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Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda
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import { concat } from './concat.js'import { mergeWithFn } from './mergeWith.js'
test('happy', () => { const result = mergeWithFn( concat, { a : true, values : [ 10, 20 ], }, { b : true, values : [ 15, 35 ], } ) const expected = { a : true, b : true, values : [ 10, 20, 15, 35 ], } expect(result).toEqual(expected)})
//'acts as if nil values are simply empty objects', () => { it('if the first object is nil and the second empty', () => { expect(mergeWithFn( concat, undefined, {} )).toEqual({}) })
it('if the first object is empty and the second nil', () => { expect(mergeWithFn( concat, {}, null )).toEqual({}) })
it('if both objects are nil', () => { expect(mergeWithFn( concat, undefined, null )).toEqual({}) })
it('if the first object is not empty and the second is nil', () => { expect(mergeWithFn( concat, { a : 'a' }, null )).toEqual({ a : 'a' }) })
it('if the first object is nil and the second is not empty', () => { expect(mergeWithFn( concat, undefined, { a : 'a' } )).toEqual({ a : 'a' }) })})