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Rimbu is a TypeScript library focused on immutable, performant, and type-safe collections and other tools.
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import { AsyncCollectFun, AsyncOptLazy, CollectFun, MaybePromise, Reducer, Eq,} from './internal.ts';
/** * An `AsyncReducer` is a stand-alone asynchronous calculation that takes input values of type I, * and, when requested, produces an output value of type O. * @typeparam I - the input value type * @typeparam O - the output value type */export type AsyncReducer<I, O = I> = AsyncReducer.Impl<I, O, unknown>;
function identity<T>(value: T): T { return value;}
export namespace AsyncReducer { export interface Impl<I, O, S> { /** * The initial state value for the reducer algorithm. */ readonly init: AsyncOptLazy<S>; /** * Returns the next state based on the given input values * @param state - the current state * @param elem - the current input value * @param index - the current input index * @param halt - a function that, when called, ensures no more values are passed to the reducer */ next(state: S, elem: I, index: number, halt: () => void): MaybePromise<S>; /** * Returns the output value based on the given `state` * @param state - the current state */ stateToResult(state: S): MaybePromise<O>; /** * An optional function that is called when the reducer will no longer receive values. * @param state - the final reducer state * @param error - (optional) if an error has occured, it ix passed here */ onClose?(state: S, error?: unknown): MaybePromise<void>; /** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` instance that only passes values to the reducer that satisy the given `pred` predicate. * @param pred - a potaentially asynchronous function that returns true if the value should be passed to the reducer based on the following inputs:<br/> * - value: the current input value<br/> * - index: the current input index<br/> * - halt: function that, when called, ensures no more new values are passed to the reducer * @example * ```ts * AsyncReducer * .createMono(0, async (c, v) => c + v) * .filterInput(async v => v > 10) * // this reducer will only sum values larger than 10 * ``` */ filterInput( pred: (value: I, index: number, halt: () => void) => MaybePromise<boolean> ): AsyncReducer<I, O>; /** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` instance that converts its input values using given `mapFun` before passing them to the reducer. * @param mapFun - a potentially asynchronous function that returns a new value to pass to the reducer based on the following inputs:<br/> * - value: the current input value<br/> * - index: the current input index * @example * ```ts * AsyncReducer * .createMono(0, async (c, v) => c + v) * .mapInput(async v => v * 2) * // this reducer will double all input values before summing them * ``` */ mapInput<I2>( mapFun: (value: I2, index: number) => MaybePromise<I> ): AsyncReducer<I2, O>; /** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` instance that converts or filters its input values using given `collectFun` before passing them to the reducer. * @param collectFun - a function receiving<br/> * - `value`: the next value<br/> * - `index`: the value index<br/> * - `skip`: a token that, when returned, will not add a value to the resulting collection<br/> * - `halt`: a function that, when called, ensures no next elements are passed * @example * ```ts * AsyncReducer * .createMono(0, async (c, v) => c + v) * .collectInput(async (v, _, skip) => v <= 10 ? skip : v * 2) * // this reducer will double all input values larger thant 10 before summing them, * // and will skip all values smaller than 10 * ``` */ collectInput<I2>(collectFun: AsyncCollectFun<I2, I>): AsyncReducer<I2, O>; /** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` instance that converts its output values using given `mapFun`. * @param mapFun - a potentially asynchronous function that takes the current output value and converts it to a new