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import {tryCatch, delay} from 'rambda'
describe('R.tryCatch', () => { it('synchronous', () => { const fn = (x: any) => x.x === 1
const result = tryCatch(fn, false)(null) result // $ExpectType boolean }) it('synchronous + fallback is function', () => { const fn = (x: any) => typeof x.x const fallback = (x: any) => typeof x const result = tryCatch<any, string>(fn, fallback)(null) result // $ExpectType string })
it('asynchronous', async() => { const fn = async(input: any) => { return typeof JSON.parse('{a:') } const result = await tryCatch<string>(fn, 'fallback')(100) result // $ExpectType string })
it('asynchronous + fallback is asynchronous', async() => { const fn = async(input: any) => { await delay(100) return JSON.parse(`{a:${input}`) } const fallback = async(input: any) => { await delay(100) return 'foo' } const result = await tryCatch<string>(fn, fallback)(100) result // $ExpectType string })})