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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');

describe('composeWith', function() {
it('performs right-to-left function composition with function applying', function() { // f :: (String, Number?) -> ([Number] -> [Number]) var f = R.composeWith(function(f, res) { return f(res); })([, R.multiply, parseInt]);
eq(f.length, 2); eq(f('10')([1, 2, 3]), [10, 20, 30]); eq(f('10', 2)([1, 2, 3]), [2, 4, 6]); });
it('performs right-to-left function while not nil result', function() { var isOdd = R.flip(R.modulo)(2); var composeWhenNotNil = R.composeWith(function(f, res) { return R.isNil(res) ? null : f(res); });
var f = composeWhenNotNil([, R.ifElse(isOdd, R.identity, R.always(null)), parseInt]);
eq(f.length, 2); eq(f('1'), 2); eq(f('2'), null); });
it('performs right-to-left function using promise chaining', function() { var then = function(f, p) { return p.then(f); }; var composeP = R.composeWith(then); var toListPromise = function(a) { return new Promise(function(res) { res([a]); }); }; var doubleListPromise = function(a) { return new Promise(function(res) { res(R.concat(a, a)); }); }; var f = composeP([ doubleListPromise, toListPromise ]);
return f(1) .then(function(res) { eq(res, [1, 1]); }); });