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Realtime Sync for Any Backend Stack
import {expect} from '@esm-bundle/chai';import * as sinon from 'sinon';import type {Puller} from './puller.js';import type {Pusher} from './pusher.js';import type {Poke} from './replicache.js';import { expectLogContext, initReplicacheTesting, replicacheForTesting, tickAFewTimes,} from './test-util.js';
test('pull returning ClientStateNotFoundResponse should call onClientStateNotFound', async () => { const puller: Puller = async _req => { return { httpRequestInfo: {httpStatusCode: 200, errorMessage: ''}, response: { error: 'ClientStateNotFound', }, }; }; const pusher: Pusher = async _req => { return {httpStatusCode: 200, errorMessage: ''}; };
const consoleErrorStub = sinon.stub(console, 'error'); const onClientStateNotFound = sinon.fake();
const rep = await replicacheForTesting('new-phone', { puller, pusher, onClientStateNotFound, });
// One pull from open
expect(onClientStateNotFound.callCount).to.equal(1); expect(onClientStateNotFound.lastCall.args).to.deep.equal([ {type: 'NotFoundOnServer'}, ]);
expectLogContext( consoleErrorStub, 0, rep, `Client state not found, clientID: ${await rep.clientID}`, );
rep.pull(); await tickAFewTimes();
expect(onClientStateNotFound.callCount).to.equal(2); expect(onClientStateNotFound.lastCall.args).to.deep.equal([ {type: 'NotFoundOnServer'}, ]); expectLogContext( consoleErrorStub, 1, rep, `Client state not found, clientID: ${await rep.clientID}`, );});
test('poke with ClientStateNotFoundResponse should call onClientStateNotFound', async () => { const puller: Puller = async _req => { return { httpRequestInfo: {httpStatusCode: 200, errorMessage: ''}, }; };
const consoleErrorStub = sinon.stub(console, 'error'); const onClientStateNotFound = sinon.fake();
const rep = await replicacheForTesting('new-phone', { puller, onClientStateNotFound, });
const pokeBody: Poke = { baseCookie: null, pullResponse: {error: 'ClientStateNotFound'}, }; await rep.poke(pokeBody);
expect(onClientStateNotFound.callCount).to.equal(1); expect(onClientStateNotFound.lastCall.args).to.deep.equal([ {type: 'NotFoundOnServer'}, ]); expect(consoleErrorStub.callCount).to.equal(1); expectLogContext( consoleErrorStub, 0, rep, `Client state not found, clientID: ${await rep.clientID}`, );});