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πŸ¦• Redis client for Deno πŸ•
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import type { ConditionalArray, Raw, RedisValue,} from "./protocol/shared/types.ts";
export interface XId { unixMs: number; seqNo: number;}
export interface XMessage { xid: XId; fieldValues: Record<string, string>;}
export interface XKeyId { key: string; xid: XIdInput;}
export type XKeyIdLike = [string, XIdInput];
export interface XKeyIdGroup { key: string; xid: XIdGroupRead;}
export type XKeyIdGroupLike = [string, XIdGroupRead];
export type XReadStream = { key: string; messages: XMessage[] };export type XReadReply = XReadStream[];
// basic data returned by redisexport type XReadIdData = [string, string[]];export type XReadStreamRaw = [string, XReadIdData[]];export type XReadReplyRaw = XReadStreamRaw[];
/** Flexible input type for commands which require message * ID to be passed (represented in lower-level Redis API as * "1000-0" etc). * * We also include an array format for ease of use, where * the first element is the epochMillis, second is seqNo. * * We also allow passing a single number, * which will represent the the epoch Millis with * seqNo of zero. (Especially useful is to pass 0.) */export type XIdInput = XId | [number, number] | number | string;/** * ID input type for XADD, which is allowed to include the * "*" operator. */export type XIdAdd = XIdInput | "*";/** * ID input type for XGROUPREAD, which is allowed to include * the ">" operator. We include an array format for ease of * use, where the first element is the epochMillis, second * is seqNo. */export type XIdGroupRead = XIdInput | ">";
/** Allows special maximum ID for XRANGE and XREVRANGE */export type XIdPos = XIdInput | "+";/** Allows special minimum ID for XRANGE and XREVRANGE */export type XIdNeg = XIdInput | "-";/** Allow special $ ID for XGROUP CREATE */export type XIdCreateGroup = XIdInput | "$";
export type XAddFieldValues = | Record<string | number, RedisValue> | Map<string | number, RedisValue>;
export interface XReadOpts { count?: number; block?: number;}
export interface XReadGroupOpts { group: string; consumer: string; count?: number; block?: number;}
export interface XMaxlen { approx?: boolean; elements: number;}
export type XClaimReply = XClaimMessages | XClaimJustXId;export interface XClaimMessages { kind: "messages"; messages: XMessage[];}export interface XClaimJustXId { kind: "justxid"; xids: XId[];}
/** * @param count Limit on the number of messages to return per call. * @param startId ID for the first pending record. * @param endId ID for the final pending record. * @param consumers Every consumer in the consumer group * with at least one pending message, and the number of * pending messages it has. */export interface XPendingReply { count: number; startId: XId; endId: XId; consumers: XPendingConsumer[];}export interface XPendingConsumer { name: string; pending: number;}
/** * Represents a pending message parsed from xpending. * * @param id The ID of the message * @param consumer The name of the consumer that fetched the message * and has still to acknowledge it. We call it the * current owner of the message. * @param lastDeliveredMs The number of milliseconds that elapsed since the * last time this message was delivered to this consumer. * @param timesDelivered The number of times this message was delivered. */export interface XPendingCount { xid: XId; owner: string; lastDeliveredMs: number; timesDelivered: number;}/** Used in the XPENDING command, all three of these * args must be specified if _any_ are specified. */export interface StartEndCount { start: number | "-"; end: number | "+"; count: number;}
export interface XInfoStreamReply { length: number; radixTreeKeys: number; radixTreeNodes: number; groups: number; lastGeneratedId: XId; firstEntry: XMessage; lastEntry: XMessage;}
export interface XInfoStreamFullReply { length: number; radixTreeKeys: number; radixTreeNodes: number; lastGeneratedId: XId; entries: XMessage[]; groups: XGroupDetail[];}
/** * Child of the return type for xinfo_stream_full */export interface XGroupDetail { name: string; lastDeliveredId: XId; pelCount: number; pending: XPendingCount[]; consumers: XConsumerDetail[];}/** Child of XINFO STREAMS FULL response */export interface XConsumerDetail { name: string; seenTime: number; pelCount: number; pending: { xid: XId; lastDeliveredMs: number; timesDelivered: number }[];}
