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Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda
import {composeAsync, delay, pipeAsync} from 'rambda'
describe('R.composeAsync', () => { it('no need to pass type argument on second function', () => { const result = composeAsync( async x => { x // $ExpectType number[] return Promise.resolve(String(x[0])) }, (x: number) => Promise.resolve([x]) )(1)
result // $ExpectType Promise<string> }) it('pass type of function input', async() => { const fn = composeAsync( // Notice the type parameter here. Because of the order of the functions, // TypeScript won't infer the type of `x` from later functions, but using // a type parameter we can leave it generic and properly compute the // result type at the end. <T>(x: T) => { x // $ExpectType T return Promise.resolve([x]) }, x => { x // $ExpectType number return new Promise<string>(resolve => { resolve(x.toString()) }) }, async(x: 4) => { x // $ExpectType 4 await delay(100) return x + 1 } )
const result1 = await fn(4) const result2 = await fn(Promise.resolve(4))
result1 // $ExpectType string[] result2 // $ExpectType string[] })})
describe('R.pipeAsync', () => { it('happy', () => { const result = pipeAsync( (x: number) => Promise.resolve([x]), async x => { x // $ExpectType number[] return Promise.resolve(String(x[0])) } )(1)
result // $ExpectType Promise<string> })})