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Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda
import { delay } from './delay.js'import { isPrototype, isValid } from './isValid.js'
test('is prototype', () => { expect(isPrototype(Promise)).toBeTrue() expect(isPrototype(Number)).toBeTrue() expect(isPrototype(Boolean)).toBeTrue() expect(isPrototype(String)).toBeTrue() expect(isPrototype(0)).toBeFalse()})
test('prototype inside array', () => { const input = { a : [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] } const schema = { a : [ Number ] } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()})
test('with Promise prototype', () => { const input = { a : [ delay(1), delay(2) ] } const schema = { a : [ Promise ] } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()})
test('object prototype as rule - true', () => { const input = { a : {} } const schema = { a : Object } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()})
test('list of functions', () => { const input = { a : [ () => {}, delay ] } const schema = { a : [ 'function' ] }
expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()})
test('function schema type can be only string', () => { const input = { a : [ () => {}, delay ] } const schema = { a : [ Function ] }
expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeFalsy()})
test('object prototype as rule - false', () => { const input = { a : null } const schema = { a : Object } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeFalsy()})
test('number prototype as rule - true', () => { const input = { a : 1 } const schema = { a : Number } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()})
test('array prototype as rule - true', () => { const input = { a : [ 1, 2, 3 ] } const schema = { a : Array } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()})
test('array prototype as rule - false', () => { const input = { a : null } const schema = { a : Array } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeFalsy()})
test('string prototype as rule - true', () => { const input = { a : 'foo' } const schema = { a : String } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()})
test('string prototype as rule - false', () => { const input = { a : null } const schema = { a : String } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeFalsy()})
test('boolean prototype as rule - true', () => { const input = { a : true } const schema = { a : Boolean } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()})
test('boolean prototype as rule - false', () => { const input = { a : null } const schema = { a : Boolean } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeFalsy()})
test('regex prototype cannot be rule - true', () => { const input = { a : /foo/g } const schema = { a : new RegExp('foo') } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeFalsy()})
test('undefined as a rule - true', () => { const input = { a : undefined } const schema = { a : undefined } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()})
test('undefined as a rule - false', () => { const input = { a : null } const schema = { a : undefined } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeFalsy()})
test('null as a rule - true', () => { const input = { a : null } const schema = { a : null } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()})
test('null as a rule - false', () => { const input = { a : undefined } const schema = { a : null } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeFalsy()})
test('`any` safeguard against `null`', () => { const input = { a : null } const schema = { a : 'any' } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeFalsy()})
test('`any` safeguard against `undefined`', () => { const input = { a : undefined } const schema = { a : 'any' } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeFalsy()})
test('type can be `"any"`', () => { const input = { a : () => {} } const schema = { a : 'any' } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()})
test('type can be `"function"`', () => { const input = { a : () => {} } const schema = { a : 'function' } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()})
test('type can be `promise`', () => { const input = { a : delay(1999), b : async () => {}, } const schema = { a : 'promise', b : 'promise', } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()})
test('type can be `promise` list', () => { const input = { a : [ delay(1999) ] } const schema = { a : [ 'promise' ] } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()})
test('function as schema - false', () => { const input = { a : { ab : () => true, ac : 3, }, c : [ 1, 2 ], } const schema = { 'a' : { ab : /fo/, ac : 'number', }, 'b?' : 'string', 'c' : [ 'number' ], } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeFalsy()})
test('regex ok', () => { const input = { a : { ab : 'foo', ac : 3, }, c : [ 1, 2 ], } const schema = { 'a' : { ab : /fo/, ac : 'number', }, 'b?' : 'string', 'c' : [ 'number' ], } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()})
test('regex !ok', () => { const input = { a : { ab : 'foo', ac : 3, }, c : [ 1, 2 ], } const schema = { 'a' : { ab : /ba/, ac : 'number', }, 'b?' : 'string', 'c' : [ 'number' ], } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeFalsy()})
