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Re-execute a function until it does not throw an error or execute a function with a timeout.
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// Copyright since 2020, FranckLdx. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { deferred } from "../deps.ts";import { assert, assertEquals, assertThrowsAsync } from "../dev_deps.ts";import { retry, retryAsync } from "./retry.ts";import { setDefaultRetryOptions } from "./options.ts";import type { RetryOptions } from "./options.ts";import { TooManyTries } from "./tooManyTries.ts";
const defaultRetryOptions = setDefaultRetryOptions({ maxTry: 5, delay: 250 });
const startAssetRetryDuration = ( { maxTry, delay }: RetryOptions<void> = defaultRetryOptions,) => { const start =; const expectedDuration = (maxTry! - 1) * delay!; return () => { const stop =; const actualDuration = stop - start; assert( actualDuration >= expectedDuration, `Duration ${actualDuration} is not greater or equal than expected minimum duration ${expectedDuration}`, ); };};
Deno.test({ name: "retry shouLd work immediatly", fn: async () => { const expectedResult = 10103913232473; let callCount = 0; const cb = () => { callCount++; return expectedResult; }; const actualResult = await retry(cb); assertEquals(callCount, 1); assertEquals(actualResult, expectedResult); },});
Deno.test({ name: "retry shouLd be call until limit", fn: async () => { const errorMsg = "BOOM"; let callCount = 0; const cb = () => { callCount++; throw new Error(errorMsg); }; const assertActualDuration = startAssetRetryDuration(); await assertThrowsAsync( async () => await retry(cb), Error, errorMsg, ); assertActualDuration(); assertEquals(callCount, 5); },});
Deno.test({ name: "retry shouLd be call until custom limit", fn: async () => { const retryOptions: RetryOptions<void> = { maxTry: 5, delay: 10, }; const errorMsg = "BOOM"; let callCount = 0; const cb = () => { callCount++; throw new Error(errorMsg); }; const assertActualDuration = startAssetRetryDuration(retryOptions); await assertThrowsAsync( async () => await retry(cb), Error, errorMsg, ); assertActualDuration(); assertEquals(callCount, 5); },});
Deno.test({ name: "retry shouLd be call until success", fn: async () => { const expectedResult = "youpi"; const expectedCallCount = 4; let actualCallCount = 0; const cb = () => { actualCallCount++; if (actualCallCount < expectedCallCount) { throw new Error("Not yet"); } return expectedResult; }; const assertActualDuration = startAssetRetryDuration( { ...defaultRetryOptions, maxTry: expectedCallCount }, ); const actualResult = await retry(cb); assertActualDuration(); assertEquals(actualCallCount, expectedCallCount); assertEquals(actualResult, expectedResult); },});
Deno.test({ name: "retryAsync shouLd work immediatly", fn: async () => { const expectedResult = 9856720325867; let callCount = 0; const cb = () => { callCount++; return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout( () => resolve(expectedResult), 100, ) ); }; const actualResult = await retryAsync(cb); assertEquals(callCount, 1); assertEquals(actualResult, expectedResult); },});
Deno.test({ name: "retry shouLd be call until limit", fn: async () => { const errorMsg = "BOOM"; let callCount = 0; const cb = () => { callCount++; const promise = deferred(); setTimeout( () => promise.reject(new Error(errorMsg)), 100, ); return promise; }; const assetRetryDuration = startAssetRetryDuration(); await assertThrowsAsync( async () => await retryAsync(cb), Error, errorMsg, ); assetRetryDuration(); assertEquals(callCount, 5); },});
Deno.test({ name: "retryAsync shouLd be call until success", fn: async () => { const expectedResult = "youpi"; const expectedCallCount = 4; let actualCallCount = 0; const cb = () => { actualCallCount++; const promise = deferred(); setTimeout( () => { if (actualCallCount < expectedCallCount) { promise.reject(new Error("Not yet")); } promise.resolve(expectedResult); }, 100, ); return promise; }; const assetRetryDuration = startAssetRetryDuration( { ...defaultRetryOptions, maxTry: expectedCallCount }, ); const actualResult = await retry(cb); assetRetryDuration(); assertEquals(actualCallCount, expectedCallCount); assertEquals(actualResult, expectedResult); },});
Deno.test({ name: "Retry with until: Returns immediatly when until is ok", fn: async () => { const expectedResult = 10103913232473; let cbCallCount = 0; const cb = () => { cbCallCount++; return expectedResult; }; let untilCallCount = 0; const until = (lastResult: number) => { untilCallCount++; return lastResult === expectedResult; }; const actualResult = await retry(cb, { until }); assertEquals(cbCallCount, 1, "cb called too many times"); assertEquals(untilCallCount, 1, "until called too many times"); assertEquals(actualResult, expectedResult); },});
Deno.test({ name: "Retry with until: result is always rejected by until", fn: async () => { const expectedResult = 10103913232473; const maxTry = 3; let cbCallCount = 0; const cb = () => { cbCallCount++; return expectedResult; }; let untilCallCount = 0; const until = (lastResult: number) => { untilCallCount++; return lastResult !== expectedResult; }; await assertThrowsAsync( () => retry(cb, { maxTry, until }), TooManyTries, ); assertEquals(cbCallCount, maxTry, "cb called too many times"); assertEquals(untilCallCount, maxTry, "until called too many times"); },});
Deno.test({ name: "Retry with until: cb si recal until 'until' returns true", fn: async () => { const expectedResult = 10103913232473; const expectedCallCount = 2; let cbCallCount = 0; const cb = () => { cbCallCount++; return expectedResult; }; let untilCallCount = 0; const until = (lastResult: number) => { untilCallCount++; return lastResult === expectedResult && untilCallCount == expectedCallCount; }; const actualResult = await retry(cb, { until }); assertEquals(cbCallCount, expectedCallCount, "cb wonrg call count"); assertEquals(untilCallCount, expectedCallCount, "until wonrg call count"); assertEquals(actualResult, expectedResult); },});