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Rimbu is a TypeScript library focused on immutable, performant, and type-safe collections and other tools.
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import type { Match, Patch, Path, Protected, Selector } from './internal.ts';import { Deep } from './internal.ts';
export { match, type Match } from './match.ts';export { patch, type Patch } from './patch.ts';export { getAt, patchAt, type Path } from './path.ts';export { select, type Selector } from './selector.ts';export type { Protected } from './protected.ts';
/** * Returns the same value wrapped in the `Protected` type. * @typeparam T - the source value type * @param source - the value to wrap * @note does not perform any runtime protection, it is only a utility to easily add the `Protected` * type to a value * @example * ```ts * const obj = Deep.protect({ a: 1, b: { c: true, d: [1] } }) * obj.a = 2 // compiler error: a is readonly * obj.b.c = false // compiler error: c is readonly * obj.b.d.push(2) // compiler error: d is a readonly array * (obj as any).b.d.push(2) // will actually mutate the object * ``` */export function protect<T>(source: T): Protected<T> { return source as Protected<T>;}
/** * Returns a function that gets the value at the given string `path` inside an object. * @typeparam T - the input value type * @typeparam P - the string literal path type in the object * @param path - the string path in the object * @param source - the value from which to extract the path value * @example * ```ts * const items = [{ a: { b: 1, c: 'a' } }, { a: { b: 2, c: 'b' } }]; *'a.c')); * // => ['a', 'b'] * ``` */export function getAtWith<T, P extends Path.Get<T>>( path: P): (source: T) => Path.Result<T, P> { return (source) => Deep.getAt(source, path);}
/** * Returns a function that patches a given `source` with the given `patchItems`. * @typeparam T - the patch value type * @typeparam TE - utility type * @typeparam TT - utility type * @param patchItem - the `Patch` definition to update the given value of type `T` with. * @param source - the value to use the given `patchItem` on. * @example * ```ts * const items = [{ a: 1, b: 'a' }, { a: 2, b: 'b' }]; *[{ a: v => v + 1 }])); * // => [{ a: 2, b: 'a' }, { a: 3, b: 'b' }] * ``` */export function patchWith<T, TE extends T = T, TT = T>( patchItem: Patch<TT, TE>): (source: TE) => T { return (source) => Deep.patch(source, patchItem as any);}
/** * Returns a function that patches a given `value` with the given `patchItems` at the given `path`. * @typeparam T - the patch value type * @typeparam P - the string literal path type in the object * @typeparam TE - utility type * @typeparam TT - utility type * @param path - the string path in the object * @param patchItem - the `Patch` definition to update the value at the given `path` in `T` with. * @param source - the value to use the given `patchItem` on at the given `path`. * @example * ```ts * const items = [{ a: { b: 1, c: 'a' } }, { a: { b: 2, c: 'b' } }]; *'a', [{ b: (v) => v + 1 }])); * // => [{ a: { b: 2, c: 'a' } }, { a: { b: 3, c: 'b' } }] * ``` */export function patchAtWith<T, P extends Path.Set<T>, TE extends T = T, TT = T>( path: P, patchItem: Patch<Path.Result<TE, P>, Path.Result<TT, P>>): (source: T) => T { return (source) => Deep.patchAt(source, path, patchItem as any);}
/** * Returns a function that matches a given `value` with the given `matcher`. * @typeparam T - the patch value type * @param matcher - a matcher object that matches input values. * @param source - the value to use the given `patchItem` on at the given `path`. * @example * ```ts * const items = [{ a: 1, b: 'a' }, { a: 2, b: 'b' }]; * items.filter(Deep.matchWith({ a: 2 })); * // => [{ a: 2, b: 'b' }] * ``` */export function matchWith<T>(matcher: Match<T>): (source: T) => boolean { return (source) => Deep.match(source, matcher);}
