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Realtime Sync for Any Backend Stack
import {expect} from '@esm-bundle/chai';import type {Read, Store, Value, Write} from './store';
export class TestStore implements Store { private readonly _store: Store;
constructor(store: Store) { this._store = store; }
get closed(): boolean { return this._store.closed; }
read(): Promise<Read> { return; }
write(): Promise<Write> { return this._store.write(); }
close(): Promise<void> { return this._store.close(); }
async withRead<T>(fn: (read: Read) => Promise<T> | T): Promise<T> { const read = await; try { return await fn(read); } finally { read.release(); } }
async withWrite<T>(fn: (write: Write) => Promise<T> | T): Promise<T> { const write = await this.write(); try { return await fn(write); } finally { write.release(); } }
async put(key: string, value: Value): Promise<void> { await this.withWrite(async write => { await write.put(key, value); await write.commit(); }); }
async del(key: string): Promise<void> { await this.withWrite(async write => { await write.del(key); await write.commit(); }); }
has(key: string): Promise<boolean> { return this.withRead(read => read.has(key)); }
get(key: string): Promise<Value | undefined> { return this.withRead(read => read.get(key)); }}
export function runAll( name: string, newStore: () => Promise<Store> | Store,): void { const funcs = [ store, simpleCommit, del, readOnlyCommit, readOnlyRollback, simpleRollback, readTransaction, writeTransaction, isolation, ];
for (const f of funcs) { test(`store ${} (${name})`, async () => { const s = new TestStore(await newStore()); await f(s); }); }}
async function simpleCommit(store: TestStore): Promise<void> { // Start a write transaction, and put a value on it. await store.withWrite(async wt => { expect(await wt.has('bar')); await wt.put('bar', 'baz'); expect(await wt.get('bar')).to.deep.equal('baz'); await wt.put('other', 'abc'); expect(await wt.get('other')).to.deep.equal('abc'); await wt.commit(); });
// Verify that the write was effective. await store.withRead(async rt => { expect(await rt.has('bar')); expect(await rt.get('bar')).to.deep.equal('baz'); expect(await rt.has('other')); expect(await rt.get('other')).to.deep.equal('abc'); });}
async function del(store: TestStore): Promise<void> { // Start a write transaction, and put a value on it. await store.withWrite(async wt => { expect(await wt.has('bar')); await wt.put('bar', 'baz'); await wt.put('other', 'abc'); await wt.commit(); });
// Delete await store.withWrite(async wt => { expect(await wt.has('bar')); await wt.del('bar'); expect(await wt.has('bar')); await wt.del('other'); expect(await wt.has('other')); await wt.commit(); });
// Verify that the delete was effective. await store.withRead(async rt => { expect(await rt.has('bar')); expect(await rt.get('bar')); expect(await rt.has('other')); expect(await rt.get('other')); });}
async function readOnlyCommit(store: TestStore): Promise<void> { await store.withWrite(async wt => { expect(await wt.has('bar')); await wt.commit(); });}
async function readOnlyRollback(store: TestStore): Promise<void> { await store.withWrite(async wt => { expect(await wt.has('bar')); });}
async function simpleRollback(store: TestStore): Promise<void> { // Start a write transaction and put a value, then abort. await store.withWrite(async wt => { await wt.put('bar', 'baz'); await wt.put('other', 'abc'); // no commit, implicit rollback });
await store.withRead(async rt => { expect(await rt.has('bar')); expect(await rt.has('other')); });}
async function store(store: TestStore): Promise<void> { // Test put/has/get, which use read() and write() for one-shot txs. expect(await store.has('foo')); expect(await store.get('foo'));
await store.put('foo', 'bar'); expect(await store.has('foo')); expect(await store.get('foo')).to.deep.equal('bar');
await store.put('foo', 'baz'); expect(await store.has('foo')); expect(await store.get('foo')).to.deep.equal('baz');
expect(await store.has('baz')); expect(await store.get('baz')); await store.put('baz', 'bat'); expect(await store.has('baz')); expect(await store.get('baz')).to.deep.equal('bat');}
async function readTransaction(store: TestStore): Promise<void> { await store.put('k1', 'v1');
