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Realtime Sync for Any Backend Stack
import {assert, expect} from '@esm-bundle/chai';import {deepClone, deepEqual, getSizeOfValue} from './json';import type {JSONValue, ReadonlyJSONValue} from './json';
const {fail} = assert;
test('JSON deep equal', () => { const t = ( a: JSONValue | undefined, b: JSONValue | undefined, expected = true, ) => { const res = deepEqual(a, b); if (res !== expected) { fail( JSON.stringify(a) + (expected ? ' === ' : ' !== ') + JSON.stringify(b), ); } };
const oneLevelOfData = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 456789, true, false, null, '', 'a', 'b', 'cdefefsfsafasdadsaas', [], {}, {x: 4, y: 5, z: 6}, [7, 8, 9], ] as const;
const testData = [ ...oneLevelOfData, [...oneLevelOfData], Object.fromEntries( => [JSON.stringify(v), v])), ];
for (let i = 0; i < testData.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < testData.length; j++) { const a = testData[i]; // "clone" to ensure we do not end up with a and b being the same object. const b = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(testData[j])); t(a, b, i === j); } }
t({a: 1, b: 2}, {b: 2, a: 1});});
test('deepClone', () => { const t = (v: ReadonlyJSONValue) => { expect(deepClone(v)).to.deep.equal(v); };
t(null); t(1); t(1.2); t(0); t(-3412); t(1e20); t(''); t('hi'); t(true); t(false); t([]); t({});
t({a: 42}); t({a: 42, b: null}); t({a: 42, b: 0}); t({a: 42, b: true, c: false}); t({a: 42, b: [1, 2, 3]}); t([1, {}, 2]);
const cyclicObject: JSONValue = {a: 42, cycle: null}; cyclicObject.cycle = cyclicObject; expect(() => deepClone(cyclicObject)) .to.throw(Error)'message', 'Cyclic object');
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const cyclicArray: any = {a: 42, cycle: [null]}; cyclicArray.cycle[0] = cyclicArray; expect(() => deepClone(cyclicArray)) .to.throw(Error)'message', 'Cyclic object');
const sym = Symbol(); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any expect(() => deepClone(sym as any)) .to.throw(Error)'message', 'Invalid type: symbol');});
test('deepClone - reuse references', () => { const t = (v: ReadonlyJSONValue) => expect(deepClone(v)).to.deep.equal(v); const arr: number[] = [0, 1];
t({a: arr, b: arr}); t(['a', [arr, arr]]); t(['a', arr, {a: arr}]); t(['a', arr, {a: [arr]}]);});
test('getSizeOfValue', async () => { expect(getSizeOfValue(null)).to.equal(1); expect(getSizeOfValue(true)).to.equal(1); expect(getSizeOfValue(false)).to.equal(1);
expect(getSizeOfValue('')).to.equal(5); expect(getSizeOfValue('abc')).to.equal(8);
expect(getSizeOfValue(0)).to.equal(5); expect(getSizeOfValue(42)).to.equal(5); expect(getSizeOfValue(-42)).to.equal(5);
expect(getSizeOfValue(2 ** 7 - 1)).to.equal(5); expect(getSizeOfValue(-(2 ** 7 - 1))).to.equal(5); expect(getSizeOfValue(2 ** 7)).to.equal(5); expect(getSizeOfValue(-(2 ** 7))).to.equal(5);
expect(getSizeOfValue(2 ** 14 - 1)).to.equal(5); expect(getSizeOfValue(-(2 ** 14 - 1))).to.equal(5); expect(getSizeOfValue(2 ** 14)).to.equal(5); expect(getSizeOfValue(-(2 ** 14))).to.equal(5);
expect(getSizeOfValue(2 ** 21 - 1)).to.equal(5); expect(getSizeOfValue(-(2 ** 21 - 1))).to.equal(5); expect(getSizeOfValue(2 ** 21)).to.equal(5); expect(getSizeOfValue(-(2 ** 21))).to.equal(5);
expect(getSizeOfValue(2 ** 28 - 1)).to.equal(5); expect(getSizeOfValue(-(2 ** 28 - 1))).to.equal(5); expect(getSizeOfValue(2 ** 28)).to.equal(5); expect(getSizeOfValue(-(2 ** 28))).to.equal(5);
expect(getSizeOfValue(2 ** 31 - 1)).to.equal(6); expect(getSizeOfValue(-(2 ** 31))).to.equal(6); expect(getSizeOfValue(2 ** 31)).to.equal(9); // not smi expect(getSizeOfValue(-(2 ** 31) - 1)).to.equal(9); // not smi
expect(getSizeOfValue([])).to.equal(1 + 5); expect(getSizeOfValue([0])).to.equal(6 + 5); expect(getSizeOfValue(['abc'])).to.equal(1 + 4 + 8 + 1); expect(getSizeOfValue([0, 1, 2])).to.equal(1 + 4 + 3 * 5 + 1); expect(getSizeOfValue([null, true, false])).to.equal(1 + 4 + 3 * 1 + 1);
expect(getSizeOfValue({})).to.equal(1 + 4 + 1); expect(getSizeOfValue({abc: 'def'})).to.equal(1 + 4 + 8 + 8 + 1);});