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Rimbu is a TypeScript library focused on immutable, performant, and type-safe collections and other tools.
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import type { IsAnyFunc, IsArray, IsPlainObj } from '../base/mod.ts';import { Deep, Patch } from './internal.ts';import type { Tuple } from './tuple.ts';
export namespace Path { /** * A string representing a path into an (nested) object of type T. * @typeparam T - the object type to select in * @example * ```ts * const p: Path.Get<{ a: { b: { c : 5 } } }> = 'a.b' * ``` */ export type Get<T> = Path.Internal.Generic<T, false, false, true>;
/** * A string representing a path into an (nested) object of type T. * @typeparam T - the object type to select in * @example * ```ts * const p: Path.Set<{ a: { b: { c : 5 } } }> = 'a.b' * ``` */ export type Set<T> = Path.Internal.Generic<T, true, false, true>;
export namespace Internal { /** * Determines the allowed paths into a value of type `T`. * @typeparam T - the source type * @typeparam Write - if true the path should be writable (no optional chaining) * @typeparam Maybe - if true the value at the current path is optional * @typeparam First - if true this is the root call * @note type is mapped as template literal to prevent non-string types to leak through */ export type Generic< T, Write extends boolean, Maybe extends boolean, First extends boolean = false > = `${IsAnyFunc<T> extends true ? // functions can not be further decomposed '' : // empty string is always an option '' | Path.Internal.NonEmpty<T, Write, Maybe, First>}`;
/** * Determines the allowed non-empty paths into a value of type `T`. * @typeparam T - the source type * @typeparam Write - if true the path should be writable (no optional chaining) * @typeparam Maybe - if true the value at the current path is optional * @typeparam First - if true this is the root call */ export type NonEmpty< T, Write extends boolean, Maybe extends boolean, First extends boolean > = Path.Internal.IsOptional<T> extends true ? // the value T may be null or undefined, check whether further chaining is allowed Write extends false ? // path is not used to write to, so optional chaining is allowed Path.Internal.Generic<Exclude<T, undefined | null>, Write, true> : // path can be written to, no optional chaining allowed never : // determine separator, and continue with non-optional value `${Path.Internal.Separator< First, Maybe, IsArray<T> >}${Path.Internal.NonOptional<T, Write, Maybe>}`;
/** * Determines the allowed paths into a non-optional value of type `T`. * @typeparam T - the source type * @typeparam Write - if true the path should be writable (no optional chaining) * @typeparam Maybe - if true the value at the current path is optional * @typeparam First - if true this is the root call */ export type NonOptional< T, Write extends boolean, Maybe extends boolean > = Tuple.IsTuple<T> extends true ? // determine allowed paths for tuple Path.Internal.Tup<T, Write, Maybe> : T extends readonly any[] ? // determine allowed paths for array Write extends false ? // path is not writable so arrays are allowed Path.Internal.Arr<T> : // path is writable, no arrays allowed never : IsPlainObj<T> extends true ? // determine allowed paths for object Path.Internal.Obj<T, Write, Maybe> : // no match never;
/** * Determines the allowed paths for a tuple. Since tuples have fixed types, they do not * need to be optional, in contrast to arrays. * @typeparam T - the input tuple type * @typeparam Write - if true the path should be writable (no optional chaining) * @typeparam Maybe - if true the value at the current path is optional */ export type Tup<T, Write extends boolean, Maybe extends boolean> = { [K in Tuple.KeysOf<T>]: `[${K}]${Path.Internal.Generic< T[K], Write, Maybe >}`; }[Tuple.KeysOf<T>];
/** * Determines the allowed paths for an array. * @typeparam T - the input array type */ export type Arr<T extends readonly any[]> = // first `[index]` and then the rest of the path, which cannot be Write (since optional) and must be Maybe `[${number}]${Path.Internal.Generic<T[number], false, true>}`;
