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export enum DublinCoreFields { Contributor = "dc:contributor", Coverage = "dc:coverage", Creator = "dc:creator", Date = "dc:date", DateRaw = "dc:dateRaw", Description = "dc:description", Format = "dc:format", Language = "dc:language", Identifier = "dc:identifier", Publisher = "dc:publisher", Relation = "dc:relation", Rights = "dc:rights", Source = "dc:source", Subject = "dc:subject", Title = "dc:title", Type = "dc:type", Abstract = "dc:abstract", AccessRights = "dc:accessRights", AccrualMethod = "dc:accrualMethod", AccrualPeriodicity = "dc:accrualPeriodicity", AccrualPolicy = "dc:accrualPolicy", Alternative = "dc:alternative", Audience = "dc:audience", Available = "dc:available", BibliographicCitation = "dc:bibliographicCitation", ConformsTo = "dc:conformsTo", Created = "dc:created", CreatedRaw = "dc:createdRaw", DateAccepted = "dc:dateAccepted", DateAcceptedRaw = "dc:dateAcceptedRaw", Copyrighted = "dc:copyrighted", CopyrightedRaw = "dc:CopyrightedRaw", DateSubmitted = "dc:dateSubmitted", DateSubmittedRaw = "dc:dateSubmittedRaw", EducationLevel = "dc:educationLevel", Extent = "dc:extent", HasFormat = "dc:hasFormat", HasPart = "dc:hasPart", HasVersion = "dc:hasVersion", InstructionalMethod = "dc:instructionalMethod", IsFormatOf = "dc:isFormatOf", IsPartOf = "dc:isPartOf", IsReferencedBy = "dc:isReferencedBy", IsReplacedBy = "dc:isReplacedBy", IsRequiredBy = "dc:isRequiredBy", Issued = "dc:issued", IsVersionOf = "dc:isVersionOf", License = "dc:license", Mediator = "dc:mediator", Medium = "dc:medium", Modified = "dc:modified", ModifiedRaw = "dc:modifiedRaw", Provenance = "dc:provenance", References = "dc:references", Replaces = "dc:replaces", Requires = "dc:requires", RightsHolder = "dc:rightsHolder", Spatial = "dc:spatial", TableOfContents = "dc:tableOfContents", Tempora = "dc:tempora", Valid = "dc:valid", Box = "dc:Box", DCMIType = "dc:DCMIType", DDC = "dc:DDC", IMT = "dc:IMT", ISO3166 = "dc:ISO3166", ISO6392 = "dc:ISO639-2", LLC = "dc:LLC", LCSH = "dc:LCSH", MESH = "dc:MESH", NLM = "dc:NLM", Period = "dc:Period", Point = "dc:Point", RFC1766 = "dc:RFC1766", RFC3066 = "dc:RFC3066", TGN = "dc:TGN", UDC = "dc:UDC", URI = "dc:URI", W3CDTF = "dc:W3CDTF",}