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Rimbu is a TypeScript library focused on immutable, performant, and type-safe collections and other tools.
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import type { ArrayNonEmpty, CollectFun, IndexRange, OptLazy, ToJSON, TraverseState, Update,} from '../../common/mod.ts';import type { FastIterable, Stream, Streamable, StreamSource,} from '../../stream/mod.ts';import type { Elem } from '../../collection-types/set-custom/index.ts';
import type { ListCreators, ListFactory } from '../../list/custom/index.ts';import { createListContext } from '../../list/custom/index.ts';
/** * A random accessible immutable sequence of values of type T. * See the [List documentation]( and the [List API documentation]( * @typeparam T - the value type * @example * ```ts * const l1 = List.empty<string>() * const l2 = List.of(1, 3, 2) * ``` */export interface List<T> extends FastIterable<T> { /** * The list context that acts as a factory for all related list instances. */ readonly context: List.Context; /** * Returns the number of values in the collection * @example * ```ts * List.empty().length // => 0 * List.of(0, 1, 2).length // => 3 * ``` */ readonly length: number; /** * Returns true if the collection is empty * @example * ```ts * List.empty().isEmpty // => true * List.of(0, 1, 2).isEmpty // => false * ``` */ readonly isEmpty: boolean; /** * Returns true if there is at least one value in the collection, and instructs the compiler to treat the collection * as a .NonEmpty type. * @example * ```ts * const m: List<number> = List.of(1, 2, 2) * // compiler allows fallback value since the Stream may be empty * if (m.nonEmpty()) { * // compiler error: fallback value not allowed since Stream is not empty * } * ``` */ nonEmpty(): this is List.NonEmpty<T>; /** * Returns the same collection typed as non-empty. * @throws `RimbuError.EmptyCollectionAssumedNonEmptyError` if the collection is empty * @example * ```ts * List.empty().assumeNonEmpty() // => throws RimbuError.EmptyCollectionAssumedNonEmptyError * List.from([0, 1, 2]).assumeNonEmpty() // => List.NonEmpty(0, 1, 2) * ``` */ assumeNonEmpty(): List.NonEmpty<T>; /** * Returns a Stream containing the values in order of the List, or in reverse order if `reversed` is true. * @param reversed - (default: false) if true reverses the order of the elements * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2).stream().toArray() // => [0, 1, 2] * List.of(0, 1, 2).stream(true).toArray() // => [2, 1, 0] * ``` */ stream(reversed?: boolean): Stream<T>; /** * Returns a Stream containing the values contained in the given index `range`, in order of the List, * or in reverse order if `reversed` is true. * @param range - the index range to include from the list * @param reversed - (default: false) if true reverses the order of the included elements * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3, 4).streamRange({ start: 1, end: 2 }).toArray() // => [0, 1, 2] * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3, 4).streamRange({ start: 1, amount: 2 }, true).toArray() // => [2, 1] * ``` */ streamRange(range: IndexRange, reversed?: boolean): Stream<T>; /** * Returns the first value of the List, or the `otherwise` value if the list is empty. * @param otherwise - (default: undefined) an `OptLazy` value to return if the List is empty * @typeparam O - the type of the `otherwise` value * @example * ```ts * List.empty().first() // => undefined * List.empty().first('other') // => 'other' * List.from([0, 1, 2]).first('other') // => 0 * ``` * @note O(1) */ first(): T | undefined; first<O>(otherwise: OptLazy<O>): T | O; /** * Returns the last value of the List, or the `otherwise` value if the list is empty. * @param otherwise - (default: undefined) an `OptLazy` value to return if the List is empty * @typeparam O - the type of the `otherwise` value * @example * ```ts * List.empty().last() // => undefined * List.empty().last('other') // => 'other' * List.from([0, 1, 2]).last('other') // => 2 * ``` * @note O(1) */ last(): T | undefined; last<O>(otherwise: OptLazy<O>): T | O; /** * Returns the value in the List at the given `index`. * @param index - the element index * @param otherwise - (default: undefined) an `OptLazy` value to return if the index is out of bounds * @typeparam O - the type of the `otherwise` value * @note a negative `index` will be treated as follows:<br/> * - -1: the last value in the list<br/> * - -2: the second-last value in the list<br/> * - ...etc * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2).get(5) // => undefined * List.of(0, 1, 2).get(5, 'other') // => 'other' * List.of(0, 1, 2).get(1, 'other') // => 1 * List.of(0, 1, 2).get(-1) // => 2 * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B */ get(index: