events for this case because it should behave akin to a user action. element.dispatchEvent(new Event("input", { bubbles: true })); element.dispatchEvent(new Event("change", { bubbles: true })); }); } else { await this.client.send("DOM.setFileInputFiles", { objectId, files, backendNodeId, }); } } /** * This method scrolls element into view if needed, and then uses * {@link Touchscreen.tap} to tap in the center of the element. * If the element is detached from DOM, the method throws an error. */ async tap() { await __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _ElementHandle_instances, "m", _ElementHandle_scrollIntoViewIfNeeded, ).call(this); const { x, y } = await this.clickablePoint(); await __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ElementHandle_page, "f").touchscreen .tap(x, y); } /** * Calls {@link | focus} on the element. */ async focus() { await this.evaluate((element) => { if (!(element instanceof HTMLElement)) { throw new Error("Cannot focus non-HTMLElement"); } return element.focus(); }); } /** * Focuses the element, and then sends a `keydown`, `keypress`/`input`, and * `keyup` event for each character in the text. * * To press a special key, like `Control` or `ArrowDown`, * use {@link}. * * @example * * ```ts * await elementHandle.type('Hello'); // Types instantly * await elementHandle.type('World', {delay: 100}); // Types slower, like a user * ``` * * @example * An example of typing into a text field and then submitting the form: * * ```ts * const elementHandle = await page.$('input'); * await elementHandle.type('some text'); * await'Enter'); * ``` */ async type(text, options) { await this.focus(); await __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ElementHandle_page, "f").keyboard.type( text, options, ); } /** * Focuses the element, and then uses {@link Keyboard.down} and {@link Keyboard.up}. * * @remarks * If `key` is a single character and no modifier keys besides `Shift` * are being held down, a `keypress`/`input` event will also be generated. * The `text` option can be specified to force an input event to be generated. * * **NOTE** Modifier keys DO affect ``. Holding down `Shift` * will type the text in upper case. * * @param key - Name of key to press, such as `ArrowLeft`. * See {@link KeyInput} for a list of all key names. */ async press(key, options) { await this.focus(); await __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ElementHandle_page, "f") key, options, ); } /** * This method returns the bounding box of the element (relative to the main frame), * or `null` if the element is not visible. */ async boundingBox() { const result = await __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _ElementHandle_instances, "m", _ElementHandle_getBoxModel, ).call(this); if (!result) { return null; } const { offsetX, offsetY } = await __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _ElementHandle_instances, "m", _ElementHandle_getOOPIFOffsets, ).call(this, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ElementHandle_frame, "f")); const quad = result.model.border; const x = Math.min(quad[0], quad[2], quad[4], quad[6]); const y = Math.min(quad[1], quad[3], quad[5], quad[7]); const width = Math.max(quad[0], quad[2], quad[4], quad[6]) - x; const height = Math.max(quad[1], quad[3], quad[5], quad[7]) - y; return { x: x + offsetX, y: y + offsetY, width, height }; } /** * This method returns boxes of the element, or `null` if the element is not visible. * * @remarks * * Boxes are represented as an array of points; * Each Point is an object `{x, y}`. Box points are sorted clock-wise. */ async boxModel() { const result = await __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _ElementHandle_instances, "m", _ElementHandle_getBoxModel, ).call(this); if (!result) { return null; } const { offsetX, offsetY } = await __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _ElementHandle_instances, "m", _ElementHandle_getOOPIFOffsets, ).call(this, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ElementHandle_frame, "f")); const { content, padding, border, margin, width, height } = result.model; return { content: applyOffsetsToQuad( __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _ElementHandle_instances, "m", _ElementHandle_fromProtocolQuad, ).call(this, content), offsetX, offsetY, ), padding: applyOffsetsToQuad( __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _ElementHandle_instances, "m", _ElementHandle_fromProtocolQuad, ).call(this, padding), offsetX, offsetY, ), border: applyOffsetsToQuad( __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _ElementHandle_instances, "m", _ElementHandle_fromProtocolQuad, ).call(this, border), offsetX, offsetY, ), margin: applyOffsetsToQuad( __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _ElementHandle_instances, "m", _ElementHandle_fromProtocolQuad, ).call(this, margin), offsetX, offsetY, ), width, height, }; } /** * This method scrolls element into view if needed, and then uses * {@link Page.screenshot} to take a screenshot of the element. * If the element is detached from DOM, the method throws an error. */ async screenshot(options = {}) { let needsViewportReset = false; let boundingBox = await this.boundingBox(); assert(boundingBox, "Node is either not visible or not an HTMLElement"); const viewport = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ElementHandle_page, "f") .viewport(); if ( viewport && (boundingBox.width > viewport.width || boundingBox.height > viewport.height) ) { const newViewport = { width: Math.max(viewport.width, Math.ceil(boundingBox.width)), height: Math.max(viewport.height, Math.ceil(boundingBox.height)), }; await __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ElementHandle_page, "f").setViewport( Object.assign({}, viewport, newViewport), ); needsViewportReset = true; } await __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _ElementHandle_instances, "m", _ElementHandle_scrollIntoViewIfNeeded, ).call(this); boundingBox = await this.boundingBox(); assert(boundingBox, "Node is either not visible or not an HTMLElement"); assert(boundingBox.width !