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🏞 [a]synchronous functional programming
/* rubico v1.3.0 * * (c) 2019-2020 Richard Tong * rubico may be freely distributed under the MIT license. */
(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) : (global = global || self, factory(global.rubico = {}));}(this, function (exports) { 'use strict'
/* design principles * * rubico is a module, not a utility library * functional code should not care about async * exported methods are time and space optimal * memory used by exported methods is properly garbage collected * no special types; use built-in types * no currying; write new functions * avoid variadic functions; use lists */
const isDefined = x => x !== undefined && x !== null
const isUndefined = x => x === undefined
const isNull = x => x === null
const isIterable = x => isDefined(x) && isDefined(x[Symbol.iterator])
const isAsyncIterable = x => isDefined(x) && isDefined(x[Symbol.asyncIterator])
const isWritable = x => x && typeof x.write === 'function'
const isFunction = x => typeof x === 'function'
const isArray = Array.isArray
const numberTypedArrays = new Set([ 'Uint8ClampedArray', 'Uint8Array', 'Int8Array', 'Uint16Array', 'Int16Array', 'Uint32Array', 'Int32Array', 'Float32Array', 'Float64Array',])
const isNumberTypedArray = x => x && x.constructor && ( numberTypedArrays.has(
const bigIntTypedArrays = new Set([ 'BigUint64Array', 'BigInt64Array',])
const isBigIntTypedArray = x => x && x.constructor && ( bigIntTypedArrays.has(
const isNumber = x => typeof x === 'number' && !isNaN(x)
const isBigInt = x => typeof x === 'bigint'
const isString = x => typeof x === 'string'
const isPromise = x => x && typeof x.then === 'function'
const is = fn => x => x && x.constructor === fn
const range = (start, end) => Array.from({ length: end - start }, (x, i) => i + start)
const arrayOf = (item, length) => Array.from({ length }, () => item)
/* * @synopsis * new PossiblePromise(p any|Promise<any>) -> PossiblePromise<any> */const PossiblePromise = function(p) { this.value = p}
/* * @synopsis * new PossiblePromise(p any|Promise<any>).then(f function) -> any|Promise<any> */PossiblePromise.prototype.then = function(f) { return isPromise(this.value) ? this.value.then(f) : f(this.value)}
/* * @synopsis * PossiblePromise.then(p any|Promise<any>, f function) -> any|Promise<any> */PossiblePromise.then = (p, f) => isPromise(p) ? p.then(f) : f(p)
/* * @synopsis * PossiblePromise.catch( * p any|Promise<any>, * f Error=>any|Promise<any>, * ) -> any|Promise<any> */PossiblePromise.catch = (p, f) => isPromise(p) ? p.catch(f) : p
/* * @synopsis * PossiblePromise.all( * ps Array<any>|Promise<Array<any>>, * ) -> PossiblePromise<Array<any>>|Promise<Array<any>> */PossiblePromise.all = ps => (ps.some(isPromise) ? Promise.all(ps) : new PossiblePromise(ps))
/* * @synopsis * toFunction(x any|function) -> ()=>any|function */const toFunction = x => isFunction(x) ? x : () => x
/* * @synopsis * iteratorPipe(iter Iterator<function>, args Array<any>) -> any|Promise<any> */const iteratorPipe = (iter, args) => { const { value: f0 } = let output = f0(...args) for (const fn of iter) { output = PossiblePromise.then(output, fn) } return output}
/* * @synopsis * reverseArrayIter(arr Array<any>) -> Iterator<any> */const reverseArrayIter = arr => (function*() { for (let i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) yield arr[i]})()
/* * @synopsis * pipe(fns Array<function>)(...args ...any) -> any|Promise<any> */const pipe = fns => { if (!isArray(fns)) { throw new TypeError('pipe(fns); fns is not an array of functions') } if (fns.length < 1) { throw new RangeError('pipe(fns); fns is not an array of at least one function') } for (let i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) { if (isFunction(fns[i])) continue throw new TypeError(`pipe(fns); fns[${i}] is not a function`) } return (...args) => (isFunction(args[0]) ? iteratorPipe(reverseArrayIter(fns), args) : iteratorPipe(fns[Symbol.iterator].call(fns), args) )}