number): T | undefined; get<O>(index: number, otherwise: OptLazy<O>): T | O; /** * Returns the List with the given `value` added to the start. * @param value - the value to prepend * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2).prepend(-10) // => List(-10, 0, 1, 2) * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B - mostly o(1) */ prepend(value: T): List.NonEmpty<T>; /** * Returns the List with the given `value` added to the end. * @param value - the value to append. * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2).append(-10) // => List(0, 1, 2, -10) * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B - mostly o(1) */ append(value: T): List.NonEmpty<T>; /** * Returns a List containing the first (or last) given `amount` values of this List. * @param amount - the desired amount of values of to include * * @note a negative `index` will be treated as follows: * - -1: the last element in the list * - -2: the second-last element in the list * - ...etc * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).take(2) // => List(0, 1) * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).take(10) // => List(0, 1, 2, 3) * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).take(-2) // => List(2, 3) * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B */ take(amount: number): List<T>; /** * Returns a List skipping the first given `amount` elements of this List. * @param amount - the desired amount of values of to include * * @note a negative `index` will be treated as follows:<br/> * - -1: the last element in the list<br/> * - -2: the second-last element in the list<br/> * - ...etc * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).drop(2) // => List(2, 3) * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).drop(10) // => List() * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).drop(-2) // => List(0, 1) * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B */ drop(amount: number): List<T>; /** * Returns the List containing the values within the given index `range`, potentially * reversed in order if `reversed` is true. * @param range - the index range to include * @param reversed - (default: false) if true reverses the order of the elements * * @note a negative `index` will be treated as follows:<br/> * - -1: the last element in the list<br/> * - -2: the second-last element in the list<br/> * - ...etc * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).slice({ start: 1, amount: 2 }) // -> List(1, 2) * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).slice({ start: -2, amount: 2 }, true) // -> List(3, 2) * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B */ slice(range: IndexRange, reversed?: boolean): List<T>; /** * Returns the List, where at the given `index` the `remove` amount of values are replaced by the values * from the optionally given `insert` `StreamSource`. * @param options - object containing the following<br/> * - index: the index at which to replace values<br/> * - remove: (default: 0) the amount of values to remove<br/> * - insert: (default: []) a `StreamSource` of values to insert * * @note a negative `index` will be treated as follows:<br/> * - -1: the last element in the list<br/> * - -2: the second-last element in the list<br/> * - ...etc * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).splice({ index: 2, remove: 1 }) // -> List(0, 1, 3) * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).splice({ index: 1, remove: 2, insert: [10, 11] }) // -> List(0, 10, 11, 3) * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B */ splice(options: { index: number; remove?: number; insert: StreamSource.NonEmpty<T>; }): List.NonEmpty<T>; splice(options: { index: number; remove?: number; insert?: StreamSource<T>; }): List<T>; /** * Returns the List with the given `values` inserted at the given `index`. * @param index - the index at which to insert the values * @param values - a `StreamSource` of values to insert * * @note a negative `index` will be treated as follows:<br/> * - -1: the last element in the list<br/> * - -2: the second-last element in the list<br/> * - ...etc * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).insert(2, [10, 11]) // -> List(0, 1, 10, 11, 2, 3) * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).insert(-1, [10, 11]) // -> List(0, 1, 2, 1, 11, 3) * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B */ insert(index: number, values: StreamSource.NonEmpty<T>): List.NonEmpty<T>; insert(index: number, values: StreamSource<T>): List<T>; /** * Returns the List with the given `amount` of values removed at the given `index`. * @param index - the index at which to remove values * @param amount - the amount of elements to remove * * @note a negative `index` will be treated as follows:<br/> * - -1: the last