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Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda
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import { always, identity, inc, isNil, map, modulo, multiply } from 'rambdax'import { composeWith as composeWithRamda, concat, flip, ifElse } from 'ramda'
import { composeWith } from './composeWith.js'
test('performs right-to-left function composition with function applying', () => { const f = composeWith((f, res) => f(res))([ map, multiply, parseInt ])
expect(f).toHaveLength(2) expect(f('10')([ 1, 2, 3 ])).toEqual([ 10, 20, 30 ]) expect(f('10', 2)([ 1, 2, 3 ])).toEqual([ 2, 4, 6 ])})
test('performs right-to-left function while not nil result', () => { const isOdd = flip(modulo)(2) const composeWhenNotNil = composeWithRamda((f, res) => isNil(res) ? null : f(res))
const f = composeWhenNotNil([ inc, ifElse( isOdd, identity, always(null) ), parseInt, ]) expect(f).toHaveLength(2) expect(f('1')).toBe(2) expect(f('2')).toBeNull()})
test('performs right-to-left function using promise chaining', () => { const then = function (f, p){ return p.then(f) } const composeP = composeWithRamda(then) const toListPromise = function (a){ return new Promise(res => { res([ a ]) }) } const doubleListPromise = function (a){ return new Promise(res => { res(concat(a, a)) }) } const f = composeP([ doubleListPromise, toListPromise ])
return f(1).then(res => { expect(res).toEqual([ 1, 1 ]) })})