/* * @synopsis * arrayFork(fns Array<function>, x any) -> Array<any>|Promise<Array<any>> */const arrayFork = (fns, x) => { let isAsync = false const y = => { const point = fn(x) if (isPromise(point)) isAsync = true return point }) return isAsync ? Promise.all(y) : y}
/* * @synopsis * objectFork(fns Object<function>, x any) -> Object<any>|Promise<Object<any>> */const objectFork = (fns, x) => { const y = {}, promises = [] for (const k in fns) { const point = fns[k](x) if (isPromise(point)) { promises.push(point.then(res => { y[k] = res })) } else { y[k] = point } } return promises.length > 0 ? Promise.all(promises).then(() => y) : y}
/* * @synopsis * fork(fns Object<function>|Array<function>)(x any) * -> Object<any>|Array<any>|Promise<Object<any>>|Promise<Array<any>> */const fork = fns => { if (isArray(fns)) { if (fns.length < 1) { throw new RangeError('fork(x); x is not an array of at least one function') } for (let i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) { if (isFunction(fns[i])) continue throw new TypeError(`fork(x); x[${i}] is not a function`) } return x => arrayFork(fns, x) } if (is(Object)(fns)) { if (Object.keys(fns).length < 1) { throw new RangeError('fork(x); x is not an object of at least one entry') } for (const k in fns) { if (isFunction(fns[k])) continue throw new TypeError(`fork(x); x['${k}'] is not a function`) } return x => objectFork(fns, x) } throw new TypeError('fork(x); x invalid')}
/* * @synopsis * arrayForkSeries( * fns Array<functions>, * x any, * i number, * y Array<any>, * ) -> Array<any>|Promise<Array<any>> * * @note * TODO: iterative implementation */const arrayForkSeries = (fns, x, i, y) => { if (i === fns.length) return y return PossiblePromise.then( fns[i](x), res => arrayForkSeries(fns, x, i + 1, y.concat(res)), )}
/* * @synopsis * fork.series(fns Array<function>)(x any) -> Array<any>|Promise<Array<any>> */fork.series = fns => { if (isArray(fns)) { if (fns.length < 1) { throw new RangeError( 'fork.series(x); x is not an array of at least one function', ) } for (let i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) { if (isFunction(fns[i])) continue throw new TypeError(`fork.series(x); x[${i}] is not a function`) } return x => arrayForkSeries(fns, x, 0, []) } throw new TypeError('fork.series(x); x invalid')}
/* * @synopsis * assign(fns Array<function>)(x any) -> Object<any>|Promise<Object<any>> */const assign = fns => { if (!is(Object)(fns)) { throw new TypeError('assign(x); x is not an object of functions') } return x => { if (!is(Object)(x)) { throw new TypeError('assign(...)(x); x is not an object') } return PossiblePromise.then( objectFork(fns, x), res => Object.assign({}, x, res), ) }}
/* * @synopsis * tap(f function)(x any) -> any|Promise<any> */const tap = f => { if (!isFunction(f)) { throw new TypeError('tap(f); f is not a function') } return x => PossiblePromise.then(f(x), () => x)}
/* * @synopsis * tap.if(cond function, f function)(x any) -> any|Promise<any> * * @note * TODO: */tap.if = (cond, f) => {}
/* * @synopsis * tryCatch(f function, onError function)(x any) -> any|Promise<any> */const tryCatch = (f, onError) => { if (!isFunction(f)) { throw new TypeError('tryCatch(x, y); x is not a function') } if (!isFunction(onError)) { throw new TypeError('tryCatch(x, y); y is not a function') } return x => { try { return PossiblePromise.catch(f(x), e => onError(e, x)) } catch (e) { return onError(e, x) } }}
/* * @synopsis * arraySwitchCase(fns Array<function>, x any, i number) -> any|Promise<any> * * @note * TODO: reimplement to iterative */const arraySwitchCase = (fns, x, i) => { if (i === fns.length - 1) return fns[i](x) return PossiblePromise.then( fns[i](x), ok => ok ? fns[i + 1](x) : arraySwitchCase(fns, x, i + 2), )}
