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For outputting application/rdf+json
import { groupBy } from "";
type Term = { termType: string, value: string, language?: string, datatype?: Term}
type Quad = { termType: string, value: string, subject: Term, predicate: Term, object: Term, graph: Term,}
type RdfJsonTerm = { type: 'bnode' | 'uri' | 'literal' | 'defaultgraph', value: string, lang?: string, datatype?: string}
const typeMapping = { 'NamedNode': 'uri', 'Literal': 'literal', 'BlankNode': 'bnode', 'DefaultGraph': 'defaultgraph'} as const
/** * @See * @See * * Maps Quads from the RDF data model spec to application/rdf+json */export const convertQuadsToRdfJson = (quads: Array<Quad>) => { const root: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: Array<RdfJsonTerm> } } = {} const groupedSubjectQuads = groupBy(quads, (item: Quad) => item.subject.value)
for (const subjectQuads of Object.values(groupedSubjectQuads)) { if (!subjectQuads) continue const subject = subjectQuads[0].subject.value
root[subject] = {} const groupedPredicatesQuads = groupBy(subjectQuads, (item: Quad) => item.predicate.value)
for (const predicateQuads of Object.values(groupedPredicatesQuads)) { if (!predicateQuads) continue const predicate = predicateQuads[0].predicate.value root[subject][predicate] = []
for (const predicateQuad of predicateQuads) { if (!(predicateQuad.object.termType in typeMapping)) throw new Error('Unexpected termType')
const type = typeMapping[predicateQuad.object.termType as keyof typeof typeMapping]
const value: RdfJsonTerm = { type, value: predicateQuad.object.value, }
if (predicateQuad.object.language) { value.lang = predicateQuad.object.language }
if (predicateQuad.object.datatype) { value.datatype = predicateQuad.object.datatype.value }
root[subject][predicate].push(value) } } }
return root}