output value * @example * ```ts * AsyncReducer * .createMono(0, async (c, v) => c + v) * .mapOutput(async v => String(v)) * // this reducer will convert all its results to string before returning them * ``` */ mapOutput<O2>(mapFun: (value: O) => O2): AsyncReducer<I, O2>; mapOutput<O2>(mapFun: (value: O) => Promise<O2>): AsyncReducer<I, O2>; /** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` instance that takes at most the given `amount` of input elements, and will ignore subsequent elements. * @param amount - the amount of elements to accept * @example * ```ts * await AsyncStream * .from(Stream.range({ end: 10 })) * .reduce( * AsyncReducer * .createMono(0, async (c, v) => c + v) * .takeInput(2) * ) * // => 1 * ``` */ takeInput(amount: number): AsyncReducer<I, O>; /** * Returns a `Reducer` instance that skips the first given `amount` of input elements, and will process subsequent elements. * @param amount - the amount of elements to skip * @example * ```ts * await AsyncStream * .from(Stream.range({ end: 10 })) * .reduce( * AsyncReducer * .createMono(0, async (c, v) => c + v) * .dropInput(9) * ) * // => 19 * ``` */ dropInput(amount: number): AsyncReducer<I, O>; /** * Returns a `Reducer` instance that takes given `amount` of elements starting at given `from` index, and ignores other elements. * @param from - (default: 0) the index at which to start processing elements * @param amount - (optional) the amount of elements to process, if not given, processes all elements from the `from` index * @example * ```ts * await AsyncStream * .from(Stream.range({ end: 10 })) * .reduce( * AsyncReducer * .createMono(0, async (c, v) => c + v) * .sliceInput(1, 2) * ) * // => 3 * ``` */ sliceInput(from?: number, amount?: number): AsyncReducer<I, O>; }
/** * A base class that can be used to easily create `AsyncReducer` instances. * @typeparam I - the input value type * @typeparam O - the output value type * @typeparam S - the internal state type */ export class Base<I, O, S> implements AsyncReducer.Impl<I, O, S> { constructor( readonly init: AsyncOptLazy<S>, readonly next: ( state: S, elem: I, index: number, halt: () => void ) => MaybePromise<S>, readonly stateToResult: (state: S) => MaybePromise<O>, readonly onClose?: (state: S, error?: unknown) => MaybePromise<void> ) {}
filterInput( pred: (value: I, index: number, halt: () => void) => MaybePromise<boolean> ): AsyncReducer<I, O> { return create( async (): Promise<{ state: S; nextIndex: number }> => ({ nextIndex: 0, state: await AsyncOptLazy.toMaybePromise(this.init), }), async ( state, elem, index, halt ): Promise<{ state: S; nextIndex: number }> => { if (pred(elem, index, halt)) { state.state = await state.state, elem, state.nextIndex++, halt ); } return state; }, (state): MaybePromise<O> => this.stateToResult(state.state), (state, error) => this.onClose?.(state.state, error) ); }
mapInput<I2>( mapFun: (value: I2, index: number) => MaybePromise<I> ): AsyncReducer<I2, O> { return create( this.init, async (state, elem, index, halt): Promise<S> =>, await mapFun(elem, index), index, halt), this.stateToResult, this.onClose ); }
collectInput<I2>(collectFun: AsyncCollectFun<I2, I>): AsyncReducer<I2, O> { return create( async (): Promise<{ state: S; nextIndex: number }> => ({ nextIndex: 0, state: await AsyncOptLazy.toMaybePromise(this.init), }), async ( state, elem, index, halt ): Promise<{ state: S; nextIndex: number }> => { const nextElem = await collectFun(elem, index, CollectFun.Skip, halt);
if (CollectFun.Skip !== nextElem) { state.state = await state.state, nextElem, state.nextIndex++, halt ); }
return state; }, (state): MaybePromise<O> => this.stateToResult(state.state), (state, error) => this.onClose?.(state.state, error) ); }
mapOutput<O2>(mapFun: (value: O) => MaybePromise<O2>): AsyncReducer<I, O2> { return create( this.init,, async (state): Promise<O2> => mapFun(await this.stateToResult(state)), this.onClose ); }
takeInput(amount: number): AsyncReducer<I, O> { if (amount <= 0) { return create(this.init, identity, this.stateToResult); }