/* * @synopsis * switchCase(fns Array<function>)(x any) -> any|Promise<any> */const switchCase = fns => { if (!isArray(fns)) { throw new TypeError('switchCase(fns); fns is not an array of functions') } if (fns.length < 3) { throw new RangeError([ 'switchCase(fns)', 'fns is not an array of at least three functions', ].join('; ')) } if (fns.length % 2 === 0) { throw new RangeError([ 'switchCase(fns)', 'fns is not an array of an odd number of functions', ].join('; ')) } for (let i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) { if (isFunction(fns[i])) continue throw new TypeError(`switchCase(fns); fns[${i}] is not a function`) } return x => arraySwitchCase(fns, x, 0)}
/* * @synopsis * mapAsyncIterable(f function, x AsyncIterable<any>) -> AsyncIterable<any> */const mapAsyncIterable = (fn, x) => (async function*() { for await (const xi of x) yield fn(xi)})()
/* * @synopsis * mapIterable(f function, x Iterable<any>) -> Iterable<any> */const mapIterable = (fn, x) => (function*() { for (const xi of x) yield fn(xi)})()
/* * @synopsis * mapArray(f function, x Array<any>) -> Array<any>|Promise<Array<any>> * * @note * * * * Alternative implementation * const mapArray = (f, x) => PossiblePromise.all( => res) */const mapArray = (f, x) => { let isAsync = false const y = => { const point = f(xi) if (isPromise(point)) isAsync = true return point }) return isAsync ? Promise.all(y) : y}
/* * @synopsis * mapIterableToArray(f function, x Iterable<any>) * -> Array<any>|Promise<Array<any>> */const mapIterableToArray = (fn, x) => { let isAsync = false const y = [] for (const xi of x) { const point = fn(xi) if (isPromise(point)) isAsync = true y.push(point) } return isAsync ? Promise.all(y) : y}
/* * @synopsis * mapString(f function, x string) -> string */const mapString = (f, x) => PossiblePromise.then( mapIterableToArray(f, x), res => res.join(''),)
/* * @synopsis * mapTypedArray(f function, x TypedArray<any>) -> TypedArray<any> */const mapTypedArray = (f, x) => PossiblePromise.then( mapIterableToArray(f, x), res => new x.constructor(res),)
/* * @synopsis * mapSet(f function, x Set<any>) -> Set<any> */const mapSet = (f, x) => { const y = new Set(), promises = [] for (const xi of x) { const yi = f(xi) if (isPromise(yi)) { promises.push(yi.then(res => { y.add(res) })) } else { y.add(yi) } } return promises.length > 0 ? Promise.all(promises).then(() => y) : y}
/* * @synopsis * mapMap(f function, x Map<any=>any>) -> Map<any=>any> */const mapMap = (fn, x) => { const y = new Map(), promises = [] for (const entry of x) { const point = fn(entry) if (isPromise(point)) { promises.push(point.then(res => { y.set(...res) })) } else { y.set(...point) } } return promises.length > 0 ? Promise.all(promises).then(() => y) : y}
/* * @synopsis * mapObject(f function, x Object<any>) -> Object<any> */const mapObject = (fn, x) => { const y = {}, promises = [] for (const k in x) { const point = fn(x[k]) if (isPromise(point)) { promises.push(point.then(res => { y[k] = res })) } else { y[k] = point } } return promises.length > 0 ? Promise.all(promises).then(() => y) : y}
/* * @synopsis * mapReducer(f function, reducer function) * -> anotherReducer (y any, xi any)=>any|Promise<any> */const mapReducer = (f, reducer) => (y, xi) => ( PossiblePromise.then(f(xi), res => reducer(y, res)))
/* * @synopsis * <T any>AsyncIterable<T>|Array<T>|string|Set<T>|Map<T> * |TypedArray<T>|Iterable<T>|Object<T>|(any, T)=>any -> Mappable<T> * * <T Mappable>map(f function)(x T<any>) -> T<any> */const map = f => { if (!isFunction(f)) { throw new TypeError('map(f); f is not a function') } return x => { if (isAsyncIterable(x)) return mapAsyncIterable(f, x) if (isArray(x)) return mapArray(f, x) if (isString(x)) return mapString(f, x) if (is(Set)(x)) return mapSet(f, x) if (is(Map)(x)) return mapMap(f, x) if (isNumberTypedArray(x)) return mapTypedArray(f, x) if (isBigIntTypedArray(x)) return mapTypedArray(f, x) if (isIterable(x)) return mapIterable(f, x) // for generators or custom iterators if (is(Object)(x)) return mapObject(f, x) if (isFunction(x)) return mapReducer(f, x) throw new TypeError('map(...)(x); x invalid') }}
