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Realtime Sync for Any Backend Stack
import type {LogContext} from '@rocicorp/logger';import type * as dag from '../dag/mod';import type {ReadonlyJSONValue} from '../json';import { Commit, Meta as CommitMeta, IndexDefinition, IndexRecord, newIndexChange as commitNewIndexChange, newLocal as commitNewLocal, newSnapshot as commitNewSnapshot,} from './commit';import { Read, readCommitForBTreeWrite, readIndexesForRead, Whence,} from './read';import {IndexWrite, IndexOperation, indexValue, IndexRead} from './index';import {BTreeRead, BTreeWrite} from '../btree/mod';import {asyncIterableToArray} from '../async-iterable-to-array';import {lazy} from '../lazy';import {emptyHash, Hash} from '../hash';
type IndexChangeMeta = { type: MetaType.IndexChange; lastMutationID: number;};
type LocalMeta = { type: MetaType.Local; mutatorName: string; mutatorArgs: ReadonlyJSONValue; mutationID: number; originalHash: Hash | null; timestamp: number;};
type SnapshotMeta = { type: MetaType.Snapshot; lastMutationID: number; cookie: ReadonlyJSONValue;};
type Meta = SnapshotMeta | LocalMeta | IndexChangeMeta;
const enum MetaType { IndexChange, Local, Snapshot,}
export class Write extends Read { private readonly _dagWrite: dag.Write; private readonly _basis: Commit<CommitMeta> | undefined; private readonly _meta: Meta;
shouldDeepClone = true;
declare map: BTreeWrite;
declare readonly indexes: Map<string, IndexWrite>;
constructor( dagWrite: dag.Write, map: BTreeWrite, basis: Commit<CommitMeta> | undefined, meta: Meta, indexes: Map<string, IndexWrite>, ) { // TypeScript has trouble super(dagWrite, map, indexes); this._dagWrite = dagWrite; this._basis = basis; this._meta = meta; }
static async newLocal( whence: Whence, mutatorName: string, mutatorArgs: ReadonlyJSONValue, originalHash: Hash | null, dagWrite: dag.Write, timestamp: number, ): Promise<Write> { const [, basis, bTreeWrite] = await readCommitForBTreeWrite( whence, dagWrite, ); const mutationID = basis.nextMutationID; const indexes = readIndexesForWrite(basis); return new Write( dagWrite, bTreeWrite, basis, { type: MetaType.Local, mutatorName, mutatorArgs, mutationID, originalHash, timestamp, }, indexes, ); }
static async newSnapshot( whence: Whence, mutationID: number, cookie: ReadonlyJSONValue, dagWrite: dag.Write, indexes: Map<string, IndexWrite>, ): Promise<Write> { const [, basis, bTreeWrite] = await readCommitForBTreeWrite( whence, dagWrite, ); return new Write( dagWrite, bTreeWrite, basis, {type: MetaType.Snapshot, lastMutationID: mutationID, cookie}, indexes, ); }
static async newIndexChange( whence: Whence, dagWrite: dag.Write, ): Promise<Write> { const [, basis, bTreeWrite] = await readCommitForBTreeWrite( whence, dagWrite, ); const lastMutationID = basis.mutationID; const indexes = readIndexesForWrite(basis); return new Write( dagWrite, bTreeWrite, basis, {type: MetaType.IndexChange, lastMutationID}, indexes, ); }
isRebase(): boolean { return ( this._meta.type === MetaType.Local && this._meta.originalHash !== null ); }
async put( lc: LogContext, key: string, val: ReadonlyJSONValue, ): Promise<void> { if (this._meta.type === MetaType.IndexChange) { throw new Error('Not allowed'); } const oldVal = lazy(() =>; await updateIndexes(lc, this.indexes, this._dagWrite, key, oldVal, val);
await, val); }
async del(lc: LogContext, key: string): Promise<boolean> { if (this._meta.type === MetaType.IndexChange) { throw new Error('Not allowed'); }
// TODO(arv): This does the binary search twice. We can do better. const oldVal = lazy(() =>; if (oldVal !== undefined) { await updateIndexes( lc, this.indexes, this._dagWrite, key, oldVal, undefined, ); } return; }
async clear(): Promise<void> { if (this._meta.type === MetaType.IndexChange) { throw new Error('Not allowed'); }
await; const ps = []; for (const idx of this.indexes.values()) { ps.push(idx.clear()); } await Promise.all(ps); }
async createIndex( lc: LogContext, name: string, keyPrefix: string, jsonPointer: string, ): Promise<void> { if (this._meta.type === MetaType.Local) { throw new Error('Not allowed'); }
const definition: IndexDefinition = { name, keyPrefix, jsonPointer, };
// Check to see if the index already exists. const index = this.indexes.get(name); if (index) { const oldDefinition = index.meta.definition; if ( === name && oldDefinition.keyPrefix === keyPrefix && oldDefinition.jsonPointer === jsonPointer ) { return; } else { throw new Error('Index exists with different definition'); } }