return this.filterInput((_, i, halt): boolean => { const more = i < amount; if (!more) halt(); return more; }); }
dropInput(amount: number): AsyncReducer<I, O> { if (amount <= 0) return this;
return this.filterInput((_, i): boolean => i >= amount); }
sliceInput(from = 0, amount?: number): AsyncReducer<I, O> { if (undefined === amount) return this.dropInput(from); if (amount <= 0) return create(this.init, identity, this.stateToResult); if (from <= 0) return this.takeInput(amount); return this.takeInput(amount).dropInput(from); } }
/** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` with the given options: * @param init - the optionally lazy and/or promised initial state value * @param next - returns (potentially asynchronously) the next state value based on the given inputs:<br/> * - current: the current state<br/> * - next: the current input value<br/> * - index: the input index value<br/> * - halt: function that, when called, ensures no more elements are passed to the reducer * @param stateToResult - a potentially asynchronous function that converts the current state to an output value * @param onClose - (optional) a function that will be called when the reducer will no longer receive values * @typeparam I - the input value type * @typeparam O - the output value type * @typeparam S - the internal state type */ export function create<I, O = I, S = O>( init: AsyncOptLazy<S>, next: ( current: S, next: I, index: number, halt: () => void ) => MaybePromise<S>, stateToResult: (state: S) => MaybePromise<O>, onClose?: (state: S, error?: unknown) => MaybePromise<void> ): AsyncReducer<I, O> { return new AsyncReducer.Base(init, next, stateToResult, onClose); }
/** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` of which the input, state, and output types are the same. * @param init - the optionally lazy and/or promised initial state value * @param next - returns (potentially asynchronously) the next state value based on the given inputs:<br/> * - current: the current state<br/> * - next: the current input value<br/> * - index: the input index value<br/> * - halt: function that, when called, ensures no more elements are passed to the reducer * @param stateToResult - a potentially asynchronous function that converts the current state to an output value * @param onClose - (optional) a function that will be called when the reducer will no longer receive values * @typeparam I - the input value type * @typeparam O - the output value type * @typeparam S - the internal state type */ export function createMono<T>( init: AsyncOptLazy<T>, next: ( current: T, next: T, index: number, halt: () => void ) => MaybePromise<T>, stateToResult?: (state: T) => MaybePromise<T>, onClose?: (state: T, error?: unknown) => MaybePromise<void> ): AsyncReducer<T> { return create(init, next, stateToResult ?? identity, onClose); }
/** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` of which the state and output types are the same. * @param init - the optionally lazy and/or promised initial state value * @param next - returns (potentially asynchronously) the next state value based on the given inputs:<br/> * - current: the current state<br/> * - next: the current input value<br/> * - index: the input index value<br/> * - halt: function that, when called, ensures no more elements are passed to the reducer * @param stateToResult - a potentially asynchronous function that converts the current state to an output value * @param onClose - (optional) a function that will be called when the reducer will no longer receive values * @typeparam I - the input value type * @typeparam O - the output value type * @typeparam S - the internal state type */ export function createOutput<I, O = I>( init: AsyncOptLazy<O>, next: ( current: O, next: I, index: number, halt: () => void ) => MaybePromise<O>, stateToResult?: (state: O) => MaybePromise<O>, onClose?: (state: O, error?: unknown) => MaybePromise<void> ): AsyncReducer<I, O> { return create(init, next, stateToResult ?? identity, onClose); }