element in the list<br/> * - -2: the second-last element in the list<br/> * - ...etc * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).remove(1, 2) // -> List(0, 3) * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).remove(-2, 1) // -> List(0, 1, 3) * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B */ remove(index: number, amount?: number): List<T>; /** * Returns the List succeeded by the values from all given `StreamSource` instances given in `sources`. * @param sources - an array of `StreamSource` instances containing values to be added to the list * @typeparam T2 - the type of the source elements to add * @note this operation is most efficient when the given sources are instances of List from the same context. * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2).concat([10, 11]) // -> List(0, 1, 2, 10, 11) * List.of(0, 1, 2).concat([10, 11], new Set([12, 13])) // -> List(0, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13) * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B */ concat<T2 = T>( ...sources: ArrayNonEmpty<StreamSource.NonEmpty<T2>> ): List.NonEmpty<T | T2>; concat<T2 = T>(...sources: ArrayNonEmpty<StreamSource<T2>>): List<T | T2>; /** * Returns a List that contains this List the given `amount` of times. * @param amount - the amount of times to repeat the values in this List * * @note if the given amount <= -1, the reverse List is repeated * @note if the given amount is 0 or 1, the List itself is returned * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2).repeat(2) // -> List(0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2) * List.of(0, 1, 2).repeat(0) // -> List(0, 1, 2) * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B */ repeat(amount: number): List<T>; /** * Returns the List where the elements are shifted to right by `shiftRoundAmount` position, and the elements at the end are placed at the beginning. * @param shiftRightAmount - the amount of values to shift the elements to the right * * @note if the `shiftRightAmount` is negative, the elements will be shifted to the left. * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).rotate(2) // -> List(2, 3, 0, 1) * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).rotate(-1) // -> List(1, 2, 3, 0) * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B */ rotate(shiftRightAmount: number): List<T>; /** * Returns the List where, if given `length` is larger than the List length, the given `fill` value is added to the start and/or end * of the List according to the `positionPercentage` such that the result length is equal to `length`. * @param length - the target length of the resulting list * @param fill - the element used to fill up empty space in the resulting List * @param positionPercentage - a percentage indicating how much of the filling elements should be on the left * side of the current List * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1).padTo(4, 10) // -> List(0, 1, 10, 10) * List.of(0, 1).padTo(4, 10, 50) // -> List(10, 0, 1, 10) * List.of(0, 1).padTo(4, 10, 100) // -> List(0, 1, 10, 10) * List.of(0, 1, 2).padTo(2, 10) // -> List(0, 1, 2) * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B */ padTo(length: number, fill: T, positionPercentage?: number): List<T>; /** * Returns the List where at the given `index` the value is replaced or updated by the given `update`. * @param index - the index at which to update the value * @param update - a new value or function taking the current value and returning a new value * * @note a negative `index` will be treated as follows:<br/> * - -1: the last element in the list<br/> * - -2: the second-last element in the list<br/> * - ...etc * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2).updateAt(1, 10) // -> List(0, 10, 2) * List.of(0, 1, 2).updateAt(1, v => v + 1) // -> List(0, 2, 2) * List.of(0, 1, 2).updateAt(-1, 10) // -> List(0, 1, 10) * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B */ updateAt(index: number, update: Update<T>): List<T>; /** * Returns a List containing only those values within optionally given `range` that satisfy given `pred` predicate. * If `reversed` is true, the order of the values is reversed. * @param pred - a predicate function receiving<br/> * - `value`: the next value<br/> * - `index`: the value index<br/> * - `halt`: a function that, when called, ensures no next elements are passed * @param range - (optional) the range of the list to include in the filtering process * @param reversed - (default: false) if true reverses the elements within the given range * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).filter(v => v < 2) // -> List(0, 1) * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).filter((v, _, halt) => { * if (v > 1) halt(); * return v; * }) // -> List(0, 1, 2) * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3) * .filter((_, i) => i > 1, undefined, true) // -> List(1, 0) * ``` */ filter( pred: (value: T, index: number, halt: () => void) => boolean, range?: IndexRange, reversed?: boolean ): List<T>; /** * Returns a List containing the values resulting from applying given `collectFun` to each value in this List. * @param collectFun - a function receiving<br/> * - `value`: the next value<br/> * - `index`: the value index<br/> * - `skip`: a token that, when returned, will not add a value to the resulting collection<br/> * - `halt`: a function that, when called, ensures no next elements are passed * @param range - (optional) the range of the list to include in the filtering process * @param reversed - (default: false) if true reverses the elements within the given range * @typeparam T2 - the result element type * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).collect(v => v > 1) * // => List(false, false, true, true) * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).collect((v, i, skip) => v === 1 ? skip : v * 2) * // => List(0, 4, 6) * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).collect((v, i, skip, halt) => { * if (v > 1) halt() * return v * 2 * }) * // => List(0, 2) * ``` */ collect<T2>( collectFun: CollectFun<T, T2>, range?: IndexRange, reversed?: boolean ): List<T2>; /** * Performs given function `f` for each value of the List. * @param f - the function to perform for each element, receiving<br/> * - `value`: the next value<br/> * - `index`: the index of the value<br/> * - `halt`: a function that, if called, ensures that no new elements are passed * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).forEach((value, i, halt) => { * console.log(value * 2); * if (i >= 1) halt(); * }) * // => logs 0 2 * ``` * @note O(N) */ forEach( f: (value: T, index: number, halt: () => void) => void, state?: TraverseState ): void; /** * Returns a List containing the result of applying given `mapFun` to each value in this List. * If `reversed` is true, the order of the values is reversed. * @param mapFun - a function receiving a value and its index, and returning a new value * @param reversed - (default: false) if true, reverses the order of the values * @typeparam T2 - the result element type * @example * ```ts * List.of(1, 2, 3).map(v => `value: ${v + 2}`).toArray() * // => ['value 2', 'value 3', 'value 3'] * ``` */ map<T2>( mapFun: (value: T, index: number) => T2, reversed?: boolean ): List<T2>; /** * Returns a List containing the result of applying given `mapFun` to each value in this List. * If `reversed` is true, the order of the values is reversed. * @note The given `mapFun` is expected to be side-effect free, so that structural sharing can be kept * in place. * @param mapFun - a function receiving a value, and returning a new value * @param reversed - (default: false) if true, reverses the order of the values * @typeparam T2 - the result element type * @example * ```ts * List.of(1, 2, 3).mapPure(v => `value: ${v + 2}`).toArray() * // => ['value 2', 'value 3', 'value 3'] * ``` */ mapPure<T2>(mapFun: (value: T) => T2, reversed?: boolean): List<T2>; /** * Returns a List containing the joined results of applying given `flatMapFun` to each value in this List. * @param flatMapFun - a function taking the next value and its index, and returning a `StreamSource` * of value to include in the resulting collection * @param range - (optional) the range of the list to include in the filtering process * @param reversed - (default: false) if true reverses the elements within the given range * @typeparam T2 - the result element type * @example * ```ts * List.of(1, 2, 3).flatMap(v => [v, v + 1]).toArray() * // => [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4] * ``` */ flatMap<T2>( flatMapFun: (value: T, index: number) => StreamSource<T2>, range?: IndexRange, reversed?: boolean ): List<T2>; /** * Returns the List in reversed order. * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2).reversed() // -> List(2, 1, 0) * ``` * @note O(logB(n)) for block size B */ reversed(): List<T>; /** * Returns an array containing the values within given `range` (default: all) in this collection. * If `reversed` is true, reverses the order of the values. * @param range - (optional) the range of the list to include in the filtering process * @param reversed - (default: false) if true reverses the elements within the given range * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).toArray() // => [0, 1, 2, 3] * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).toArray({ amount: 2 }) // => [0, 1] * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).toArray({ amount: 2 }, true) // => [1, 0] * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B * @note it is safe