/** * Determines the allowed paths for an object. * @typeparam T - the input object type * @typeparam Write - if true the path should be writable (no optional chaining) * @typeparam Maybe - if true the value at the current path is optional */ export type Obj<T, Write extends boolean, Maybe extends boolean> = { [K in keyof T]: `${K & string}${Path.Internal.Generic< T[K], Write, // If writable (not optional), Maybe is false. If value is optional, Maybe is true. Otherwise, forward current Maybe. Write extends true ? false : Path.Internal.IsOptional<T[K], true, Maybe> >}`; }[keyof T];
/** * Determines the allowed path part seperator based on the input types. * @typeparam First - if true, this is the first call * @typeparam Maybe - if true, the value is optional * @typeparam IsArray - if true, the value is an array */ export type Separator< First extends boolean, Maybe extends boolean, IsArray extends boolean > = Maybe extends true ? First extends true ? // first optional value cannot have separator never : // non-first optional value must have separator '?.' : First extends true ? // first non-optional value has empty separator '' : IsArray extends true ? // array selectors do not have separator '' : // normal separator '.';
/** * Determines whether the given type `T` is optional, that is, whether it can be null or undefined. * @typeparam T - the input type * @typeparam True - the value to return if `T` is optional * @typeparam False - the value to return if `T` is mandatory */ export type IsOptional<T, True = true, False = false> = undefined extends T ? // is optional True : null extends T ? // is optional True : // not optional False;
/** * Returns type `T` if `Maybe` is false, `T | undefined` otherwise. * @typeparam T - the input type * @typeparam Maybe - if true, the return type value should be optional */ export type MaybeValue<T, Maybe extends boolean> = Maybe extends true ? T | undefined : T;
/** * Utility type to only add non-empty string types to a string array. * @typeparma A - the input string array * @typeparam T - the string value to optionally add */ export type AppendIfNotEmpty< A extends string[], T extends string > = T extends '' ? // empty string, do not add A : // non-empty string, add to array [...A, T]; }
/** * The result type when selecting from object type T a path with type P. * @typeparam T - the object type to select in * @typeparam P - a Path in object type T * @example * ```ts * let r!: Path.Result<{ a: { b: { c: number } } }, 'a.b'>; * // => type of r: { c: number } * ``` */ export type Result<T, P extends string> = Path.Result.For< T, Path.Result.Tokenize<P>, false >;
export namespace Result { /** * Determines the result type for an array of tokens representing subpaths in type `T`. * @typeparam T - the current source type * @typeparam Tokens - an array of elements indicating a path into the source type * @typeparam Maybe - if true indicates that the path may be undefined */ export type For< T, Tokens, Maybe extends boolean = Path.Internal.IsOptional<T> > = Tokens extends [] ? // no more token Path.Internal.MaybeValue<T, Maybe> : Path.Internal.IsOptional<T> extends true ? // T can be null or undefined, so continue with Maybe set to true Path.Result.For<Exclude<T, undefined | null>, Tokens, Maybe> : Tokens extends ['?.', infer Key, ...infer Rest] ? // optional chaining, process first part and set Maybe to true Path.Result.For<Path.Result.Part<T, Key, Maybe>, Rest, true> : Tokens extends ['.', infer Key, ...infer Rest] ? // normal chaining, process first part and continue Path.Result.For<Path.Result.Part<T, Key, false>, Rest, Maybe> : Tokens extends [infer Key, ...infer Rest] ? // process first part, and continue Path.Result.For<Path.Result.Part<T, Key, false>, Rest, Maybe> : never;
/** * Determines the result of getting the property/index `K` from type `T`, taking into * account that the value may be optional. * @typeparam T - the current source type * @typeparam K - the key to get from the source type * @typeparam Maybe - if true indicates that the path may be undefined */ export type Part<T, K, Maybe extends boolean> = IsArray<T> extends true ? // for arrays, Maybe needs to be set to true to force optional chaining // for tuples, Maybe should be false Path.Internal.MaybeValue< T[K & keyof T], Tuple.IsTuple<T> extends true ? Maybe : true > : // Return the type at the given key, and take `Maybe` into account Path.Internal.MaybeValue<T[K & keyof T], Maybe>;