const indexMap = new BTreeWrite(this._dagWrite); for await (const entry of { await indexValue( lc, indexMap, IndexOperation.Add, entry[0], entry[1], jsonPointer, ); }
this.indexes.set( name, new IndexWrite( { definition, valueHash: emptyHash, }, indexMap, ), ); }
async dropIndex(name: string): Promise<void> { if (this._meta.type === MetaType.Local) { throw new Error('Not allowed'); }
if (!this.indexes.delete(name)) { throw new Error(`No such index: ${name}`); } }
// Return value is the hash of the new commit. async commit(headName: string): Promise<Hash> { const [hash] = await this.commitWithChangedKeys(headName, false); return hash; }
async commitWithChangedKeys( headName: string, generateChangedKeys: boolean, ): Promise<[Hash, ChangedKeysMap]> { const valueHash = await; let valueChangedKeys: string[] = []; if (generateChangedKeys && this._basis) { const basisMap = new BTreeRead(this._dagWrite, this._basis.valueHash); valueChangedKeys = await asyncIterableToArray(, ); } const indexRecords: IndexRecord[] = []; const keyChanges = new Map(); if (valueChangedKeys.length > 0) { keyChanges.set('', valueChangedKeys); }
let basisIndexes: Map<string, IndexRead>; if (generateChangedKeys && this._basis) { basisIndexes = readIndexesForRead(this._basis); } else { basisIndexes = new Map(); }
for (const [name, index] of this.indexes) { const valueHash = await index.flush(); const basisIndex = basisIndexes.get(name); const indexChangedKeys = await index.withMap( this._dagWrite, async map => { if (basisIndex) { return basisIndex.withMap(this._dagWrite, basisMap => asyncIterableToArray(map.diffKeys(basisMap)), ); } return asyncIterableToArray(map.keys()); }, );
if (indexChangedKeys.length > 0) { keyChanges.set(name, indexChangedKeys); }
const indexRecord: IndexRecord = { definition: index.meta.definition, valueHash, }; indexRecords.push(indexRecord); } const basisHash = this._basis ? this._basis.chunk.hash : null; let commit; const meta = this._meta; switch (meta.type) { case MetaType.Local: { const {mutationID, mutatorName, mutatorArgs, originalHash, timestamp} = meta; commit = commitNewLocal( this._dagWrite.createChunk, basisHash, mutationID, mutatorName, mutatorArgs, originalHash, valueHash, indexRecords, timestamp, ); break; } case MetaType.Snapshot: { const {lastMutationID, cookie} = meta; commit = commitNewSnapshot( this._dagWrite.createChunk, basisHash, lastMutationID, cookie, valueHash, indexRecords, ); break; } case MetaType.IndexChange: { const {lastMutationID} = meta; if (this._basis !== undefined) { if (this._basis.mutationID !== lastMutationID) { throw new Error('Index change must not change mutationID'); } if (this._basis.valueHash !== valueHash) { throw new Error('Index change must not change valueHash'); } }
commit = commitNewIndexChange( this._dagWrite.createChunk, basisHash, lastMutationID, valueHash, indexRecords, ); break; } }
await Promise.all([ this._dagWrite.putChunk(commit.chunk), this._dagWrite.setHead(headName, commit.chunk.hash), ]);
await this._dagWrite.commit();
return [commit.chunk.hash, keyChanges]; }
close(): void { this._dagWrite.close(); }}
export async function updateIndexes( lc: LogContext, indexes: Map<string, IndexWrite>, dagWrite: dag.Write, key: string, oldValGetter: () => Promise<ReadonlyJSONValue | undefined>, newVal: ReadonlyJSONValue | undefined,): Promise<void> { const ps: Promise<void>[] = []; for (const idx of indexes.values()) { if (key.startsWith(idx.meta.definition.keyPrefix)) { const oldVal = await oldValGetter(); await idx.withMap(dagWrite, async map => { if (oldVal !== undefined) { ps.push( indexValue( lc, map, IndexOperation.Remove, key, oldVal, idx.meta.definition.jsonPointer, ), ); } if (newVal !== undefined) { ps.push( indexValue( lc, map, IndexOperation.Add, key, newVal, idx.meta.definition.jsonPointer, ), ); } }); } } await Promise.all(ps);}
type ChangedKeysMap = Map<string, string[]>;
export async function initDB( dagWrite: dag.Write, headName: string,): Promise<Hash> { const w = new Write( dagWrite, new BTreeWrite(dagWrite), undefined, {type: MetaType.Snapshot, lastMutationID: 0, cookie: null}, new Map(), ); return await w.commit(headName);}
export function readIndexesForWrite( commit: Commit<CommitMeta>,): Map<string, IndexWrite> { const m = new Map(); for (const index of commit.indexes) { m.set(, new IndexWrite(index, undefined)); } return m;}