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Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda
import {map} from 'rambda'
describe(' with arrays', () => { it('iterable returns the same type as the input', () => { const result = map<number>( (x: number) => { x // $ExpectType number return x + 2 }, [1, 2, 3] ) result // $ExpectType number[] }) it('iterable returns the same type as the input - curried', () => { const result = map<number>((x: number) => { x // $ExpectType number return x + 2 })([1, 2, 3]) result // $ExpectType number[] }) it('iterable returns different type as the input', () => { const result = map<number, string>( (x: number) => { x // $ExpectType number return String(x) }, [1, 2, 3] ) result // $ExpectType string[] })})
describe(' with objects', () => { it('iterable with all three arguments - curried', () => { // It requires dummy third typing argument // in order to identify compared to curry typings for arrays // ============================================ const result = map<number, string, any>((a, b, c) => { a // $ExpectType number b // $ExpectType string c // $ExpectType Dictionary<number> return `${a}` })({a: 1, b: 2}) result // $ExpectType Dictionary<string> }) it('iterable with all three arguments', () => { const result = map<number, string>( (a, b, c) => { a // $ExpectType number b // $ExpectType string c // $ExpectType Dictionary<number> return `${a}` }, {a: 1, b: 2} ) result // $ExpectType Dictionary<string> }) it('iterable with property argument', () => { const result = map<number, string>( (a, b) => { a // $ExpectType number b // $ExpectType string return `${a}` }, {a: 1, b: 2} ) result // $ExpectType Dictionary<string> }) it('iterable with no property argument', () => { const result = map<number, string>( a => { a // $ExpectType number return `${a}` }, {a: 1, b: 2} ) result // $ExpectType Dictionary<string> })})