/** * Converts a path string into separate tokens in a string array. * @typeparam P - the literal string path type * @typeparam Token - the token currently being produced * @typeparam Res - the resulting literal string token array */ export type Tokenize< P extends string, Token extends string = '', Res extends string[] = [] > = P extends '' ? // no more input to process, return result Path.Internal.AppendIfNotEmpty<Res, Token> : P extends `[${infer Index}]${infer Rest}` ? // input is an array selector, append index to tokens. Continue with new token Tokenize< Rest, '', [...Path.Internal.AppendIfNotEmpty<Res, Token>, Index] > : P extends `?.${infer Rest}` ? // optional chaining, append to tokens. Continue with new token Tokenize< Rest, '', [...Path.Internal.AppendIfNotEmpty<Res, Token>, '?.'] > : P extends `.${infer Rest}` ? // normal chaining, append to tokens. Continue with new token Tokenize<Rest, '', [...Path.Internal.AppendIfNotEmpty<Res, Token>, '.']> : P extends `${infer First}${infer Rest}` ? // process next character Tokenize<Rest, `${Token}${First}`, Res> : never; }
/** * Regular expression used to split a path string into tokens. */ export const stringSplitRegex = /\?\.|\.|\[|\]/g;
/** * The allowed values of a split path. */ export type StringSplit = (string | number | undefined)[];
/** * Return the given `path` string split into an array of subpaths. * @param path - the input string path */ export function stringSplit(path: string): Path.StringSplit { return path.split(Path.stringSplitRegex); }}
/** * Returns the value resulting from selecting the given `path` in the given `source` object. * It supports optional chaining for nullable values or values that may be undefined, and also * for accessing objects inside an array. * There is currently no support for forcing non-null (the `!` operator). * @typeparam T - the object type to select in * @typeparam P - a Path in object type T * @param source - the object to select in * @param path - the path into the object * @example * ```ts * const value = { a: { b: { c: [{ d: 5 }, { d: 6 }] } } } * Deep.getAt(value, 'a.b'); * // => { c: 5 } * Deep.getAt(value, 'a.b.c'); * // => [{ d: 5 }, { d: 5 }] * Deep.getAt(value, 'a.b.c[1]'); * // => { d: 6 } * Deep.getAt(value, 'a.b.c[1]?.d'); * // => 6 * ``` */export function getAt<T, P extends Path.Get<T>>( source: T, path: P): Path.Result<T, P> { if (path === '') { // empty path always directly returns source value return source as any; }
const items = Path.stringSplit(path);
// start with `source` as result value let result = source as any;
for (const item of items) { if (undefined === item || item === '' || item === '[') { // ignore irrelevant items continue; }
if (undefined === result || null === result) { // optional chaining assumed and no value available, skip rest of path and return undefined return undefined as any; }
// set current result to subpath value result = result[item]; }
return result;}
/** * Patches the value at the given path in the source to the given value. * Because the path to update must exist in the `source` object, optional * chaining and array indexing is not allowed. * @param source - the object to update * @param path - the path in the object to update * @param patchItem - the patch for the value at the given path * @example * ```ts * const value = { a: { b: { c: 5 } } }; * Deep.patchAt(value, 'a.b.c', v => v + 5); * // => { a: { b: { c: 6 } } } * ``` */export function patchAt<T, P extends Path.Set<T>, C = Path.Result<T, P>>( source: T, path: P, patchItem: Patch<Path.Result<T, P>, Path.Result<T, P> & C>): T { if (path === '') { return Deep.patch(source, patchItem as any); }
const items = Path.stringSplit(path);
// creates a patch object based on the current path function createPatchPart(index: number, target: any): any { if (index === items.length) { // processed all items, return the input `patchItem` return patchItem; }
const item = items[index];
if (undefined === item || item === '') { // empty items can be ignored return createPatchPart(index + 1, target); }
if (item === '[') { // next item is array index, set arrayMode to true return createPatchPart(index + 1, target); }
// create object with subPart as property key, and the restuls of processing next parts as value const result = { [item]: createPatchPart(index + 1, target[item]), };
if (Array.isArray(target)) { // target in source object is array/tuple, so the patch should be object return result; }
// target in source is not an array, so it patch should be an array return [result]; }
return Deep.patch(source, createPatchPart(0, source));}