await store.withRead(async rt => { expect(await rt.has('k1')); expect('v1').to.deep.equal(await rt.get('k1')); });}
async function writeTransaction(store: TestStore): Promise<void> { await store.put('k1', 'v1'); await store.put('k2', 'v2');
// Test put then commit. await store.withWrite(async wt => { expect(await wt.has('k1')); expect(await wt.has('k2')); await wt.put('k1', 'overwrite'); await wt.commit(); }); expect(await store.get('k1')).to.deep.equal('overwrite'); expect(await store.get('k2')).to.deep.equal('v2');
// Test put then rollback. await store.withWrite(async wt => { await wt.put('k1', 'should be rolled back'); }); expect(await store.get('k1')).to.deep.equal('overwrite');
// Test del then commit. await store.withWrite(async wt => { await wt.del('k1'); expect(await wt.has('k1')); await wt.commit(); }); expect(await store.has('k1'));
// Test del then rollback. expect(await store.has('k2')); await store.withWrite(async wt => { await wt.del('k2'); expect(await wt.has('k2')); }); expect(await store.has('k2'));
// Test overwrite multiple times then commit. await store.withWrite(async wt => { await wt.put('k2', 'overwrite'); await wt.del('k2'); await wt.put('k2', 'final'); await wt.commit(); }); expect(await store.get('k2')).to.deep.equal('final');
// Test Read interface on Write. await store.withWrite(async wt => { await wt.put('k2', 'new value'); expect(await wt.has('k2')); expect(await wt.get('k2')).to.deep.equal('new value'); await wt.commit(); });}
async function isolation(store: Store): Promise<void> { // Things we want to test: // - Multiple readers can read at the same time. // - A write transaction must wait until all readers are done. // - Only one writer can write at a time. // - If a writer is waiting no new readers or writers can access the store.
const log: string[] = [];
const r1 = r => { log.push('r1 start'); expect(await r.has('k1')); log.push('r1 touched store'); expect(await r.get('k1')); log.push('r1 end'); r.release(); }); const r2 = r => { log.push('r2 start'); expect(await r.has('k1')); log.push('r2 touched store'); expect(await r.get('k1')); log.push('r2 end'); r.release(); }); const w1 = store.write().then(async w => { log.push('w1 start'); expect(await w.has('k1')); log.push('w1 touched store'); expect(await w.get('k1'));
log.push('w1 mutated store'); await w.put('k1', 'w1');
log.push('w1 end'); await w.commit(); w.release(); }); const w2 = store.write().then(async w => { log.push('w2 start'); expect(await w.has('k1')); log.push('w2 touched store'); expect(await w.get('k1')).to.deep.equal('w1');
log.push('w2 mutated store'); await w.put('k1', 'w2');
log.push('w2 end'); await w.commit(); w.release(); }); const r3 = r => { log.push('r3 start'); expect(await r.has('k1')); log.push('r3 touched store'); expect(await r.get('k1')).to.deep.equal('w2'); log.push('r3 end'); r.release(); });
await Promise.all([r1, r2, w1, w2, r3]);
// We allow some lee-way for the ordering as long as the actual reads // (get/has) and writes (put/del) are ordered correctly. This is to allow // IndexedDB which does not queue on transaction creation but on the actual // requests done in the transaction.
function assertOrder(...items: string[]) { let last = -1; for (const item of items) { expect(log.indexOf(item)); last = log.indexOf(item); } }
assertOrder('r1 start', 'r1 touched store', 'r1 end'); assertOrder('r2 start', 'r2 touched store', 'r2 end'); assertOrder('w1 start', 'w1 touched store', 'w1 mutated store', 'w1 end'); assertOrder('w2 start', 'w2 touched store', 'w2 mutated store', 'w2 end'); assertOrder('r3 start', 'r3 touched store', 'r3 end');
assertOrder('r1 start', 'r2 start', 'w1 start', 'w2 start', 'r3 start');
assertOrder('r1 end', 'w1 end', 'w2 end', 'r3 end'); assertOrder('r2 end', 'w1 end', 'w2 end', 'r3 end');
assertOrder( 'r1 touched store', 'r2 touched store', 'w1 touched store', 'w2 touched store', 'r3 touched store', );
assertOrder( 'r1 touched store', 'r2 touched store', 'w1 mutated store', 'w2 mutated store', 'r3 touched store', );
assertOrder('r1 end', 'w1 touched store'); assertOrder('r2 end', 'w1 touched store');
assertOrder('w1 end', 'w2 touched store');
assertOrder('w2 end', 'r3 touched store');}