export type XInfoConsumersReply = XInfoConsumer[];/** * A consumer parsed from xinfo command. * * @param name Name of the consumer group. * @param pending Number of pending messages for this specific consumer. * @param idle This consumer's idle time in milliseconds. */export interface XInfoConsumer { name: string; pending: number; idle: number;}
/** Response to XINFO GROUPS <key> */export type XInfoGroupsReply = XInfoGroup[];export interface XInfoGroup { name: string; consumers: number; pending: number; lastDeliveredId: XId;}
export interface XClaimOpts { group: string; consumer: string; minIdleTime: number; idle?: number; time?: number; retryCount?: number; force?: boolean; justXId?: boolean;}
export function parseXMessage(raw: XReadIdData): XMessage { const fieldValues: Record<string, string> = {}; let f: string | undefined = undefined;
let m = 0; for (const data of raw[1]) { if (m % 2 === 0) { f = data; } else if (f) { fieldValues[f] = data; } m++; }
return { xid: parseXId(raw[0]), fieldValues: fieldValues };}
export function convertMap(raw: ConditionalArray): Map<string, Raw> { const fieldValues: Map<string, Raw> = new Map(); let f: string | undefined = undefined;
let m = 0; for (const data of raw) { if (m % 2 === 0 && typeof data === "string") { f = data; } else if (m % 2 === 1 && f) { fieldValues.set(f, data); } m++; }
return fieldValues;}
export function parseXReadReply(raw: XReadReplyRaw): XReadReply { const out: XReadStream[] = []; for (const [key, idData] of raw ?? []) { const messages = []; for (const rawMsg of idData) { messages.push(parseXMessage(rawMsg)); } out.push({ key, messages }); }
return out;}
export function parseXId(raw: string): XId { const [ms, sn] = raw.split("-"); return { unixMs: parseInt(ms), seqNo: parseInt(sn) };}
export function parseXPendingConsumers( raws: ConditionalArray,): XPendingConsumer[] { const out: XPendingConsumer[] = [];
for (const raw of raws) { if (isCondArray(raw) && isString(raw[0]) && isString(raw[1])) { out.push({ name: raw[0], pending: parseInt(raw[1]) }); } }
return out;}
export function parseXPendingCounts(raw: ConditionalArray): XPendingCount[] { const infos: XPendingCount[] = []; for (const r of raw) { if ( isCondArray(r) && isString(r[0]) && isString(r[1]) && isNumber(r[2]) && isNumber(r[3]) ) { infos.push({ xid: parseXId(r[0]), owner: r[1], lastDeliveredMs: r[2], timesDelivered: r[3], }); } }
return infos;}
export function parseXGroupDetail(rawGroups: ConditionalArray): XGroupDetail[] { const out = [];
for (const rawGroup of rawGroups) { if (isCondArray(rawGroup)) { const data = convertMap(rawGroup);
// array of arrays const consDeets = data.get("consumers") as ConditionalArray[];
out.push({ name: rawstr(data.get("name") ?? null), lastDeliveredId: parseXId( rawstr(data.get("last-delivered-id") ?? null), ), pelCount: rawnum(data.get("pel-count") ?? null), pending: parseXPendingCounts(data.get("pending") as ConditionalArray), consumers: parseXConsumerDetail(consDeets), }); } }
return out;}
export function parseXConsumerDetail(nestedRaws: Raw[][]): XConsumerDetail[] { const out: XConsumerDetail[] = [];
for (const raws of nestedRaws) { const data = convertMap(raws);
const pending = (data.get("pending") as [string, number, number][]).map( (p) => { return { xid: parseXId(rawstr(p[0])), lastDeliveredMs: rawnum(p[1]), timesDelivered: rawnum(p[2]), }; }, );
const r = { name: rawstr(data.get("name") ?? null), seenTime: rawnum(data.get("seen-time") ?? null), pelCount: rawnum(data.get("pel-count") ?? null), pending, };
out.push(r); }
return out;}
export function xidstr( xid: XIdAdd | XIdNeg | XIdPos | XIdCreateGroup | XIdGroupRead,) { if (typeof xid === "string") return xid; if (typeof xid === "number") return `${xid}-0`; if (xid instanceof Array && xid.length > 1) return `${xid[0]}-${xid[1]}`; if (isXId(xid)) return `${xid.unixMs}-${xid.seqNo}`; throw "fail";}
export function rawnum(raw: Raw): number { return raw ? +raw.toString() : 0;}export function rawstr(raw: Raw): string { return raw ? raw.toString() : "";}// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport function isString(x: any): x is string { return typeof x === "string";}
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport function isNumber(x: any): x is number { return typeof x === "number";}
export function isCondArray(x: Raw): x is ConditionalArray { const l = (x as ConditionalArray).length; if (l > 0 || l < 1) return true; else return false;}
function isXId(xid: XIdAdd): xid is XId { return (xid as XId).unixMs !== undefined;}