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Rimbu is a TypeScript library focused on immutable, performant, and type-safe collections and other tools.
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import { SortedMultiMapSortedValue } from '../../../../multimap/mod.ts';import type { Streamable } from '../../../../stream/mod.ts';import { BiMultiMapSorted, BiMultiMapBase, BiMultiMapContext,} from '../../../../bimultimap/custom/index.ts';import type { SortedSet } from '../../../../sorted/mod.ts';
/** * A type-invariant immutable bi-directional MultiMap where keys and values have a * many-to-many mapping. Its keys and values are sorted. * See the [BiMultiMap documentation]( and the [HashBiMultiMap API documentation]( * @typeparam K - the key type * @typeparam V - the value type * @example * ```ts * const h1 = SortedBiMultiMap.empty<number, string>() * const h1 = SortedBiMultiMap.of([1, 'a'], [1, 'b']) * ``` */export interface SortedBiMultiMap<K, V> extends BiMultiMapBase<K, V, SortedBiMultiMap.Types> {}
export namespace SortedBiMultiMap { /** * A non-empty type-invariant immutable bi-directional MultiMap where keys and values have a * many-to-many mapping. Its keys and values are sorted. * See the [BiMultiMap documentation]( and the [HashBiMultiMap API documentation]( * @typeparam K - the key type * @typeparam V - the value type */ export interface NonEmpty<K, V> extends BiMultiMapBase.NonEmpty<K, V, SortedBiMultiMap.Types>, Omit< SortedBiMultiMap<K, V>, keyof BiMultiMapBase.NonEmpty<any, any, any> >, Streamable.NonEmpty<[K, V]> {}
/** * The SortedBiMultiMap's Context instance that serves as a factory for all related immutable instances and builders. * @typeparam UK - the upper type limit for key types for which this context can create instances * @typeparam UV - the upper type limit for value types for which this context can create instances */ export interface Context<UK, UV> extends BiMultiMapBase.Context<UK, UV, SortedBiMultiMap.Types> { readonly typeTag: 'SortedBiMultiMap'; }
/** * A mutable `SortedBiMultiMap` builder used to efficiently create new immutable instances. * See the [BiMultiMap documentation]( and the [HashBiMultiMap.Builder API documentation]( * @typeparam K - the key type * @typeparam V - the value type */ export interface Builder<K, V> extends BiMultiMapBase.Builder<K, V, SortedBiMultiMap.Types> {}
/** * Utility interface that provides higher-kinded types for this collection. */ export interface Types extends BiMultiMapBase.Types { readonly context: SortedBiMultiMap.Context<this['_K'], this['_V']>; readonly normal: SortedBiMultiMap<this['_K'], this['_V']>; readonly nonEmpty: SortedBiMultiMap.NonEmpty<this['_K'], this['_V']>; readonly builder: SortedBiMultiMap.Builder<this['_K'], this['_V']>; readonly keyValueMultiMapContext: SortedMultiMapSortedValue.Context< this['_K'], this['_V'] >; readonly valueKeyMultiMapContext: SortedMultiMapSortedValue.Context< this['_V'], this['_K'] >; readonly keyValueMultiMap: SortedMultiMapSortedValue< this['_K'], this['_V'] >; readonly valueKeyMultiMap: SortedMultiMapSortedValue< this['_V'], this['_K'] >; readonly keyValueMultiMapNonEmpty: SortedMultiMapSortedValue.NonEmpty< this['_K'], this['_V'] >; readonly valueKeyMultiMapNonEmpty: SortedMultiMapSortedValue.NonEmpty< this['_V'], this['_K'] >; readonly keyMultiMapValues: SortedSet<this['_V']>; readonly valueMultiMapValues: SortedSet<this['_K']>; }}
function createContext<K, V>(options?: { keyValueMultiMapContext?: SortedMultiMapSortedValue.Context<K, V>; valueKeyMultiMapContext?: SortedMultiMapSortedValue.Context<V, K>;}): SortedBiMultiMap.Context<K, V> { return Object.freeze( new BiMultiMapContext<K, V, 'SortedBiMultiMap', any>( 'SortedBiMultiMap', options?.keyValueMultiMapContext ?? SortedMultiMapSortedValue.defaultContext(), options?.valueKeyMultiMapContext ?? SortedMultiMapSortedValue.defaultContext() ) );}
const _defaultContext: SortedBiMultiMap.Context<any, any> = createContext();
export const SortedBiMultiMap: BiMultiMapSorted.Creators = Object.freeze({ ..._defaultContext, createContext, defaultContext<UK, UV>(): SortedBiMultiMap.Context<UK, UV> { return _defaultContext; },});