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🐍 Python interpreter bindings for Deno and Bun.
import { kw, python, PythonError } from "../mod.ts";
import { join } from "";import { ensureDir } from "";import { green, yellow } from "";
import type { CacheLocation } from "";import { ensureCacheLocation } from "";import { hash } from "";
const sys = python.import("sys");const runpy = python.import("runpy");const importlib = python.import("importlib");
// MODULE_REGEX = /^([a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9][a-z0-9._-]*[a-z0-9])([^a-z0-9._-].*)?$/i;
function normalizeModuleName(name: string) { return name.replaceAll(/[-_.]+/g, "-").toLowerCase();}
function getModuleNameAndVersion(module: string): { name: string; version?: string;} { const match = module.match(MODULE_REGEX); const name = match?.[1]; const version = match?.[2];
if (name == null) { throw new TypeError("Could not match any valid pip module name"); }
return { name: normalizeModuleName(name), version, };}
export class Pip { #cacheLocation: Promise<string>;
constructor(location?: CacheLocation) { this.#cacheLocation = Promise.all([ ensureCacheLocation(location), globalThis.location !== undefined ? hash(globalThis.location.href) : Promise.resolve("pip"), ]).then(async (parts) => { const cacheLocation = join(; await ensureDir(cacheLocation);
if (!(cacheLocation in sys.path)) { sys.path.insert(0, cacheLocation); }
return cacheLocation; }); }
/** * Install a Python module using the `pip` package manager. * * @param module The Python module which you wish to install * * @example * ```ts * import { python } from ""; * import { install } from ""; * * await install("numpy"); * const numpy = python.import("numpy"); * * ``` */ async install(module: string) { const argv = sys.argv; sys.argv = [ "pip", "install", "-q", "-t", await this.#cacheLocation, module, ];
console.log(`${green("Installing")} ${module}`);
try { runpy.run_module("pip", kw`run_name=${"__main__"}`); } catch (error) { if ( !( error instanceof PythonError && error.type.isInstance(python.builtins.SystemExit()) && error.value.asLong() === 0 ) ) { throw error; } } finally { sys.argv = argv; } }
/** * Install and import a Python module using the `pip` package manager. * * @param module The Python module which you wish to install * * @example * ```ts * import { python } from ""; * import { pip } from ""; * * const numpy = await pip.import("numpy==1.25.2"); * * ``` */ async import(module: string, entrypoint?: string) { const { name } = getModuleNameAndVersion(module);
await this.install(module);
if (entrypoint) { return python.import(entrypoint); }
const packages = importlib.metadata.packages_distributions(); const entrypoints = [];
for (const entry of packages) { if (packages[entry].valueOf().includes(name)) { entrypoints.push(entry.valueOf()); } }
if (entrypoints.length === 0) { throw new TypeError( `Failed to import module ${module}, could not find import name ${name}`, ); }
entrypoint = entrypoints[0];
if (entrypoints.length > 1) { if (entrypoints.includes(name)) { entrypoint = entrypoints[entrypoints.indexOf(name)]; } else { console.warn( `${ yellow( "Warning", ) } could not determine a single entrypoint for module ${module}, please specify one of: ${ entrypoints.join( ", ", ) }. Importing ${entrypoint}`, ); } }
return python.import(entrypoint!); }}
export const pip = new Pip();export default pip;