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import { semver } from "../deps.ts";
import { git } from "./git.ts";import { ReleaseError } from "./error.ts";
const reTag = /tag:\s*([^,)]+)/g;const reCommitDetails = /^(.+);(.+);(.+)$/;
export interface Tag { tag: string; version: string; hash: string; date: Date;}
function filterByRange(tags: Tag[], range?: string) { if (!range) { return tags; }
return tags.filter((tag) => semver.satisfies(tag.version, range));}
function extractCommit(refs: string): Omit<Tag, "date" | "hash">[] { const tagNames = []; let match: RegExpExecArray | null;
// Finding successive matches // while ((match = reTag.exec(refs)) !== null) { tagNames.push(match[1]); }
return tagNames .map((name) => ({ tag: name, version: semver.valid(name), })) .filter((tag) => tag.version != null) as Omit<Tag, "date" | "hash">[];}
export function parseLine(line: string): Tag[] { const match = reCommitDetails.exec(line);
if (!match || match.length < 4) { return []; }
const tags = extractCommit(match[1]); const hash = match[2].trim(); const date = new Date(match[3].trim());
return => Object.assign(tag, { hash, date }));}
interface FetchOptions { range: string; rev?: string;}
export async function fetchTags(repo: string, options?: FetchOptions | string) { if (typeof options === "string") options = { range: options }; const range = options && options.range; const rev = options && options.rev; const fmt = '--pretty="%d;%H;%ci" --decorate=short'; const cmd = rev ? `log --simplify-by-decoration ${fmt} ${rev}` : `log --no-walk --tags ${fmt}`;
const [success, output, err] = await git(repo, cmd); if (!success) throw new ReleaseError("GIT_EXE", err);
const lines = output.split("\n"); const tags =;
return filterByRange(tags, range).sort((a, b) => { return semver.rcompare(a.version, b.version); });}