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/// <reference types="./WebWorker.d.ts" />var __classPrivateFieldSet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldSet) || function (receiver, state, value, kind, f) { if (kind === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable"); if (kind === "a" && !f) { throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter"); } if ( typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver) ) { throw new TypeError( "Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it", ); } return (kind === "a" ?, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value; };var __classPrivateFieldGet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldGet) || function (receiver, state, kind, f) { if (kind === "a" && !f) { throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter"); } if ( typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver) ) { throw new TypeError( "Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it", ); } return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver); };var _WebWorker_client, _WebWorker_url, _WebWorker_executionContextPromise, _WebWorker_executionContextCallback;import { EventEmitter } from "./EventEmitter.js";import { ExecutionContext } from "./ExecutionContext.js";import { JSHandle } from "./JSHandle.js";import { debugError } from "./util.js";/** * This class represents a * {@link | WebWorker}. * * @remarks * The events `workercreated` and `workerdestroyed` are emitted on the page * object to signal the worker lifecycle. * * @example * * ```ts * page.on('workercreated', worker => * console.log('Worker created: ' + worker.url()) * ); * page.on('workerdestroyed', worker => * console.log('Worker destroyed: ' + worker.url()) * ); * * console.log('Current workers:'); * for (const worker of page.workers()) { * console.log(' ' + worker.url()); * } * ``` * * @public */export class WebWorker extends EventEmitter { /** * @internal */ constructor(client, url, consoleAPICalled, exceptionThrown) { super(); _WebWorker_client.set(this, void 0); _WebWorker_url.set(this, void 0); _WebWorker_executionContextPromise.set(this, void 0); _WebWorker_executionContextCallback.set(this, void 0); __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _WebWorker_client, client, "f"); __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _WebWorker_url, url, "f"); __classPrivateFieldSet( this, _WebWorker_executionContextPromise, new Promise((x) => { return (__classPrivateFieldSet( this, _WebWorker_executionContextCallback, x, "f", )); }), "f", ); let jsHandleFactory; __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _WebWorker_client, "f").once( "Runtime.executionContextCreated", async (event) => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type jsHandleFactory = (remoteObject) => { return new JSHandle(executionContext, client, remoteObject); }; const executionContext = new ExecutionContext(client, event.context); __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _WebWorker_executionContextCallback, "f") .call(this, executionContext); }, ); // This might fail if the target is closed before we receive all execution contexts. __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _WebWorker_client, "f").send("Runtime.enable") .catch(debugError); __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _WebWorker_client, "f").on( "Runtime.consoleAPICalled", (event) => { return consoleAPICalled( event.type,, event.stackTrace, ); }, ); __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _WebWorker_client, "f").on( "Runtime.exceptionThrown", (exception) => { return exceptionThrown(exception.exceptionDetails); }, ); } /** * @returns The URL of this web worker. */ url() { return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _WebWorker_url, "f"); } /** * Returns the ExecutionContext the WebWorker runs in * @returns The ExecutionContext the web worker runs in. */ async executionContext() { return __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _WebWorker_executionContextPromise, "f", ); } /** * If the function passed to the `worker.evaluate` returns a Promise, then * `worker.evaluate` would wait for the promise to resolve and return its * value. If the function passed to the `worker.evaluate` returns a * non-serializable value, then `worker.evaluate` resolves to `undefined`. * DevTools Protocol also supports transferring some additional values that * are not serializable by `JSON`: `-0`, `NaN`, `Infinity`, `-Infinity`, and * bigint literals. * Shortcut for `await worker.executionContext()).evaluate(pageFunction, ...args)`. * * @param pageFunction - Function to be evaluated in the worker context. * @param args - Arguments to pass to `pageFunction`. * @returns Promise which resolves to the return value of `pageFunction`. */ async evaluate(pageFunction, ...args) { return (await __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _WebWorker_executionContextPromise, "f", )).evaluate(pageFunction, ...args); } /** * The only difference between `worker.evaluate` and `worker.evaluateHandle` * is that `worker.evaluateHandle` returns in-page object (JSHandle). If the * function passed to the `worker.evaluateHandle` returns a `Promise`, then * `worker.evaluateHandle` would wait for the promise to resolve and return * its value. Shortcut for * `await worker.executionContext()).evaluateHandle(pageFunction, ...args)` * * @param pageFunction - Function to be evaluated in the page context. * @param args - Arguments to pass to `pageFunction`. * @returns Promise which resolves to the return value of `pageFunction`. */ async evaluateHandle(pageFunction, ...args) { return (await __classPrivateFieldGet( this, _WebWorker_executionContextPromise, "f", )).evaluateHandle(pageFunction, ...args); }}_WebWorker_client = new WeakMap(), _WebWorker_url = new WeakMap(), _WebWorker_executionContextPromise = new WeakMap(), _WebWorker_executionContextCallback = new WeakMap();//#