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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var eq = require('./shared/eq');var R = require('../source');
describe('clamp', function() { it('clamps to the lower bound', function() { eq(R.clamp(1, 10, 0), 1); eq(R.clamp(3, 12, 1), 3); eq(R.clamp(-15, 3, -100), -15); });
it('clamps to the upper bound', function() { eq(R.clamp(1, 10, 20), 10); eq(R.clamp(3, 12, 23), 12); eq(R.clamp(-15, 3, 16), 3); });
it('leaves it alone when within the bound', function() { eq(R.clamp(1, 10, 4), 4); eq(R.clamp(3, 12, 6), 6); eq(R.clamp(-15, 3, 0), 0); });
it('works with letters as well', function() { eq(R.clamp('d', 'n', 'f'), 'f'); eq(R.clamp('d', 'n', 'a'), 'd'); eq(R.clamp('d', 'n', 'q'), 'n'); });