export function from<I, O>(reducer: Reducer<I, O>): AsyncReducer<I, O> { return AsyncReducer.create( reducer.init,, reducer.stateToResult ); }
/** * A `Reducer` that sums all given numeric input values. * @example * ```ts * console.log(Stream.range({ amount: 5 }).reduce(Reducer.sum)) * // => 10 * ``` */ export const sum = createMono(0, (state, next): number => state + next);
/** * A `Reducer` that calculates the product of all given numeric input values. * @example * ```ts * console.log(Stream.range({ start: 1, amount: 5 }).reduce(product)) * // => 120 * ``` */ export const product = createMono(1, (state, next, _, halt): number => { if (0 === next) halt(); return state * next; });
/** * A `Reducer` that calculates the average of all given numberic input values. * @example * ```ts * console.log(Stream.range({ amount: 5 }).reduce(Reducer.average)); * // => 2 * ``` */ export const average = createMono( 0, (avg, value, index): number => avg + (value - avg) / (index + 1) );
/** * Returns a `Reducer` that remembers the minimum value of the inputs using the given `compFun` to compare input values * @param compFun - a comparison function for two input values, returning 0 when equal, positive when greater, negetive when smaller * @param otherwise - (default: undefineds) a fallback value when there were no input values given * @example * ```ts * const stream = Stream.of('abc', 'a', 'abcde', 'ab') * console.log(stream.minBy((s1, s2) => s1.length - s2.length)) * // 'a' * ``` */ export const minBy: { <T>(compFun: (v1: T, v2: T) => MaybePromise<number>): AsyncReducer< T, T | undefined >; <T, O>( compFun: (v1: T, v2: T) => MaybePromise<number>, otherwise: AsyncOptLazy<O> ): AsyncReducer<T, T | O>; } = <T, O>( compFun: (v1: T, v2: T) => MaybePromise<number>, otherwise?: AsyncOptLazy<O> ) => { const token = Symbol(); return create<T, T | O, T | typeof token>( token, async (state, next): Promise<T> => { if (token === state) return next; return (await compFun(state, next)) < 0 ? state : next; }, (state): MaybePromise<T | O> => token === state ? AsyncOptLazy.toMaybePromise(otherwise!) : state ); };
/** * Returns a `Reducer` that remembers the minimum value of the numberic inputs. * @param otherwise - (default: undefined) a fallback value when there were no input values given * @example * ```ts * console.log(Stream.of(5, 3, 7, 4).reduce(Reducer.min())) * // => 3 * ``` */ export const min: { (): AsyncReducer<number, number | undefined>; <O>(otherwise: AsyncOptLazy<O>): AsyncReducer<number, number | O>; } = <O>(otherwise?: AsyncOptLazy<O>) => { return create<number, number | O, number | undefined>( undefined, (state, next): number => undefined !== state && state < next ? state : next, (state): MaybePromise<number | O> => state ?? AsyncOptLazy.toMaybePromise(otherwise!) ); };
/** * Returns a `Reducer` that remembers the maximum value of the inputs using the given `compFun` to compare input values * @param compFun - a comparison function for two input values, returning 0 when equal, positive when greater, negetive when smaller * @param otherwise - (default: undefined) a fallback value when there were no input values given * @example * ```ts * const stream = Stream.of('abc', 'a', 'abcde', 'ab') * console.log(stream.maxBy((s1, s2) => s1.length - s2.length)) * // 'abcde' * ``` */ export const maxBy: { <T>(compFun: (v1: T, v2: T) => MaybePromise<number>): AsyncReducer< T, T | undefined >; <T, O>( compFun: (v1: T, v2: T) => MaybePromise<number>, otherwise: AsyncOptLazy<O> ): AsyncReducer<T, T | O>; } = <T, O>( compFun: (v1: T, v2: T) => MaybePromise<number>, otherwise?: AsyncOptLazy<O> ): AsyncReducer<T, T | O> => { const token = Symbol(); return create<T, T | O, T | typeof token>( token, async (state, next): Promise<T> => { if (token === state) return next; return (await compFun(state, next)) > 0 ? state : next; }, (state): MaybePromise<T | O> => token === state ? AsyncOptLazy.toMaybePromise(otherwise!) : state ); };
