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Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda
import { isArray } from './_internals/isArray.js'
export function filterObject(predicate, obj){ const willReturn = {}
for (const prop in obj){ if (predicate( obj[ prop ], prop, obj )){ willReturn[ prop ] = obj[ prop ] } }
return willReturn}
export function filterArray( predicate, list, indexed = false){ let index = 0 const len = list.length const willReturn = []
while (index < len){ const predicateResult = indexed ? predicate(list[ index ], index) : predicate(list[ index ]) if (predicateResult){ willReturn.push(list[ index ]) }
index++ }
return willReturn}
export function filter(predicate, iterable){ if (arguments.length === 1) return _iterable => filter(predicate, _iterable) if (!iterable){ throw new Error('Incorrect iterable input') }
if (isArray(iterable)) return filterArray( predicate, iterable, false )
return filterObject(predicate, iterable)}