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Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda
import { reduceBy } from './reduceBy.js'import { prop } from './prop.js'
const byType = prop('type')const sumValues = function (acc, obj){ return acc + obj.val}
const grade = function (score){ return score < 65 ? 'F' : score < 70 ? 'D' : score < 80 ? 'C' : score < 90 ? 'B' : 'A'}
const byGrade = function (student){ return grade(student.score || 0)}
test('splits the list into groups according to the grouping function', () => { const collectNames = function (acc, student){ return acc.concat( } expect(reduceBy( collectNames, [], byGrade, getStudents() )).toEqual({ A : [ 'Dianne', 'Gillian' ], B : [ 'Abby', 'Chris', 'Irene' ], C : [ 'Brad', 'Hannah' ], D : [ 'Fred', 'Jack' ], F : [ 'Eddy' ], })})
test('splits the list into mutation-free groups', () => { const collectNames = function (acc, student){ acc.push(
return acc } expect(reduceBy( collectNames, [], byGrade, getStudents() )).toEqual({ A : [ 'Dianne', 'Gillian' ], B : [ 'Abby', 'Chris', 'Irene' ], C : [ 'Brad', 'Hannah' ], D : [ 'Fred', 'Jack' ], F : [ 'Eddy' ], })})
test('returns an empty object if given an empty array', () => { expect(reduceBy( sumValues, 0, byType, [] )).toEqual({})})
function getStudents(){ return [ { name : 'Abby', score : 84, }, { name : 'Brad', score : 73, }, { name : 'Chris', score : 89, }, { name : 'Dianne', score : 99, }, { name : 'Eddy', score : 58, }, { name : 'Fred', score : 67, }, { name : 'Gillian', score : 91, }, { name : 'Hannah', score : 78, }, { name : 'Irene', score : 85, }, { name : 'Jack', score : 69, }, ]}