to mutate the returned array, however, the array elements are not copied, thus should be treated as read-only */ toArray(range?: IndexRange, reversed?: boolean): T[]; /** * Returns a builder object containing the values of this collection. * @example * ```ts * const builder: List.Builder<number> = List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).toBuilder() * ``` */ toBuilder(): List.Builder<T>; /** * Returns a string representation of this collection. * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).toString() // => List(0, 1, 2, 3) * ``` */ toString(): string; /** * Returns a JSON representation of this collection. * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).toJSON() // => { dataType: 'List', value: [0, 1, 2, 3] } * ``` */ toJSON(): ToJSON<T[], this['context']['typeTag']>;}
export namespace List { /** * A non-empty random accessible immutable sequence of values of type T. * See the [List documentation]( and the [List API documentation]( * @typeparam T - the value type * @example * ```ts * const l = List.of(1, 3, 2) * ``` */ export interface NonEmpty<T> extends List<T>, Streamable.NonEmpty<T> { /** * Returns false since this collection is known to be non-empty. * @example * ```ts * List(0, 1, 2).isEmpty // => false * ``` */ readonly isEmpty: false; /** * Returns true since this collection is known to be non-empty * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2).nonEmpty() // => true * ``` */ nonEmpty(): true; /** * Returns a self reference since this collection is known to be non-empty. * @example * ```ts * const m = List.of(0, 1, 2); * m === m.assumeNonEmpty() // => true * ``` */ assumeNonEmpty(): this; /** * Returns this collection typed as a 'possibly empty' collection. * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2).asNormal(); // type: List<number> * ``` */ asNormal(): List<T>; /** * Returns a non-empty Stream containing the values in order of the List, or in reverse order if `reversed` is true. * @param reversed - (default: false) if true reverses the order of the elements * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2).stream().toArray() // => [0, 1, 2] * List.of(0, 1, 2).stream(true).toArray() // => [2, 1, 0] * ``` */ stream(reversed?: boolean): Stream.NonEmpty<T>; /** * Returns the first value of the List. * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2).first() // => 0 * ``` * @note O(1) */ first(): T; /** * Returns the last value of the List. * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2).last() // => 2 * ``` * @note O(1) */ last(): T; /** * Returns a List containing the first (or last) given `amount` values of this List. * @param amount - the desired amount of values of to include * @typeparam N - the literal numeric type of amount * @note a negative `index` will be treated as follows:<br/> * - -1: the last element in the list<br/> * - -2: the second-last element in the list<br/> * - ...etc * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).take(2) // => List(0, 1) * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).take(10) // => List(0, 1, 2, 3) * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).take(-2) // => List(2, 3) * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B */ take<N extends number>(amount: N): 0 extends N ? List<T> : List.NonEmpty<T>; /** * Returns the non-empty List succeeded by the values from all given `StreamSource` instances given in `sources`. * @param sources - an array of `StreamSource` instances containing values to be added to the list * @typeparam T2 - the type of the source elements to add * @note this operation is most efficient when the given sources are instances of List from the same context. * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2).concat([10, 11]) // -> List(0, 1, 2, 10, 11) * List.of(0, 1, 2).concat([10, 11], new Set([12, 13])) // -> List(0, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13) * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B */ concat<T2 = T>( ...sources: ArrayNonEmpty<StreamSource<T2>> ): List.NonEmpty<T | T2>; /** * Returns a non-empty List that contains this List the given `amount` of times. * @param amount - the amount of times to repeat the values in this List * * @note if the given amount <= 1, the List itself is returned * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2).repeat(2) // -> List(0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2) * List.of(0, 1, 2).repeat(0) // -> List(0, 1, 2) * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B */ repeat(amount: number): List.NonEmpty<T>; /** * Returns the non-empty List where the first given `shiftAmount` of values are removed from this List, and are appended at the end. * @param shiftAmount - the amount of values to rotate * * @note if the `shiftAmount` is