/* * @synopsis * mapSeriesArray(f function, x Array<any>, i number, y Array<any>) * -> Array<any>|Promise<Array<any>> * * @note * TODO: iterative implementation */const mapSeriesArray = (f, x, i, y) => { if (i === x.length) return y return PossiblePromise.then( f(x[i]), res => mapSeriesArray(f, x, i + 1, y.concat(res)), )}
/* * @synopsis * map.series(f function)(x Array<any>) -> Array<any>|Promise<Array<any>> */map.series = f => { if (!isFunction(f)) { throw new TypeError('map.series(f); f is not a function') } return x => { if (isArray(x)) return mapSeriesArray(f, x, 0, []) throw new TypeError('map.series(...)(x); x invalid') }}
/* * @synopsis * mapPoolArray(size number, f function, x Array<any>) -> Promise<Array<any>> * * @note * * */const mapPoolArray = async (size, f, x) => { const y = [] const promises = new Set() for (const xi of x) { if (promises.size >= size) { await Promise.race(promises) } const yi = f(xi) if (isPromise(yi)) { const p = yi.then(res => { promises.delete(p) return res }) promises.add(p) y.push(p) } else { y.push(yi) } } return Promise.all(y)}
/* * @synopsis * mapPoolSet(size number, f function, x Set<any>) -> Promise<Set<any>> */const mapPoolSet = (size, f, x) => ( mapPoolArray(size, f, x).then(res => new Set(res)))
/* * @synopsis * mapPoolMap(size number, f function, x Map<any=>any>) -> Promise<Map<any=>any>> */const mapPoolMap = (size, f, x) => ( mapPoolArray(size, f, x).then(res => new Map(res)))
/* * @synopsis * <T any>Array<T>|Set<T>|Map<T> -> MapPoolable<T> * * <T MapPoolable>map.pool(size number, f function)(x T<any>) -> Promise<T<any>> */map.pool = (size, fn) => { if (!isNumber(size)) { throw new TypeError('map.pool(size, f); size is not a number') } if (size < 1) { throw new RangeError('map.pool(size, f); size must be 1 or more') } if (!isFunction(fn)) { throw new TypeError('map.pool(size, f); f is not a function') } return x => { if (isArray(x)) return mapPoolArray(size, fn, x) if (is(Set)(x)) return mapPoolSet(size, fn, x) if (is(Map)(x)) return mapPoolMap(size, fn, x) throw new TypeError('map.pool(...)(x); x invalid') }}
/* * @synopsis * <A any, B any>mapArrayWithIndex( * f (xi A, i number, x Array<A>)=>B, * x Array<A>, * ) -> Array<B>|Promise<Array<B>> */const mapArrayWithIndex = (fn, x) => { let isAsync = false const y =, i) => { const point = fn(xi, i, x) if (isPromise(point)) isAsync = true return point }) return isAsync ? Promise.all(y) : y}
/* * @synopsis * mapIterableWithIndexToArray( * f (xi any, i number, x Iterable<any>)=>any, * x Iterable<any>, * ) -> Array<any>|Promise<Array<any>> */const mapIterableWithIndexToArray = (fn, x) => { let isAsync = false const primer = [] let i = 0 for (const xi of x) { const point = fn(xi, i, x) if (isPromise(point)) isAsync = true primer.push(point) i += 1 } return isAsync ? Promise.all(primer) : primer}
/* * @synopsis * mapStringWithIndex(f any=>any, x string) -> string|Promise<string> */const mapStringWithIndex = (f, x) => PossiblePromise.then( mapIterableWithIndexToArray(f, x), res => res.join(''),)
/* * @synopsis * Array<any>|string -> T * * map.withIndex(f any=>any)(x T) -> T|Promise<T> */map.withIndex = fn => { if (!isFunction(fn)) { throw new TypeError('map.withIndex(x); x is not a function') } return x => { if (isArray(x)) return mapArrayWithIndex(fn, x) if (isString(x)) return mapStringWithIndex(fn, x) throw new TypeError('map.withIndex(...)(x); x invalid') }}
/* * @synopsis * filterAsyncIterable(predicate any=>any, x AsyncIterable) * -> AsyncIterable<any> */const filterAsyncIterable = (predicate, x) => (async function*() { for await (const xi of x) { if (await predicate(xi)) yield xi }})()
/* * @synopsis * filterIterable(predicate any=>any, x Iterable<any>) -> Iterable<any> */const filterIterable = (predicate, x) => (function*() { for (const xi of x) { const ok = predicate(xi) if (isPromise(ok)) { throw new TypeError([ 'filter(f)(x); xi is an element of x;', 'if x if the resulting iterator of a sync generator,', 'f(xi) cannot return a Promise', ].join(' ')) } if (ok) yield xi }})()
