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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var {all, compose , difference , equals , head , identity , is , isEmpty , length , uniq , unnest , collectBy} = require('../source');var {property} = require('jsverify');var {spy} = require('sinon');
describe('collectBy', function() {
property('returns a list of lists', '[nat]', function(xs) { var check = all(is(Array)); var ys = collectBy(identity)(xs); return check(ys); });
property('groups items but neiter adds new ones nor removes any', '[nat]', function(xs) { var check = compose(isEmpty, difference(xs), unnest); var ys = collectBy(identity)(xs); return check(ys); });
property('groups related items together', '[bool]', function(xs) { var ys = collectBy(identity)(xs); var check = all(compose(equals(1), length, uniq)); return check(ys); });
property('invokes the tag function for each item in the list', '[nat]', function(xs) { var id = spy(x => 42); collectBy(id)(xs); var check = compose(isEmpty, difference(xs)); return check(id.getCalls().map(call => call.args[0])); });
property('groups items according to the tag value', '[nat]', function(xs) { var ys = collectBy(x => 42)(xs); var check = compose(isEmpty, difference(xs), head); return isEmpty(xs) && isEmpty(ys) ? true : check(ys); });});