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Rimbu is a TypeScript library focused on immutable, performant, and type-safe collections and other tools.
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A Stream is an Iterable-like structure that represents a source that can stream values when requested. The source is unspecified, it may be a materialized object (e.g. an Array), or a calculated sequence (e.g. the fibonacci numbers). However, unlike an Iterable, a Stream offers many methods to change the values produced by the Stream, before it is consumed, without the need to materialize intermediate instances.

This package exports the following main types:

Name Description
FastIterable<T> an Iterable that supports faster iterating than the Iterable type
FastIterator<T> an Iterator that supports faster iterating than the Iterator type
Stream<T> an Iterable-like structure that represents a source that can produce values of type T when requested
Streamable<T> an interface requiring that an object has a .stream() method
StreamSource<T> a convenience type that covers all types that can be automatically converted to a Stream

For complete documentation please visit the Stream page in the Rimbu Docs.

Or Try Out Rimbu in CodeSandBox.


All types are exported through @rimbu/core. It is recommended to use that package.

To install separately:


yarn add @rimbu/stream


npm i @rimbu/stream


Create a file called rimbu.ts and add the following:

export * from '';

Or using a pinned version (x.y.z):

export * from '';

Then import what you need from rimbu.ts:

import { Stream } from './rimbu.ts';

Because Rimbu uses complex types, it’s recommended to use the --no-check flag (your editor should already have checked your code) and to specify a tsconfig.json file with the settings described below.

Running your script then becomes:

deno run --no-check --config tsconfig.json <your-script>.ts


import { Stream } from '@rimbu/stream';

console.log(Stream.range({ start: 10, amount: 15 }).toArray());


Arvid Nicolaas


Feel very welcome to contribute to further improve Rimbu. Please read our Contributing guide.


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Licensed under the MIT License, Copyright © 2020-present Arvid Nicolaas.

See LICENSE for more information.