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Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda
import {prop} from 'rambda'
describe('R.prop', () => { interface Foo { a: number, b: string, c?: number, } const obj: Foo = {a: 1, b: 'foo'}
it('issue #553', () => { const result = { a: prop('a', obj), b: prop('b', obj), c: prop('c', obj), } const curriedResult = { a: prop('a')(obj), b: prop('b')(obj), c: prop('c')(obj), }
result // $ExpectType { a: number; b: string; c: number | undefined; } curriedResult // $ExpectType { a: number; b: string; c: number | undefined; } })})
describe('with number as prop', () => { const list = [1, 2, 3] const index = 1 it('happy', () => { const result = prop(index, list)
result // $ExpectType number }) it('curried require explicit type', () => { const result = prop<number>(index)(list)
result // $ExpectType number })})