/** * Returns a `Reducer` that remembers the maximum value of the numberic inputs. * @param otherwise - (default: undefined) a fallback value when there were no input values given * @example * ```ts * console.log(Stream.of(5, 3, 7, 4).reduce(Reducer.max())) * // => 7 * ``` */ export const max: { (): AsyncReducer<number, number | undefined>; <O>(otherwise: AsyncOptLazy<O>): AsyncReducer<number, number | O>; } = <O>(otherwise?: AsyncOptLazy<O>): AsyncReducer<number, number | O> => { return create<number, number | O, number | undefined>( undefined, (state, next): number => undefined !== state && state > next ? state : next, (state): MaybePromise<number | O> => state ?? AsyncOptLazy.toMaybePromise(otherwise!) ); };
/** * Returns a `Reducer` that joins the given input values into a string using the given options. * @param options - an object containing:<br/> * - sep: (optional) a seperator string value between values in the output<br/> * - start: (optional) a start string to prepend to the output<br/> * - end: (optional) an end string to append to the output<br/> * @example * ```ts * console.log(Stream.of(1, 2, 3).reduce(Reducer.join({ sep: '-' }))) * // => '1-2-3' * ``` */ export function join<T>({ sep = '', start = '', end = '', valueToString = String as (value: T) => string, } = {}): AsyncReducer<T, string> { let curSep = ''; let curStart = start; return create( '', (state, next): string => { const result = curStart.concat(state, curSep, valueToString(next)); curSep = sep; curStart = ''; return result; }, (state): string => state.concat(end) ); }
/** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` that remembers the amount of input items provided. * @param pred - (optional) a predicate that returns false if the item should not be counted given:<br/> * - value: the current input value<br/> * - index: the input value index * @example * ```ts * const stream = AsyncStream.from(Stream.range({ amount: 10 })) * console.log(await stream.reduce(AsyncReducer.count())) * // => 10 * console.log(await stream.reduce(AsyncReducer.count(async v => v < 5))) * // => 5 * ``` */ export const count: { (): AsyncReducer<never, number>; <T>(pred: (value: T, index: number) => MaybePromise<boolean>): AsyncReducer< T, number >; } = ( pred?: (value: any, index: number) => MaybePromise<boolean> ): AsyncReducer<never, number> => { if (undefined === pred) return createOutput(0, (_, __, i): number => i + 1);
return createOutput(0, async (state, next, i): Promise<number> => { if (await pred?.(next, i)) return state + 1; return state; }); };
/** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` that remembers the first input value for which the given `pred` function returns true. * @param pred - a function taking an input value and its index, and returning true if the value should be remembered * @param otherwise - (default: undefined) a fallback value to output if no input value yet has satisfied the given predicate * @typeparam T - the input value type * @typeparam O - the fallback value type * @example * ```ts * await AsyncStream.from(Stream.range({ amount: 10 })).reduce(AsyncReducer.firstWhere(async v => v > 5))) * // => 6 * ``` */ export const firstWhere: { <T>(pred: (value: T, index: number) => MaybePromise<boolean>): AsyncReducer< T, T | undefined >; <T, O>( pred: (value: T, index: number) => MaybePromise<boolean>, otherwise: AsyncOptLazy<O> ): AsyncReducer<T, T | O>; } = <T, O>( pred: (value: T, index: number) => MaybePromise<boolean>, otherwise?: AsyncOptLazy<O> ) => { const token = Symbol();
return create<T, T | O, T | typeof token>( token, async (state, next, i, halt): Promise<T | typeof token> => { if (token === state && (await pred(next, i))) { halt(); return next; } return state; }, (state): MaybePromise<T | O> => token === state ? AsyncOptLazy.toMaybePromise(otherwise!) : state ); };
/** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` that remembers the first input value. * @param otherwise - (default: undefined) a fallback value to output if no input value has been provided * @typeparam T - the input value type * @typeparam O - the fallback value type * @example * ```ts * await AsyncStream.from(Stream.range{ amount: 10 })).reduce(AsyncReducer.first()) * // => 0 * ``` */ export const first: { <T>(): AsyncReducer<T, T | undefined>; <T, O>(otherwise: AsyncOptLazy<O>): AsyncReducer<T, T | O>; } = <T, O>(otherwise?: AsyncOptLazy<O>): AsyncReducer<T, T | O> => { const token = Symbol();
return create<T, T | O, T | typeof token>( token, (state, next, _, halt): T => { halt(); if (token === state) return next; return state; }, (state): MaybePromise<T | O> => token === state ? AsyncOptLazy.toMaybePromise(otherwise!) : state ); };
/** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` that remembers the last input value for which the given `pred` function returns true. * @param pred - a function taking an input value and its index, and returning true if the value should be remembered * @param otherwise - (default: undefined) a fallback value to output if no input value yet has satisfied the given predicate * @typeparam T - the input value type * @typeparam O - the fallback value type * @example * ```ts * await AsyncStream.from(Stream.range({ amount: 10 })).reduce(AsyncReducer.lastWhere(async v => v > 5))) * // => 9 * ``` */ export const lastWhere: { <T>(pred: (value: T, index: number) => MaybePromise<boolean>): AsyncReducer< T, T | undefined >; <T, O>( pred: (value: T, index: number) => MaybePromise<boolean>, otherwise: AsyncOptLazy<O> ): AsyncReducer<T, T | O>; } = <T, O>( pred: (value: T, index: number) => MaybePromise<boolean>, otherwise?: AsyncOptLazy<O> ) => { const token = Symbol();
return create<T, T | O, T | typeof token>( token, async (state, next, i): Promise<T | typeof token> => { if (await pred(next, i)) return next; return state; }, (state): MaybePromise<T | O> => token === state ? AsyncOptLazy.toMaybePromise(otherwise!) : state ); };
/** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` that remembers the last input value. * @param otherwise - (default: undefined) a fallback value to output if no input value has been provided * @typeparam T - the input value type * @typeparam O - the fallback value type * @example * ```ts * await AsyncStream.from(Stream.range{ amount: 10 })).reduce(AsyncReducer.last()) * // => 9 * ``` */ export const last: { <T>(): AsyncReducer<T, T | undefined>; <T, O>(otherwise: AsyncOptLazy<O>): AsyncReducer<T, T | O>; } = <T, O>(otherwise?: AsyncOptLazy<O>): AsyncReducer<T, T | O> => { const token = Symbol();
return create<T, T | O, T | typeof token>( () => token, (_, next): T => next, (state): MaybePromise<T | O> => token === state ? AsyncOptLazy.toMaybePromise(otherwise!) : state ); };
/** * Returns a `Reducer` that ouputs false as long as no input value satisfies given `pred`, true otherwise. * @typeparam T - the element type * @param pred - a function taking an input value and its index, and returning true if the value satisfies the predicate * @example * ```ts * await AsyncStream.from(Stream.range{ amount: 10 })).reduce(AsyncReducer.some(async v => v > 5)) * // => true * ``` */ export function some<T>( pred: (value: T, index: number) => MaybePromise<boolean> ): AsyncReducer<T, boolean> { return createOutput<T, boolean>( false, async (state, next, i, halt): Promise<boolean> => { if (state) return state; const satisfies = await pred(next, i);
if (satisfies) { halt(); }
return satisfies; } ); }
/** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` that ouputs true as long as all input values satisfy the given `pred`, false otherwise. * @typeparam T - the element type * @param pred - a function taking an input value and its index, and returning true if the value satisfies the predicate * @example * ```ts * await AsyncStream.from(Stream.range{ amount: 10 })).reduce(AsyncReducer.every(async v => v < 5)) * // => false * ``` */ export function every<T>( pred: (value: T, index: number) => MaybePromise<boolean> ): AsyncReducer<T, boolean> { return createOutput<T, boolean>( true, async (state, next, i, halt): Promise<boolean> => { if (!state) return state;
