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Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda
import { delay } from './delay.js'import { waitFor } from './waitFor.js'
const howLong = 1000
test('true', async () => { let counter = 0 const condition = x => { counter++
return counter > x }
const result = await waitFor(condition, howLong)(6) expect(result).toBeTrue()})
test('false', async () => { let counter = 0 const condition = x => { counter++
return counter > x }
const result = await waitFor(condition, howLong)(12) expect(result).toBeFalse()})
test('async condition | true', async () => { let counter = 0 const condition = async x => { counter++ await delay(10)
return counter > x }
const result = await waitFor(condition, howLong)(6) expect(result).toBeTrue()})
test('async condition | false', async () => { let counter = 0 const condition = async x => { counter++ await delay(10)
return counter > x }
const result = await waitFor(condition, howLong)(12) expect(result).toBeFalse()})
test('throws when fn is not function', () => { const fn = 'foo'
expect(() => waitFor(fn, howLong)()).toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot('"R.waitFor"')})