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A simple tool for transforming Markdown repositories into readable documents –
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import './typeset/typeset-interface.ts';import './typeset/typeset-workflows.ts';
import { default as snippet } from './snippet/index.ts';import { default as watcher } from './module/interface/interface-watcher.ts';import { default as streams } from './module/interface/interface-streams.ts';
import * as path from '';import * as flag from '';
const optionInterface = flag.parse(Deno.args);const option: InterfaceOption = { source: { urn: path.resolve('./') }, output: { urn: path.resolve('./.github/workflows-output') }, hosted: { urn: path.resolve('./.github/workflows-hosted'),
// ? public path path: await (async () => { let paths = 'p' in optionInterface ? (optionInterface['p'] as any) // : (optionInterface['public-path'] as any);
// ? try to use the repo name; when not path defind if (!!paths && paths === true) { try { const cmd ={ cmd: ['git', 'config', '--get', 'remote.origin.url'], stdout: 'piped', stderr: 'piped', });
const output = await cmd.output(); const outStr = new TextDecoder().decode(output);
if (!outStr.endsWith('')) { paths = outStr.split('/').pop()?.replace('.git', ''); } } catch (err) {} }
// --- // FIXME: better validate the path interface option if (!paths || paths instanceof String) paths = ''; return `/${paths.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9-_]/g, '')}/`.replace(/\/\//g, '/'); // --- })(), },};
if (!('f' in optionInterface || 'force' in optionInterface)) { // ? confirm working directory const paths = snippet.print.bold(path.resolve()); const plain = `You're about to initialize in this directory:\n\n ${paths}\n`;;
// ? abort; when wrong working directory path if (!(await snippet.input.confirm(`Are you ready to proceed?`))) {'Aborted by user.'); Deno.exit(); }}
// ? initialize bundle or bundle and streamwatcher.connectedCallback({ ...option });watcher.whenConnected().then(async () => { if (!('stream' in optionInterface)) { await watcher.disconnectedCallback(); Deno.exit(); }
// --- streams.connectedCallback({ ...option }); // FIXME: find a better implementationl; disconnected has to run on deno close // streams.disconnectedCallback(); // watcher.disconnectedCallback(); // ---});