test('optional props is missing', () => { const input = { a : { ab : 'foo', ac : 3, }, c : [ 1, 2 ], } const schema = { 'a' : { ab : 'string', ac : 'number', }, 'b?' : 'string', 'c' : [ 'number' ], } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()})
test('optional props is wrong type', () => { const input = { a : { ab : 'foo', ac : 3, }, b : [], c : [ 1, 2 ], } const schema = { 'a' : { ab : 'string', ac : 'number', }, 'b?' : 'string', 'c' : [ 'number' ], } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeFalsy()})
test('optional props - nested', () => { const input = { a : { ab : 'foo', ac : 3, }, b : [], c : [ 1, 2 ], } const schema = { a : { 'ab' : 'string', 'ac?' : 'number', }, b : 'array', c : [ 'number' ], } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()})
test('optional props is missing - nested', () => { const input = { a : { ab : 'foo' }, b : [], c : [ 1, 2 ], } const schema = { a : { 'ab' : 'string', 'ac?' : 'number', }, b : 'array', c : [ 'number' ], } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()})
test('optional props is wrong type - nested', () => { const input = { a : { ab : 'foo', ac : 'bar', }, b : [], c : [ 1, 2 ], } const schema = { a : { 'ab' : 'string', 'ac?' : 'number', }, b : 'array', c : [ 'number' ], } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeFalsy()})
test('nested schema', () => { const input = { a : { b : 'str', c : 3, d : 'str', }, b : 'foo', } const schema = { a : { b : 'string', c : 'number', d : 'string', }, b : 'string', }
expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()
const invalidInputFirst = { a : { b : 'str', c : 3, d : 'str', }, b : 5, }
expect(isValid({ input : invalidInputFirst, schema, })).toBeFalsy()
const invalidInputSecond = { a : { b : 'str', c : 'str', d : 'str', }, b : 5, }
expect(isValid({ input : invalidInputSecond, schema, })).toBeFalsy()
const invalidInputThird = { a : { b : 'str' }, b : 5, }
expect(isValid({ input : invalidInputThird, schema, })).toBeFalsy()})
test('array of type', () => { const input = { a : [ 1, 2 ], b : 'foo', } const schema = { a : [ 'number' ], b : 'string', }
expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()
const invalidInput = { a : [ 1, '1' ], b : 'foo', }
expect(isValid({ input : invalidInput, schema, })).toBeFalsy()})
test('function as rule', () => { const input = { a : [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], b : 'foo', } const invalidInput = { a : [ 4 ], b : 'foo', }
const schema = { a : x => x.length > 2, b : 'string', }
expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()
expect(isValid({ input : invalidInput, schema, })).toBeFalsy()})
test('input prop is undefined', () => { const input = { b : 3 } const schema = { a : 'number' }
expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeFalsy()})
test('enum', () => { const input = { a : 'foo' } const invalidInput = { a : '' }
const schema = { a : [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ] }
expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()
expect(isValid({ input : invalidInput, schema, })).toBeFalsy()})
test('readme example', () => { const basicSchema = { a : [ 'string' ] } const schema = { b : [ basicSchema ], c : { d : { e : 'boolean' }, f : 'array', }, g : [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ], } const input = { b : [ { a : [ 'led', 'zeppelin' ] } ], c : { d : { e : true }, f : [ 'any', 1, null, 'value' ], }, g : 'foo', }
expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()})
test('should allow additional properties', () => { const input = { title : 'You shook me', year : 1969, }
expect(isValid({ input, schema : { title : 'string' }, })).toBeTruthy()})
test('accepts values as schemas', () => { const input = { title : 'You shook me', genre : 'Blues', year : 1969, } const schema = { title : 'You shook me', year : 1969, } expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()})
test('compatible schemas with nested object', () => { const input = { foo : 'bar', baz : { a : { b : 'c' } }, } const invalidInputFirst = { foo : 'bar', baz : { a : { b : 1 } }, } const invalidInputSecond = { foo : 'bar', baz : { a : { b : [] } }, } const invalidInputThird = { foo : 'bar', baz : { a : { b : null } }, } const schema = { foo : 'string', baz : { a : { b : 'string' } }, }
expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeTruthy()
expect(isValid({ input : invalidInputFirst, schema, })).toBeFalsy() expect(isValid({ input : invalidInputSecond, schema, })).toBeFalsy() expect(isValid({ input : invalidInputThird, schema, })).toBeFalsy()})
test('should return true when schema is empty object', () => { expect(isValid({ input : { a : 1 }, schema : {}, })).toBeTruthy()})
test('when schema is undefined', () => { expect(isValid({ input : { a : 1 }, schema : undefined, })).toBeFalsy()})
test('should return false with invalid schema rule', () => { const input = { foo : 'bar', a : {}, } const inputSecond = { foo : 'bar' }
const schema = { foo : 'string', baz : { a : {} }, }
expect(isValid({ input, schema, })).toBeFalsy()
expect(isValid({ input : inputSecond, schema, })).toBeFalsy()})
test('array of schemas', () => { const input = { b : [ { a : 'led', b : 1, }, { a : 'dancing', b : 1, }, ], } const basicSchema = { a : String, b : Number, } const schema = { b : [ basicSchema ] } const result = isValid({ input, schema, })