/* * @synopsis * createFilterIndex(predicate any=>any, x Iterable<any>) * -> filterIndex Array<any>|Promise<Array<any>> */const createFilterIndex = (predicate, x) => { let isAsync = false const filterIndex = [] for (const xi of x) { const ok = predicate(xi) if (isPromise(ok)) isAsync = true filterIndex.push(ok) } return isAsync ? Promise.all(filterIndex) : filterIndex}
/* * @synopsis * filterArray(predicate any=>any, x Array<any>) * -> Array<any>|Promise<Array<any>> */const filterArray = (predicate, x) => PossiblePromise.then( createFilterIndex(predicate, x), res => x.filter((_, i) => res[i]),)
/* * @synopsis * filterStringFromIndex(index Array<any>, x string) -> string */const filterStringFromIndex = (index, x) => { let y = '' for (let i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { if (index[i]) y += x[i] } return y}
/* * @synopsis * filterString(predicate any=>any, x string) -> string|Promise<string> */const filterString = (predicate, x) => PossiblePromise.then( createFilterIndex(predicate, x), res => filterStringFromIndex(res, x),)
/* * @synopsis * filterSet(predicate any=>any, x Set<any>) -> Set<any>|Promise<Set<any>> */const filterSet = (predicate, x) => { const y = new Set(), promises = [] for (const xi of x) { const ok = predicate(xi) if (isPromise(ok)) { promises.push(ok.then(res => res && y.add(xi))) } else if (ok) { y.add(xi) } } return promises.length > 0 ? Promise.all(promises).then(() => y) : y}
/* * @synopsis * filterMap(predicate any=>any, x Map<any=>any>) * -> Map<any=>any>|Promise<Map<any=>any>> */const filterMap = (predicate, x) => { const y = new Map(), promises = [] for (const xi of x) { const ok = predicate(xi) if (isPromise(ok)) { promises.push(ok.then(res => res && y.set(...xi))) } else if (ok) { y.set(...xi) } } return promises.length > 0 ? Promise.all(promises).then(() => y) : y}
/* * @synopsis * filterTypedArray(predicate any=>any, x TypedArray<any>) -> TypedArray<any> */const filterTypedArray = (predicate, x) => PossiblePromise.then( filterArray(predicate, x), res => new x.constructor(res),)
/* * @synopsis * filterObject(predicate any=>any, x Object<any>) -> Object<any> */const filterObject = (predicate, x) => { const y = {}, promises = [] for (const k in x) { const ok = predicate(x[k]) if (isPromise(ok)) { promises.push(ok.then(res => { if (res) { y[k] = x[k] } })) } else if (ok) { y[k] = x[k] } } return promises.length > 0 ? Promise.all(promises).then(() => y) : y}
/* * @synopsis * filterReducer( * predicate any=>any, * reducer (any, any)=>any, * ) -> (y any, xi any)=>any|Promise<any> */const filterReducer = (predicate, reducer) => (y, xi) => ( PossiblePromise.all([predicate(xi), y]).then(([bool, resY]) => ( bool ? reducer(resY, xi) : resY)))
/* * @synopsis * <T any>AsyncIterable<T>|Array<T>|string|Set<T>|Map<T> * |TypedArray<T>|Iterable<T>|Object<T>|(any, T)=>any -> Filterable<T> * * filter(predicate any=>any)(x Filterable<any>) -> Filterable<any> */const filter = predicate => { if (!isFunction(predicate)) { throw new TypeError('filter(predicate); predicate is not a function') } return x => { if (isAsyncIterable(x)) return filterAsyncIterable(predicate, x) if (isArray(x)) return filterArray(predicate, x) if (isString(x)) return filterString(predicate, x) if (is(Set)(x)) return filterSet(predicate, x) if (is(Map)(x)) return filterMap(predicate, x) if (isNumberTypedArray(x)) return filterTypedArray(predicate, x) if (isBigIntTypedArray(x)) return filterTypedArray(predicate, x) if (isIterable(x)) return filterIterable(predicate, x) // for generators or custom iterators if (is(Object)(x)) return filterObject(predicate, x) if (isFunction(x)) return filterReducer(predicate, x) throw new TypeError('filter(...)(x); x invalid') }}