/** * Returns true if the given `value` object matches the given `matcher` at the given `path`, false otherwise. * @typeparam T - the input value type * @typeparam P - the string literal path type in the object * @param source - the input value * @param path - the string path in the object * @param matcher - a matcher object or a function taking the matcher API and returning a match object * @example * ```ts * const input = { a: 1, b: { c: true, d: 'a' } } * Deep.matchAt(input, 'b', { c: true }) * // => true * ``` */export function matchAt<T, P extends Path.Get<T>>( source: T, path: P, matcher: Match<Path.Result<T, P>>): boolean { return Deep.match(Deep.getAt(source, path), matcher);}
/** * Returns a function that matches a given `value` with the given `matcher` at the given string `path`. * @typeparam T - the patch value type * @typeparam P - the string literal path type in the object * @typeparam TE - utility type * @param path - the string path in the object * @param matcher - a matcher object that matches input values. * @param source - the value to use the given `matcher` on at the given `path`. * @example * ```ts * const items = [{ a: { b: 1, c: 'a' } }, { a: { b: 2, c: 'b' } }]; * items.filter(Deep.matchAtWith('a.b', 2)); * // => [{ a: 2, b: 'b' }] * ``` */export function matchAtWith<T, P extends Path.Get<T>, TE extends T = T>( path: P, matcher: Match<Path.Result<T & TE, P>>): (source: T) => boolean { return (source) => Deep.matchAt(source, path, matcher as any);}
/** * Returns a function that selects a certain shape from a given `value` with the given `selector`. * @typeparam T - the patch value type * @typeparam SL - the selector shape type * @param selector - a shape indicating the selection from the source values * @param source - the value to use the given `selector` on. * @example * ```ts * const items = [{ a: { b: 1, c: 'a' } }, { a: { b: 2, c: 'b' } }]; *{ q: 'a.c', z: ['a.b', v => v.a.b + 1] as const })); * // => [{ q: 'a', z: [1, 2] }, { q: 'b', z: [2, 3] }] * ``` */export function selectWith<T, SL extends Selector<T>>( selector: Selector.Shape<SL>): (source: T) => Selector.Result<T, SL> { return (source) =>, selector);}
/** * Returns the result of applying the given `selector` shape to the given `source` value. * @typeparam T - the patch value type * @typeparam P - the string literal path type in the object * @typeparam SL - the selector shape type * @param source - the source value to select from * @param path - the string path in the object * @param selector - a shape indicating the selection from the source value at the given path * @example * ```ts * const item = { a: { b: 1, c: 'a' } }; * Deep.selectAt(item, 'a', { q: 'c', z: ['b', v => v.b + 1] as const }); * // => { q: 'a', z: [1, 2] } * ``` */export function selectAt< T, P extends Path.Get<T>, SL extends Selector<Path.Result<T, P>>>( source: T, path: P, selector: Selector.Shape<SL>): Selector.Result<Path.Result<T, P>, SL> { return, path), selector);}
/** * Returns a function that selects a certain shape from a given `value` with the given `selector` at the given string `path`. * @typeparam T - the patch value type * @typeparam P - the string literal path type in the object * @typeparam SL - the selector shape type * @param path - the string path in the object * @param selector - a shape indicating the selection from the source values * @example * ```ts * const items = [{ a: { b: 1, c: 'a' } }, { a: { b: 2, c: 'b' } }]; *'a', { q: 'c', z: ['b', v => v.b + 1] as const })); * // => [{ q: 'a', z: [1, 2] }, { q: 'b', z: [2, 3] }] * ``` */export function selectAtWith< T, P extends Path.Get<T>, SL extends Selector<Path.Result<T, P>>>( path: P, selector: Selector.Shape<SL>): (source: T) => Selector.Result<Path.Result<T, P>, SL> { return (source) => Deep.selectAt(source, path, selector);}
/** * Typed and curried Deep API, used in situations where the target type * is known but the value will be applied later. * @typeparam T - the target type * @example * ```ts * const s = { a: 1, b: { c: 'a', d: true }}; * const upd = Deep.withType<typeof s>().patchWith([{ a: (v) => v + 1 }]); * upd(s); * // => { a: 2, b: { c: 'a', d: true }} * ``` */export interface WithType<T> { /** * Returns a function that given an object returns the value at the given `path`. * @typeparam P - a Path in object type T * @param path - the path into the object * @example * ```ts * const value = { a: { b: { c: 5 } } } * const getValue = Deep.withType<typeof