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Rimbu is a TypeScript library focused on immutable, performant, and type-safe collections and other tools.
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import type { Stream, Streamable } from '../../../../../stream/mod.ts';
import { HashMap } from '../../../../../hashed/mod.ts';
import type { EdgeValuedGraphHashedCreators, ValuedGraphElement,} from '../../../../../graph/custom/index.ts';
import { EdgeValuedGraphBase, ValuedGraphContext } from '../../../../../graph/custom/index.ts';
/** * An type-invariant immutable valued edge (undirected) graph. * The nodes are internally maintained using HashMaps * See the [Graph documentation]( and the [EdgeValuedGraphHashed API documentation]( * @typeparam N - the node type * @typeparam V - the connection value type * @example * ```ts * const g1 = EdgeValuedGraphHashed.empty<number, string>() * const g2 = EdgeValuedGraphHashed.of([1], [2, 3, 'a'], [2, 4, 'b']) * ``` */export interface EdgeValuedGraphHashed<N, V> extends EdgeValuedGraphBase<N, V, EdgeValuedGraphHashed.Types> {}
export namespace EdgeValuedGraphHashed { /** * A non-empty type-invariant immutable valued edge (undirected) graph. * The nodes are internally maintained using HashMaps * See the [Graph documentation]( and the [EdgeValuedGraphHashed API documentation]( * @typeparam N - the node type * @typeparam V - the connection value type */ export interface NonEmpty<N, V> extends EdgeValuedGraphBase.NonEmpty<N, V, EdgeValuedGraphHashed.Types>, Omit< EdgeValuedGraphHashed<N, V>, keyof EdgeValuedGraphBase.NonEmpty<any, any, any> >, Streamable.NonEmpty<ValuedGraphElement<N, V>> { /** * Returns a non-empty Stream containing all entries of this collection as tuples of key and value. * @example * ```ts * EdgeValuedGraphHashed.of([1, 2, 'a'], [2, 3, 'b']).stream().toArray() * // => [[1, 2, 'a'], [2, 3, 'b']] * ``` */ stream(): Stream.NonEmpty<ValuedGraphElement<N, V>>; }
/** * A mutable `EdgeValuedGraphHashed` builder used to efficiently create new immutable instances. * See the [Graph documentation]( and the [EdgeValuedGraphHashed.Builder API documentation]( * @typeparam N - the node type * @typeparam V - the connection value type */ export interface Builder<N, V> extends EdgeValuedGraphBase.Builder<N, V, EdgeValuedGraphHashed.Types> {}
/** * The EdgeValuedGraphHashed's Context instance that serves as a factory for all related immutable instances and builders. * @typeparam UN - the upper type limit for node types for which this context can create instances */ export interface Context<UN> extends EdgeValuedGraphBase.Context<UN, EdgeValuedGraphHashed.Types> { readonly typeTag: 'EdgeValuedGraphHashed'; }
/** * Utility interface that provides higher-kinded types for this collection. */ export interface Types extends EdgeValuedGraphBase.Types { readonly normal: EdgeValuedGraphHashed<this['_N'], this['_V']>; readonly nonEmpty: EdgeValuedGraphHashed.NonEmpty<this['_N'], this['_V']>; readonly context: EdgeValuedGraphHashed.Context<this['_N']>; readonly builder: EdgeValuedGraphHashed.Builder<this['_N'], this['_V']>; readonly linkMap: HashMap<this['_N'], HashMap<this['_N'], this['_V']>>; readonly linkMapNonEmpty: HashMap.NonEmpty< this['_N'], HashMap<this['_N'], this['_V']> >; readonly linkMapContext: HashMap.Context<this['_N']>; readonly linkConnectionsContext: HashMap.Context<this['_N']>; readonly linkMapBuilder: HashMap.Builder< this['_N'], HashMap.Builder<this['_N'], this['_V']> >; readonly linkConnectionsBuilder: HashMap.Builder<this['_N'], this['_V']>; readonly linkConnections: HashMap<this['_N'], this['_V']>; }}
function createContext<UN>(options?: { linkMapContext?: HashMap.Context<UN>; linkConnectionsContext?: HashMap.Context<UN>;}): EdgeValuedGraphHashed.Context<UN> { return Object.freeze( new ValuedGraphContext<UN, 'EdgeValuedGraphHashed', any>( false, 'EdgeValuedGraphHashed', options?.linkMapContext ?? HashMap.defaultContext(), options?.linkConnectionsContext ?? HashMap.defaultContext() ) );}
const _defaultContext: EdgeValuedGraphHashed.Context<any> = createContext();
export const EdgeValuedGraphHashed: EdgeValuedGraphHashedCreators = Object.freeze({ ..._defaultContext, createContext, defaultContext<UN>(): EdgeValuedGraphHashed.Context<UN> { return _defaultContext; }, });