/* * @synopsis * createFilterWithIndexIndex( * predicate (xi any, i number, x Iterable<any>)=>any, * x Iterable<any>, * ) -> Array<any>|Promise<Array<any>> */const createFilterWithIndexIndex = (predicate, x) => { let isAsync = false, i = 0 const filterIndex = [] for (const xi of x) { const ok = predicate(xi, i, x) if (isPromise(ok)) isAsync = true filterIndex.push(ok) i += 1 } return isAsync ? Promise.all(filterIndex) : filterIndex}
/* * @synopsis * filterArrayWithIndex(predicate function, x Array<any>) -> Array<any>|Promise<Array<any>> */const filterArrayWithIndex = (predicate, x) => PossiblePromise.then( createFilterWithIndexIndex(predicate, x), res => x.filter((_, i) => res[i]),)
/* * @synopsis * filterArrayWithIndex(predicate function, x string) -> string|Promise<string> */const filterStringWithIndex = (predicate, x) => PossiblePromise.then( createFilterWithIndexIndex(predicate, x), res => filterStringFromIndex(res, x),)
/* * @synopsis * filter.withIndex(predicate function)(x Array<any>|string) * -> Array<any>|Promise<Array<any>>|string|Promise<string> */filter.withIndex = fn => { if (!isFunction(fn)) { throw new TypeError('filter.withIndex(f); f is not a function') } return x => { // if (isAsyncIterable(x)) return filterAsyncIterable(fn, x) if (isArray(x)) return filterArrayWithIndex(fn, x) if (isString(x)) return filterStringWithIndex(fn, x) // if (is(Set)(x)) return filterSet(fn, x) // if (is(Map)(x)) return filterMap(fn, x) // if (isNumberTypedArray(x)) return filterTypedArray(fn, x) // if (isBigIntTypedArray(x)) return filterTypedArray(fn, x) // if (isIterable(x)) return filterIterable(fn, x) // for generators or custom iterators // if (is(Object)(x)) return filterObject(fn, x) // if (isFunction(x)) return filterReducer(fn, x) throw new TypeError('filter.withIndex(...)(x); x invalid') }}
/* * @synopsis * asyncReduceIterator(f function, x0 any, iter Iterable<any>) -> Promise<any> */const asyncReduceIterator = async (f, x0, iter) => { let y = x0 for (const xi of iter) { y = await f(y, xi) } return y}
/* * @synopsis * reduceIterable(f function, possiblyX0 any, x Iterable<any>) * -> any|Promise<any> * * @note * There's an issue chaining too many synchronous .thens * */const reduceIterable = (fn, possiblyX0, x) => { const iter = x[Symbol.iterator]() const y0 = isUndefined(possiblyX0) ? : possiblyX0 if (isUndefined(y0)) { throw new TypeError('reduce(...)(x); x cannot be empty') } const { value, done } = if (done) return y0 let y = fn(y0, value) if (isPromise(y)) { return y.then(res => asyncReduceIterator(fn, res, iter)) } for (const xi of iter) { y = fn(y, xi) if (isPromise(y)) { return y.then(res => asyncReduceIterator(fn, res, iter)) } } return y}
/* * @synopsis * reduceAsyncIterable(f function, possiblyX0 any, x AsyncIterable<any>) * -> Promise<any> */const reduceAsyncIterable = async (fn, possiblyY0, x) => { const iter = x[Symbol.asyncIterator]() const y0 = isUndefined(possiblyY0) ? (await : possiblyY0 if (isUndefined(y0)) { throw new TypeError('reduce(...)(x); x cannot be empty') } const { value, done } = await if (done) return y0 let y = await fn(y0, value) for await (const xi of iter) { y = await fn(y, xi) } return y}
/* * @synopsis * reduceObject(f function, x0 any, x Object<any>) -> any|Promise<any> */const reduceObject = (fn, x0, x) => reduceIterable( fn, x0, (function* () { for (const k in x) yield x[k] })(),)
/* * @synopsis * <T any>(Iterable<T>|AsyncIterable<T>|Object<T>) -> Reducible<T> * * reduce(f function, init any|any=>any)(x Reducible<any>) -> any|Promise<any> * * @note * * */const reduce = (fn, init) => { if (!isFunction(fn)) { throw new TypeError('reduce(x, y); x is not a function') } return x => { const x0 = toFunction(init)(x) if (isIterable(x)) return PossiblePromise.then( x0, res => reduceIterable(fn, res, x), ) if (isAsyncIterable(x)) { const state = { cancel: () => {} } const cancelToken = new Promise((_, reject) => { state.cancel = reject }) const p = Promise.race([ PossiblePromise.then( x0, res => reduceAsyncIterable(fn, res, x), ), cancelToken, ]) p.cancel = () => { state.cancel(new Error('cancelled')) } return p } if (is(Object)(x)) return PossiblePromise.then( x0, res => reduceObject(fn, res, x), ) throw new TypeError('reduce(...)(x); x invalid') }}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const nullTransform = (fn, x0) => reduce( fn(() => x0), x0,)