value>().getAtWith('a.b.c'); * getValue(value); * // => 5 * ``` */ getAtWith<P extends Path.Get<T>>(path: P): (source: T) => Path.Result<T, P>; /** * Returns a function that patches a given `value` with the given `patchItems`. * @typeparam TT - utility type * @param patchItem - the `Patch` definition to update the given value with * @param source - the value to use the given `patchItem` on. * @example * ```ts * const value = { a: 1, b: 'a' }; * const upd = Deep.withType<typeof value>().patch([{ a: v => v + 1 }]); * upd(value); * // => { a: 2, b: 'a' } * ``` */ patchWith<TE extends T = T, TT = T>( patchItem: Patch<TT, TE> ): (source: TE) => T; /** * Returns a function that patches a given `value` with the given `patchItems` at the given `path`. * @typeparam P - the string literal path type in the object * @typeparam TT - utility type * @param path - the string path in the object * @param patchItem - the `Patch` definition to update the given value with * @param source - the value to use the given `patchItem` on at the given `path`. * @example * ```ts * const value = { a: { b: 1, c: 'a' } }; * const upd = Deep.withType<typeof value>().patchAtWith('a', [{ b: (v) => v + 1 }]) * upd(value); * // => { a: { b: 2, c: 'a' } } * ``` */ patchAtWith<P extends Path.Set<T>, TT = T>( path: P, patchItem: Patch<Path.Result<T, P>, Path.Result<TT, P>> ): (source: T) => T; /** * Returns a function that matches a given `value` with the given `matcher`. * @param matcher - a matcher object that matches input values. * @param source - the value to use the given `matcher` on. * @example * ```ts * const value = { a: 1, b: 'a' }; * const m = Deep.withType<typeof value>().matchWith({ a: 1 }); * m(value); * // => true * ``` */ matchWith(matcher: Match<T>): (source: T) => boolean; /** * Returns a function that matches a given `value` with the given `matcher` at the given string `path`. * @typeparam P - the string literal path type in the object * @param path - the string path in the object * @param matcher - a matcher object that matches input values. * @param source - the value to use the given `matcher` on at the given `path`. * @example * ```ts * const items = [{ a: { b: 1, c: 'a' } }, { a: { b: 2, c: 'b' } }]; * items.filter(Deep.matchAtWith('a.b', 2)); * // => [{ a: 2, b: 'b' }] * ``` */ matchAtWith<P extends Path.Get<T>>( path: P, matcher: Match<Path.Result<T, P>> ): (source: T) => boolean; /** * Returns a function that selects a certain shape from a given `value` with the given `selector`. * @typeparam SL - the selector shape type * @param selector - a shape indicating the selection from the source values * @param source - the value to use the given `selector` on. * @example * ```ts * const value = { a: { b: 1, c: 'a' } }; * const sel = Deep.withType<typeof value>().selectWith({ q: 'a.b' }); * sel(value); * // => { q: 1 } * ``` */ selectWith<SL extends Selector<T>>( selector: Selector.Shape<SL> ): (source: T) => Selector.Result<T, SL>; /** * Returns a function that selects a certain shape from a given `value` with the given `selector` at the given string `path`. * @typeparam P - the string literal path type in the object * @typeparam SL - the selector shape type * @param path - the string path in the object * @param selector - a shape indicating the selection from the source values * @param source - the value to use the given `selector` on at the given `path`. * @example * ```ts * const value = { a: { b: 1, c: 'a' } }; * const sel = Deep.withType<typeof value>().selectAtWith('a', { q: 'b' }); * sel(value); * // => { q: 1 } * ``` */ selectAtWith<P extends Path.Get<T>, SL extends Selector<Path.Result<T, P>>>( path: P, selector: Selector.Shape<SL> ): (source: T) => Selector.Result<Path.Result<T, P>, SL>;}
/** * Returns a curried API with a known target type. This can be useful for using the methods in * contexts where the target type can be inferred from the usage. * @typeparam T - the target type * @example * ```ts * const s = { a: 1, b: { c: 'a', d: true }} * const upd = Deep.withType<typeof s>().patchWith([{ d: (v) => !v }]) * upd(s) * // => { a: 1, b: { c: 'a', d: false }} * ``` */export function withType<T>(): WithType<T> { return Deep;}