== 0, "Node has 0 width."); assert(boundingBox.height !== 0, "Node has 0 height."); const layoutMetrics = await this.client.send("Page.getLayoutMetrics"); // Fallback to `layoutViewport` in case of using Firefox. const { pageX, pageY } = layoutMetrics.cssVisualViewport || layoutMetrics.layoutViewport; const clip = Object.assign({}, boundingBox); clip.x += pageX; clip.y += pageY; const imageData = await __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _ElementHandle_page, "f", ).screenshot(Object.assign({}, { clip, }, options)); if (needsViewportReset && viewport) { await __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ElementHandle_page, "f").setViewport( viewport, ); } return imageData; } /** * Resolves to true if the element is visible in the current viewport. */ async isIntersectingViewport(options) { const { threshold = 0 } = options !== null && options !== void 0 ? options : {}; return await this.evaluate(async (element, threshold) => { const visibleRatio = await new Promise((resolve) => { const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => { resolve(entries[0].intersectionRatio); observer.disconnect(); }); observer.observe(element); }); return threshold === 1 ? visibleRatio === 1 : visibleRatio > threshold; }, threshold); }}_ElementHandle_frame = new WeakMap(), _ElementHandle_page = new WeakMap(), _ElementHandle_frameManager = new WeakMap(), _ElementHandle_instances = new WeakSet(), _ElementHandle_scrollIntoViewIfNeeded = async function _ElementHandle_scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() { const error = await this.evaluate(async (element) => { if (!element.isConnected) { return "Node is detached from document"; } if (element.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { return "Node is not of type HTMLElement"; } return; }); if (error) { throw new Error(error); } try { await this.client.send("DOM.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded", { objectId: this.remoteObject().objectId, }); } catch (_err) { // Fallback to Element.scrollIntoView if DOM.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded is not supported await this.evaluate( async (element, pageJavascriptEnabled) => { const visibleRatio = async () => { return await new Promise((resolve) => { const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => { resolve(entries[0].intersectionRatio); observer.disconnect(); }); observer.observe(element); }); }; if (!pageJavascriptEnabled || (await visibleRatio()) !== 1.0) { element.scrollIntoView({ block: "center", inline: "center", // @ts-expect-error Chrome still supports behavior: instant but // it's not in the spec so TS shouts We don't want to make this // breaking change in Puppeteer yet so we'll ignore the line. behavior: "instant", }); } }, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ElementHandle_page, "f") .isJavaScriptEnabled(), ); } }, _ElementHandle_getOOPIFOffsets = async function _ElementHandle_getOOPIFOffsets(frame) { let offsetX = 0; let offsetY = 0; let currentFrame = frame; while (currentFrame && currentFrame.parentFrame()) { const parent = currentFrame.parentFrame(); if (!currentFrame.isOOPFrame() || !parent) { currentFrame = parent; continue; } const { backendNodeId } = await parent._client().send( "DOM.getFrameOwner", { frameId: currentFrame._id, }, ); const result = await parent._client().send("DOM.getBoxModel", { backendNodeId: backendNodeId, }); if (!result) { break; } const contentBoxQuad = result.model.content; const topLeftCorner = __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _ElementHandle_instances, "m", _ElementHandle_fromProtocolQuad, ).call(this, contentBoxQuad)[0]; offsetX += topLeftCorner.x; offsetY += topLeftCorner.y; currentFrame = parent; } return { offsetX, offsetY }; }, _ElementHandle_getBoxModel = function _ElementHandle_getBoxModel() { const params = { objectId: this.remoteObject().objectId, }; return this.client.send("DOM.getBoxModel", params).catch((error) => { return debugError(error); }); }, _ElementHandle_fromProtocolQuad = function _ElementHandle_fromProtocolQuad( quad, ) { return [ { x: quad[0], y: quad[1] }, { x: quad[2], y: quad[3] }, { x: quad[4], y: quad[5] }, { x: quad[6], y: quad[7] }, ]; }, _ElementHandle_intersectQuadWithViewport = function _ElementHandle_intersectQuadWithViewport(quad, width, height) { return => { return { x: Math.min(Math.max(point.x, 0), width), y: Math.min(Math.max(point.y, 0), height), }; }); };function computeQuadArea(quad) { /* Compute sum of all directed areas of adjacent triangles */ let area = 0; for (let i = 0; i < quad.length; ++i) { const p1 = quad[i]; const p2 = quad[(i + 1) % quad.length]; area += (p1.x * p2.y - p2.x * p1.y) / 2; } return Math.abs(area);}//#