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Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda
import fc from 'fast-check'import { all, compose, difference, equals, head, identity, is, isEmpty, length, uniq, unnest,} from 'rambdax'
import { collectBy } from './collectBy.js'
test('returns a list of lists', () => { fc.assert(, xs => { const check = all(is(Array)) const ys = collectBy(identity)(xs)
return check(ys) }))})
test('groups items but neither adds new ones nor removes any', () => { fc.assert(, xs => { const check = compose( isEmpty, difference(xs), unnest ) const ys = collectBy(identity)(xs)
return check(ys) }))})
test('groups related items together', () => { fc.assert(, xs => { const ys = collectBy(identity)(xs) const check = all(compose( equals(1), length, uniq ))
return check(ys) }))})
test('invokes the tag function for each item in the list', () => { fc.assert(, xs => { const id = jest.fn(x => 42) collectBy(id)(xs) const check = compose(isEmpty, difference(xs))
return check( => call[ 0 ])) }))})
test('groups items according to the tag value', () => { fc.assert(, xs => { const ys = collectBy(x => 42)(xs) const check = compose( isEmpty, difference(xs), head )
return isEmpty(xs) && isEmpty(ys) ? true : check(ys) }))})