const satisfies = await pred(next, i);
if (!satisfies) { halt(); }
return satisfies; } ); }
/** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` that outputs false as long as the given `elem` has not been encountered in the input values, true otherwise. * @typeparam T - the element type * @param elem - the element to search for * @param eq - (optional) a comparison function that returns true if te two given input values are considered equal * @example * ```ts * await AsyncStream.from(Stream.range({ amount: 10 })).reduce(AsyncReducer.contains(5))) * // => true * ``` */ export function contains<T>( elem: T, eq: Eq<T> = ): AsyncReducer<T, boolean> { return createOutput<T, boolean>(false, (state, next, _, halt): boolean => { if (state) return state; const satisfies = eq(next, elem);
if (satisfies) { halt(); }
return satisfies; }); }
/** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` that takes boolean values and outputs true if all input values are true, and false otherwise. * @example * ```ts * await AsyncStream.of(true, false, true)).reduce(AsyncReducer.and)) * // => false * ``` */ export const and = createMono(true, (state, next, _, halt): boolean => { if (!state) return state; if (!next) halt(); return next; });
/** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` that takes boolean values and outputs true if one or more input values are true, and false otherwise. * @example * ```ts * await AsyncStream.of(true, false, true)).reduce(AsyncReducer.or)) * // => true * ``` */ export const or = createMono(false, (state, next, _, halt): boolean => { if (state) return state; if (next) halt(); return next; });
/** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` that outputs true if no input values are received, false otherwise. * @example * ```ts * await AsyncStream.of(1, 2, 3).reduce(AsyncReducer.isEmpty)) * // => false * ``` */ export const isEmpty = createOutput<never, boolean>( true, (_, __, ___, halt): false => { halt(); return false; } );
/** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` that outputs true if one or more input values are received, false otherwise. * @example * ```ts * await AsyncStream.of(1, 2, 3).reduce(AsyncReducer.nonEmpty)) * // => true * ``` */ export const nonEmpty = createOutput<never, boolean>( false, (_, __, ___, halt): true => { halt(); return true; } );
/** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` that collects received input values in an array, and returns a copy of that array as an output value when requested. * @typeparam T - the element type * @example * ```ts * await AsyncStream.of(1, 2, 3).reduce(AsyncReducer.toArray())) * // => [1, 2, 3] * ``` */ export function toArray<T>(): AsyncReducer<T, T[]> { return create( (): T[] => [], (state, next): T[] => { state.push(next); return state; }, (state): T[] => state.slice() ); }
/** * Returns a `AsyncReducer` that collects received input tuples into a mutable JS Map, and returns * a copy of that map when output is requested. * @typeparam K - the map key type * @typeparam V - the map value type * @example * ```ts * await AsyncStream.of([1, 'a'], [2, 'b']).reduce(AsyncReducer.toJSMap())) * // Map { 1 => 'a', 2 => 'b' } * ``` */ export function toJSMap<K, V>(): AsyncReducer<[K, V], Map<K, V>> { return create( (): Map<K, V> => new Map(), (state, next): Map<K, V> => { state.set(next[0], next[1]); return state; }, (s): Map<K, V> => new Map(s) ); }
/** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` that collects received input values into a mutable JS Set, and returns * a copy of that map when output is requested. * @typeparam T - the element type * @example * ```ts * await AsyncStream.of(1, 2, 3).reduce(AsyncReducer.toJSSet())) * // Set {1, 2, 3} * ``` */ export function toJSSet<T>(): AsyncReducer<T, Set<T>> { return create( (): Set<T> => new Set<T>(), (state, next): Set<T> => { state.add(next); return state; }, (s): Set<T> => new Set(s) ); }
/** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` that collects 2-tuples containing keys and values into a plain JS object, and * returns a copy of that object when output is requested. * @typeparam K - the result object key type * @typeparam V - the result object value type * @example * ```ts * await AsyncStream.of(['a', 1], ['b', true]).reduce(AsyncReducer.toJSObject())) * // { a: 1, b: true } * ``` */ export function toJSObject< K extends string | number | symbol, V >(): AsyncReducer<[K, V], Record<K, V>> { return create( () => ({} as Record<K, V>), (state, entry) => { state[entry[0]] = entry[1]; return state; }, (s) => ({ ...s }) ); }
/** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` that combines multiple input `reducers` by providing input values to all of them and collecting the outputs in an array. * @param reducers - 2 or more reducers to combine * @example * ```ts * const red = AsyncReducer.combineArr(AsyncReducer.sum, AsyncReducer.average) * * await AsyncStream.from(Stream.range({ amount: 9 })) * .reduce(red) * // => [36, 4] * ``` */ export function combineArr< T, R extends readonly [unknown, unknown, ...unknown[]] >( ...reducers: { [K in keyof R]: AsyncReducer<T, R[K]> } & AsyncReducer< T, unknown >[] ): AsyncReducer<T, R> { const createState = (): Promise< { reducer: AsyncReducer<T, unknown>; halted: boolean; halt(): void; state: unknown; }[] > => { return Promise.all( (reducer) => { const result = { reducer, halted: false, halt(): void { result.halted = true; }, state: await AsyncOptLazy.toMaybePromise(reducer.init), };
return result; }) ); };
return create< T, R, { reducer: AsyncReducer<T, unknown>; halted: boolean; halt(): void; state: unknown; }[] >( createState, async (allState, next, index, halt) => { let anyNotHalted = false;
await Promise.all( (red) => { if (red.halted) return;
red.state = await red.state, next, index, red.halt ); if (!red.halted) anyNotHalted = true; }) );
if (!anyNotHalted) halt();
return allState; }, (allState) => Promise.all( => st.reducer.stateToResult(st.state)) ) as any ); }
/** * Returns an `AsyncReducer` that combines multiple input `reducers` by providing input values to all of them and collecting the outputs in the shape of the given object. * @typeparam T - the input type for all the reducers * @typeparam R - the result object shape * @param reducerObj - an object of keys, and reducers corresponding to those keys * @example * ```ts * const red = AsyncReducer.combineObj({ * theSum: Reducer.sum, * theAverage: Reducer.average * }); * * await AsyncStream.from(Stream.range({ amount: 9 })) * .reduce(red)); * // => { theSum: 36, theAverage: 4 } * ``` */ export function combineObj<T, R extends { readonly [key: string]: unknown }>( reducerObj: { readonly [K in keyof R]: AsyncReducer<T, R[K]> } & Record< string, AsyncReducer<T, unknown> > ): AsyncReducer<T, R> { const createState = async (): Promise< Record< keyof R, { reducer: AsyncReducer<T, unknown>; halted: boolean; halt(): void; state: unknown; } > > => { const entries = await Promise.all( Object.entries(reducerObj).map(async ([key, reducer]) => { const result = { reducer, halted: false, halt(): void { result.halted = true; }, state: await AsyncOptLazy.toMaybePromise(reducer.init), };
return [key, result] as const; }) );
return Object.fromEntries(entries) as any; };
return create< T, R, Record< keyof R, { reducer: AsyncReducer<T, unknown>; halted: boolean; halt(): void; state: unknown; } > >( createState, async (allState, next, index, halt) => { let anyNotHalted = false;
await Promise.all( Object.values(allState).map(async (red) => { if (red.halted) { return; }
red.state = await red.state, next, index, red.halt );
if (!red.halted) { anyNotHalted = true; } }) );
if (!anyNotHalted) { halt(); }
return allState; }, async (allState) => { const entries = await Promise.all( Object.entries(allState).map( async ([key, st]) => [key, await st.reducer.stateToResult(st.state)] as const ) );
return Object.fromEntries(entries) as any; } ); }}