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📰 Deno module for deserializing RSS or ATOM XML feeds into typed objects
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import { SAXParser } from "../deps.ts";import type { Atom, DeserializationResult, Feed, JsonFeed, RSS1, RSS2,} from "./types/mod.ts";import type { ResolverResult } from "./resolvers/types/resolver_result.ts";import { FeedParseType, FeedType } from "./types/mod.ts";import { isAtomCDataField, resolveAtomField, resolveRss1Field, resolveRss2Field,} from "./resolvers/mod.ts";import { toFeed, toJsonFeed, toLegacyAtom, toLegacyRss1, toLegacyRss2,} from "./mappers/mod.ts";
/** * Parse Atom or RSS into a common Feed type * @param Atom or RSS XML string */export async function parseFeed(input: string): Promise<Feed> { if (!input) { throw new Error("Input was undefined, null or empty"); }
const { data, feedType } = await parse(input); return toFeed(feedType, data)!;}
export interface Options { outputJsonFeed?: boolean;}
/** * @deprecated The method should not be used, please use the parseFeed method instead. */export const deserializeFeed = (async ( input: string, options?: Options,) => { const { data, feedType } = await parse(input); let legacyFeed; switch (feedType) { case FeedType.Rss1: legacyFeed = toLegacyRss1(data) as any; break; case FeedType.Rss2: legacyFeed = toLegacyRss2(data) as any; break; case FeedType.Atom: legacyFeed = toLegacyAtom(data) as any; break; default: legacyFeed = data; break; }
const result: DeserializationResult<Atom | RSS1 | RSS2 | JsonFeed> & { originalFeedType?: FeedType; } = { feed: options?.outputJsonFeed ? toJsonFeed(feedType, legacyFeed) : legacyFeed, feedType: options?.outputJsonFeed ? FeedType.JsonFeed : feedType, originalFeedType: feedType, };
return result;}) as { (input: string): Promise<DeserializationResult<Atom | RSS1 | RSS2>>; ( input: string, options: Options & { outputJsonFeed: false }, ): Promise<DeserializationResult<Atom | RSS1 | RSS2>>; ( input: string, options: Options & { outputJsonFeed: true }, ): Promise< DeserializationResult<JsonFeed> & { originalFeedType: FeedType } >; ( input: string, options?: Options, ): Promise<DeserializationResult<Atom | JsonFeed | RSS1 | RSS2>>;};
const parse = (input: string) => new Promise<{ feedType: FeedType; data: any }>( (resolve, reject) => { if (!input) { reject(new Error("Input was undefined, null or empty")); return; }
// Handle invalid feed documents by converting the description field to CDATA. input = input .replaceAll( /<description>(?!(\s*<!\[CDATA))/g, `<description><![CDATA[`, ) .replaceAll(/(?<!\]\]>\s*)<\/description>/g, `]]></description>`);
let cDataLevel: number; let cDataBuilder: string; let cDataActive: boolean; let feedType: FeedType;
let currentTag: OpenTag | undefined; const stack: any[] = [{}]; const parser = new SAXParser(false, { trim: true, lowercase: true, });
let resolveField: ( nodeName: string, ) => ResolverResult;
let isCDataField: (nodeName: string) => boolean;
parser.oncdata = parser.ontext = (text: string): void => { if (cDataActive) { cDataBuilder += text; } else { stack[stack.length - 1].value = text.trim(); } };
const onOpenTag = (node: OpenTag): void => { currentTag = node; const attributeNames = Object.keys(node.attributes);
if (cDataActive) { const attributes = attributeNames .map((key) => `${key}="${(node.attributes as any)[key]}"`) .join(" ") .trim();
if (attributes.length) { cDataBuilder += `<${} ${attributes}${(node.isSelfClosing ? " /" : "")}>`; } else { cDataBuilder += `<${}${(node.isSelfClosing ? " /" : "")}>`; }
cDataLevel++; return; }
if (isCDataField( { cDataActive = true; cDataBuilder = ""; cDataLevel = 0; }
const newNode = attributeNames.reduce((builder, attrName) => { const val = (node.attributes as any)[attrName]; if (val !== undefined && val !== null) { const { name, isInt, isFloat, isDate } = resolveField(attrName);
if (isInt) { builder[name] = parseInt(val); } else if (isFloat) { builder[name] = parseFloat(val); } else if (isDate) { builder[name + "Raw"] = val; builder[name] = new Date(val); } else { builder[name] = val; } }
return builder; }, {} as any);
stack.push(newNode); };
parser.onclosetag = (nodeName: string) => { const currentStartTag = currentTag; currentTag = undefined; if (cDataActive && cDataLevel) { if (!currentStartTag?.isSelfClosing) { cDataBuilder += `</${nodeName}>`; }
cDataLevel--; return; }
let node = stack.pop();
if (stack.length === 0) { Object.assign(parser, { onopentag: undefined, onclosetag: undefined, ontext: undefined, oncdata: undefined, });
const result = { feedType: feedType, data: node, };
resolve(result); return; }
const targetNode = stack[stack.length - 1]; const { name, isArray, isInt, isFloat, isDate, } = resolveField(nodeName);
if (cDataActive) { node.value = cDataBuilder; targetNode[name] = node; cDataBuilder = ""; cDataActive = false; cDataLevel = 0; return; }
if (node.value !== undefined && node.value !== null) { if (isInt) { node.value = parseInt(node.value); } else if (isFloat) { node.value = parseFloat(node.value); } else if (isDate) { targetNode[name + "Raw"] = { value: node.value }; node.value = new Date(node.value); } }
if (isArray) { if (!targetNode[name]) { targetNode[name] = [node]; } else { targetNode[name].push(node); } } else { const isEmpty = (typeof node === "object") && Object.keys(node).length === 0 && !(node instanceof Date); try { if (!isEmpty) { targetNode[name] = node; } } catch { console.warn( `Failed to add property ${name} on node`, targetNode, ); } } };
parser.onopentag = (node: OpenTag) => { switch ( { case FeedParseType.Atom: feedType = FeedType.Atom; isCDataField = isAtomCDataField; resolveField = resolveAtomField; break; case FeedParseType.Rss2: feedType = FeedType.Rss2; isCDataField = () => false; resolveField = resolveRss2Field; break; case FeedParseType.Rss1: feedType = FeedType.Rss1; isCDataField = () => false; resolveField = resolveRss1Field; break; default: reject(new Error(`Type ${} is not supported`)); break; } parser.onopentag = onOpenTag; };
parser .write(input) .close() .flush(); }, );
interface OpenTag { name: string; attributes: {}; isSelfClosing: boolean;}