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The Query Builder component for React

React Query Builder is a fully customizable query builder component for React, along with a collection of utility functions for importing from, and exporting to, various query languages like SQL, MongoDB, and more.



Complete documentation is available at


Click here to see a live, interactive demo.

To use the official compatibility components as seen in the demo, take a look at the packages under the @react-querybuilder org on We currently support:

Library npm Demo Example
Ant Design @react-querybuilder/antd demo example
Bootstrap @react-querybuilder/bootstrap demo example
Bulma @react-querybuilder/bulma demo example
Chakra UI @react-querybuilder/chakra demo example
Fluent UI @react-querybuilder/fluent demo example
Mantine @react-querybuilder/mantine demo example
MUI @react-querybuilder/material demo example
React Native @react-querybuilder/native demo example

Basic usage

npm install react-querybuilder --save
# OR
yarn add react-querybuilder
import { useState } from 'react';
import { Field, QueryBuilder, RuleGroupType } from 'react-querybuilder';
import 'react-querybuilder/dist/query-builder.css';

const fields: Field[] = [
  { name: 'firstName', label: 'First Name' },
  { name: 'lastName', label: 'Last Name' },
  { name: 'age', label: 'Age', inputType: 'number' },
  { name: 'address', label: 'Address' },
  { name: 'phone', label: 'Phone' },
  { name: 'email', label: 'Email', validator: ({ value }) => /^[^@]+@[^@]+/.test(value) },
  { name: 'twitter', label: 'Twitter' },
  { name: 'isDev', label: 'Is a Developer?', valueEditorType: 'checkbox', defaultValue: false },

const initialQuery: RuleGroupType = {
  combinator: 'and',
  rules: [],

export const App = () => {
  const [query, setQuery] = useState(initialQuery);

  return <QueryBuilder fields={fields} query={query} onQueryChange={q => setQuery(q)} />;

To enable drag-and-drop functionality, install the @react-querybuilder/dnd package and nest <QueryBuilder /> under <QueryBuilderDnD />.


To export queries as SQL, MongoDB, or one of several other formats, use the formatQuery function.

const query = {
  combinator: 'and',
  rules: [
      field: 'first_name',
      operator: 'beginsWith',
      value: 'Stev',
      field: 'last_name',
      operator: 'in',
      value: 'Vai, Vaughan',
const sqlWhere = formatQuery(query, 'sql');
`(first_name like 'Stev%' and last_name in ('Vai', 'Vaughan'))`


To import queries use parseSQL, parseCEL, parseJsonLogic, or parseMongoDB depending on the source.

Tip: parseSQL will accept a full SELECT statement or the WHERE clause by itself (everything but the expressions in the WHERE clause will be ignored). Trailing semicolon is optional.

const query = parseSQL(
  `SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE first_name LIKE 'Stev%' AND last_name in ('Vai', 'Vaughan')`
  "combinator": "and",
  "rules": [
      "field": "first_name",
      "operator": "beginsWith",
      "value": "Stev",
      "field": "last_name",
      "operator": "in",
      "value": "Vai, Vaughan",

Note: formatQuery and the parse* functions can be used without importing React (e.g., on the server) like this:

import { formatQuery } from 'react-querybuilder/dist/formatQuery';
import { parseCEL } from 'react-querybuilder/dist/parseCEL';
import { parseJsonLogic } from 'react-querybuilder/dist/parseJsonLogic';
import { parseMongoDB } from 'react-querybuilder/dist/parseMongoDB';
import { parseSQL } from 'react-querybuilder/dist/parseSQL';