negative, the last `shiftAmount` values will be removed from the List and will be prepended. * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).rotate(2) // -> List(2, 3, 0, 1) * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).rotate(-1) // -> List(1, 2, 3, 0) * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B */ rotate(shiftAmount: number): List.NonEmpty<T>; /** * Returns the non-empty List where, if given `length` is larger than the List length, the given `fill` value is added to the start and/or end * of the List according to the `positionPercentage` such that the result length is equal to `length`. * @param length - the target length of the resulting list * @param fill - the element used to fill up empty space in the resulting List * @param positionPercentage - (optional) a percentage indicating how much of the filling elements should be on the left * side of the current List * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1).padTo(4, 10) // -> List(0, 1, 10, 10) * List.of(0, 1).padTo(4, 10, 50) // -> List(10, 0, 1, 10) * List.of(0, 1).padTo(4, 10, 100) // -> List(0, 1, 10, 10) * List.of(0, 1, 2).padTo(2, 10) // -> List(0, 1, 2) * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B */ padTo( length: number, fill: T, positionPercentage?: number ): List.NonEmpty<T>; /** * Returns the non-empty List where at the given `index` the value is replaced or updated by the given `update`. * @param index - the index at which to update the value * @param update - a new value or function taking the current value and returning a new value * * @note a negative `index` will be treated as follows:<br/> * - -1: the last element in the list<br/> * - -2: the second-last element in the list<br/> * - ...etc * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2).updateAt(1, 10) // -> List(0, 10, 2) * List.of(0, 1, 2).updateAt(1, v => v + 1) // -> List(0, 2, 2) * List.of(0, 1, 2).updateAt(-1, 10) // -> List(0, 1, 10) * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B */ updateAt(index: number, update: Update<T>): List.NonEmpty<T>; /** * Returns the non-empty List with the given `values` inserted at the given `index`. * @param index - the index at which to insert the values * @param values - a `StreamSource` of values to insert * * @note a negative `index` will be treated as follows:<br/> * - -1: the last element in the list<br/> * - -2: the second-last element in the list<br/> * - ...etc * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).insert(2, [10, 11]) // -> List(0, 1, 10, 11, 2, 3) * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).insert(-1, [10, 11]) // -> List(0, 1, 2, 1, 11, 3) * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B */ insert(index: number, values: StreamSource<T>): List.NonEmpty<T>; /** * Returns a non-empty List containing the result of applying given `mapFun` to each value in this List. * If `reversed` is true, the order of the values is reversed. * @param mapFun - a function receiving a value and its index, and returning a new value * @param reversed - (default: false) if true, reverses the order of the values * @example * ```ts * List.of(1, 2, 3).map(v => `value: ${v + 2}`).toArray() * // => ['value 2', 'value 3', 'value 3'] * ``` */ map<T2>( mapFun: (value: T, index: number) => T2, reversed?: boolean ): List.NonEmpty<T2>; /** * Returns a non-empty List containing the result of applying given `mapFun` to each value in this List. * If `reversed` is true, the order of the values is reversed. * @note The given `mapFun` is expected to be side-effect free, so that structural sharing can be kept * in place. * @param mapFun - a function receiving a value and returning a new value * @param reversed - (default: false) if true, reverses the order of the values * @typeparam T2 - the result element type * @example * ```ts * List.of(1, 2, 3).mapPure(v => `value: ${v + 2}`).toArray() * // => ['value 2', 'value 3', 'value 3'] * ``` */ mapPure<T2>( mapFun: (value: T) => T2, reversed?: boolean ): List.NonEmpty<T2>; /** * Returns a List containing the joined results of applying given `flatMapFun` to each value in this List. * @param flatMapFun - a function taking the next value and its index, and returning a `StreamSource` * of value to include in the resulting collection * @param range - (optional) the range of the list to include in the filtering process * @param reversed - (default: false) if true reverses the elements within the given range * @typeparam T2 - the result element type * @example * ```ts * List.of(1, 2, 3).flatMap(v => [v, v + 1]).toArray() * // => [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4] * ``` */ flatMap<T2>( flatMapFun: (value: T, index: number) => StreamSource.NonEmpty<T2>, range?: undefined, reversed?: boolean ): List.NonEmpty<T2>; flatMap<T2>( flatMapFun: (value: T, index: number) => StreamSource<T2>, range?: IndexRange, reversed?: boolean ): List<T2>; /** * Returns the List, where at the given `index` the `remove` amount of values are replaced by the values * from the optionally given `insert` `StreamSource`. * @param options - object containing the following<br/> * - index: the index at which to replace values<br/> * - remove: (default: 0) the amount of values to remove<br/> * - insert: (default: []) a `StreamSource` of values to insert * * @note a negative `index` will be treated as follows: * - -1: the last element in the list * - -2: the second-last element in the list * - ...etc * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).splice({ index: 2, remove: 1 }) // -> List(0, 1, 3) * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).splice({ index: 1, remove: 2, insert: [10, 11] }) // -> List(0, 10, 11, 3) * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B */ splice(options: { index: number; remove?: number; insert: StreamSource.NonEmpty<T>; }): List.NonEmpty<T>; splice(options: { index: number; remove?: number; insert?: StreamSource<T>; }): List<T>; /** * Returns the non-empty List in reversed order. * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2).reversed() // -> List(2, 1, 0) * ``` * @note O(logB(n)) for block size B */ reversed(): List.NonEmpty<T>; /** * Returns an array containing the values within given `range` (default: all) in this collection. * If `reversed` is true, reverses the order of the values. * @param range - (optional) the range of the list to include in the filtering process * @param reversed - (default: false) if true reverses the elements within the given range * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).toArray() // => [0, 1, 2, 3] * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).toArray({ amount: 2 }) // => [0, 1] * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).toArray({ amount: 2 }, true) // => [1, 0] * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B * @note it is safe to mutate the returned array, however, the array elements are not copied, thus should be treated as read-only */ toArray(range?: undefined, reversed?: boolean): ArrayNonEmpty<T>; toArray(range?: IndexRange, reversed?: boolean): T[]; }
/** * A mutable builder to create immutable `List` instances in a more efficient way. * See the [List documentation]( and the [List.Builder API documentation]( * @typeparam T - the value type * @example * ```ts * const b = List.builder<T>(); * b.append(1); * b.prepend(2); * b.insert(1, 3); *; * // => [2, 3, 1] * ``` */ export interface Builder<T> { /** * Returns the amount of values in the builder. * @example * ```ts * List.of(1, 2, 3).toBuilder().size * // => 3 * ``` */ readonly length: number; /** * Returns true if there are no values in the builder. * @example * ```ts * List.of(1, 2, 3).toBuilder().isEmpty * // => false * ``` */ readonly isEmpty: boolean; /** * Returns the value in the List builder at the given `index`. * @param index - the element index * @param otherwise - (default: undefined) an `OptLazy` value to return if the index is out of bounds * @typeparam O - the type of the `otherwise` value * @note a negative `index` will be treated as follows:<br/> * - -1: the last value in the list<br/> * - -2: the second-last value in the list<br/> * - ...etc * @example * ```ts * const m = List.of(0, 1, 2).toBuilder() * m.get(5) // => undefined * m.get(5, 'other') // => 'other' * m.get(1, 'other') // => 1 * m.get(-1) // => 2 * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B */ get(index: number): T | undefined; get<O>(index: number, otherwise: OptLazy<O>): T | O; /** * Updates the element at the given `index` with the given `update` value or function. * @param index - the index of the element to update * @param update - the new value or function taking the current value and returning a new value * @param otherwise - (default: undefined) the `OptLazy` value to return if there is no element at given index * @typeparam O - the type of the `otherwise` value * @returns the old value at the given index, or the `otherwise` value if the index is out of bounds * @note a negative `index` will be treated as follows:<br/> * - -1: the last element in the list<br/> * - -2: the second-last element in the list<br/> * - ...etc * @example * ```ts * const m = List.of(1, 2, 3).toBuilder() * m.updateAt(0, 10) // => 1 * m.updateAt(1, 10, 'a') // => 2 * m.updateAt(10, 0) // => undefined * m.updateAt(10, 0, 'a') // => 'a' * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B */ updateAt(index: number, update: Update<T>): T | undefined; updateAt<O>(index: number, update: Update<T>, otherwise: OptLazy<O>): T | O; /** * Sets the element at the given `index` to the given `value`. * @param index - the index of the element to set. * @param value - the new value to set. * @param otherwise - (default: undefined) the `OptLazy` value to return if there is no element at given index * @typeparam O - the type of the `otherwise` value * @returns the old value at the given index, or the `otherwise` value if the index is out of bounds * @note a negative `index` will be treated as follows:<br/> * - -1: the last element in the list<br/> * - -2: the second-last element in the list<br/> * - ...etc * @example * ```ts * const m = List.of(1, 2, 3).toBuilder() * m.set(0, 10) // => 1 * m.set(1, 10, 'a') // => 2 * m.set(10, 0) // => undefined * m.set(10, 0, 'a') // => 'a' * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B */ set(index: number, value: T): T | undefined; set<O>(index: number, value: T, otherwise: OptLazy<O>): T | O; /** * Adds the given `value` to the start of the builder values. * @param value - the value to prepend * @example * ```ts * const m = List.of(1, 2, 3).toBuilder() * m.prepend(10) * * // => [10, 1, 2, 3] * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B - mosly o(1) */ prepend(value: T): void; /** * Adds the given `value` to the end of the builder values. * @param value - the value to append * @example * ```ts * const m = List.of(1, 2, 3).toBuilder() * m.append(10) * * // => [1, 2, 3, 10] * ``` * @note O(logB(N)) for block size B - mosly o(1) */ append(value: T): void; /** * Adds all given `values` at the end of the builder values * @param values - a `StreamSource` containing values to add * @example * ```ts * const m = List.of(1, 2, 3).toBuilder() * m.appendAll([10, 11]) * * // => [1, 2, 3, 10, 11] * ``` */ appendAll(values: StreamSource<T>): void; /** * Inserts the given `value` at the given `index` in the builder. * @param index - the index at which to insert the value * @param value - the value to insert * * @note a negative `index` will be treated as follows:<br/> * - -1: the last value in the list<br/> * - -2: the second-last value in the list<br/> * - ...etc * @example * ```ts * const m = List.of(1, 2, 3).toBuilder() * m.insert(1, 10) * * // => [1, 10, 2, 3] * ``` */ insert(index: number, value: T): void; /** * Removes the value at the given `index` in the builder. * @param index - the index at which to remove a value * @param otherwise - (default: undefined) the value to return if the index is out of bounds * @typeparam O - the type of the `otherwise` value * @note a negative `index` will be treated as follows:<br/> * - -1: the last value in the list<br/> * - -2: the second-last value in the list<br/> * - ...etc * @returns the removed value, or the `otherwise` value if the index is out of bounds * @example * ```ts * const m = List.of(1, 2, 3).toBuilder() * m.remove(10) // => undefined * m.remove(10, 'a') // => 'a' * m.remove(1) // => 2 * m.remove(0, 'a') // => 1 * ``` */ remove(index: number): T | undefined; remove<O>(index: number, otherwise: OptLazy<O>): T | O; /** * Performs given function `f` for each value of the List builder. * @param f - the function to perform for each element, receiving<br/> * - `value`: the next value<br/> * - `index`: the index of the value<br/> * - `halt`: a function that, if called, ensures that no new elements are passed * @throws RibuError.ModifiedBuilderWhileLoopingOverItError if the builder is modified while * looping over it * @example * ```ts * List.of(0, 1, 2, 3).toBuilder().forEach((value, i, halt) => { * console.log(value * 2); * if (i >= 1) halt(); * }) * // => logs 0 2 * ``` * @note O(N) */ forEach( f: (value: T, index: number, halt: () => void) => void, state?: TraverseState ): void; /** * Returns an immutable instance containing the values in this builder. * @example * ```ts * const m = List.of(1, 2, 3).toBuilder() * const m2: List<number> = * m.toArray() * // => [1, 2, 3] * ``` */ build(): List<T>; /** * Returns an immutable instance containing the result of applying given `mapFun` to each value in the builder. * @example * ```ts * const m = List.of(1, 2, 3).toBuilder() * const m2: List<number> = m.buildMap(v => String(v)) * m.toArray() * // => ['1', '2', '3'] * ``` */ buildMap<T2 = T>(mapFun: (value: T) => T2): List<T2>; }
/** * A context instance for `List` that acts as a factory for every instance of this * type of collection. */ export interface Context extends ListFactory { readonly _types: List.Types;
readonly typeTag: 'List'; }
/** * A utility interface to extract related List types. */ export interface Types extends Elem { readonly normal: List<this['_T']>; readonly nonEmpty: List.NonEmpty<this['_T']>; }}
const _defaultContext = createListContext();
export const List: ListCreators = Object.freeze({ createContext: createListContext, defaultContext() { return _defaultContext; }, ..._defaultContext,});