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Realtime Sync for Any Backend Stack
import {expect} from '@esm-bundle/chai';import type {Chain} from '../db/test-helpers';import type * as dag from '../dag/mod';import * as db from '../db/mod';import * as sync from '../sync/mod';import type {SnapshotMeta} from '../db/commit';
// See db.test_helpers for addLocal, addSnapshot, etc. We can't put addLocalRebase// there because sync depends on db, and addLocalRebase depends on sync.
// addSyncSnapshot adds a sync snapshot off of the main chain's base snapshot and// returns it (in chain order). Caller needs to supply which commit to take indexes// from because it is context dependent (they should come from the parent of the// first commit to rebase, or from head if no commits will be rebased).
export async function addSyncSnapshot( chain: Chain, store: dag.Store, takeIndexesFrom: number,): Promise<Chain> { expect(chain.length >= 2);
let maybeBaseSnapshot: db.Commit<SnapshotMeta> | undefined; for (let i = chain.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { const commit = chain[i - 1]; if (commit.isSnapshot()) { maybeBaseSnapshot = commit; break; } } if (maybeBaseSnapshot === undefined) { throw new Error('main chain doesnt have a snapshot or local commit'); } const baseSnapshot = maybeBaseSnapshot; const syncChain: Chain = [];
// Add sync snapshot. const cookie = `sync_cookie_${chain.length}`; const indexes = db.readIndexesForWrite(chain[takeIndexesFrom]); await store.withWrite(async dagWrite => { const w = await db.Write.newSnapshot( db.whenceHash(baseSnapshot.chunk.hash), baseSnapshot.mutationID, cookie, dagWrite, indexes, ); await w.commit(sync.SYNC_HEAD_NAME); }); const [, commit] = await store.withRead(async dagRead => { return await db.readCommit(db.whenceHead(sync.SYNC_HEAD_NAME), dagRead); }); syncChain.push(commit);
return syncChain;}