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const arrayTransform = (fn, x0) => x => reduce( fn((y, xi) => { y.push(xi); return y }), x0,)(x)
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const stringTransform = (fn, x0) => reduce( fn((y, xi) => `${y}${xi}`), x0,)
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const setTransform = (fn, x0) => reduce( fn((y, xi) => y.add(xi)), x0,)
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const mapTransform = (fn, x0) => reduce( fn((y, xi) => y.set(xi[0], xi[1])), x0,)
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const stringToCharCodes = x => { const y = [] for (let i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { y.push(x.charCodeAt(i)) } return y}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const toNumberTypedArray = (constructor, x) => { if (isNumber(x)) return constructor.of(x) if (isString(x)) return new constructor(stringToCharCodes(x)) throw new TypeError([ 'toNumberTypedArray(typedArray, y)', 'cannot convert y to typedArray', ].join('; '))}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const firstPowerOf2After = x => { let y = 2 while (y < x + 1) { y = y << 1 } return y}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const typedArrayConcat = (y, chunk, offset) => { const nextLength = offset + chunk.length const buf = nextLength > y.length ? (() => { const newBuf = new y.constructor(firstPowerOf2After(nextLength)) newBuf.set(y, 0) return newBuf })() : y buf.set(chunk, offset) return buf}
/* * @synopsis * TODO * * @note * TODO: refactor to PossiblePromise.then */const numberTypedArrayTransform = (fn, x0) => x => { const point = reduce( fn(({ y, offset }, xi) => { const chunk = toNumberTypedArray(x0.constructor, xi) const buf = typedArrayConcat(y, chunk, offset) return { y: buf, offset: offset + chunk.length } }), { y: x0.constructor.from(x0), offset: x0.length }, )(x) return isPromise(point) ? point.then( res => res.y.slice(0, res.offset) ) : point.y.slice(0, point.offset)}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const toBigIntTypedArray = (constructor, x) => { if (isBigInt(x)) return constructor.of(x) throw new TypeError([ 'toBigIntTypedArray(typedArray, y)', 'cannot convert y to typedArray', ].join('; '))}
/* * @synopsis * TODO * * @note * TODO: refactor to PossiblePromise.then */const bigIntTypedArrayTransform = (fn, x0) => x => { const point = reduce( fn(({ y, offset }, xi) => { const chunk = toBigIntTypedArray(x0.constructor, xi) const buf = typedArrayConcat(y, chunk, offset) return { y: buf, offset: offset + chunk.length } }), { y: x0.constructor.from(x0), offset: x0.length }, )(x) return isPromise(point) ? point.then( res => res.y.slice(0, res.offset) ) : point.y.slice(0, point.offset)}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const writableTransform = (fn, x0) => reduce( fn((y, xi) => { y.write(xi); return y }), x0,)
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const objectTransform = (fn, x0) => reduce( fn((y, xi) => { if (isArray(xi)) { y[xi[0]] = xi[1]; return y } return Object.assign(y, xi) // TODO: implement // if (is(Object)(xi)) Object.assign(y, xi) // else throw new TypeError('...') }), x0,)
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const _transformBranch = (fn, x0, x) => { if (isNull(x0)) return nullTransform(fn, x0)(x) if (isArray(x0)) return arrayTransform(fn, x0)(x) if (isString(x0)) return stringTransform(fn, x0)(x) if (is(Set)(x0)) return setTransform(fn, x0)(x) if (is(Map)(x0)) return mapTransform(fn, x0)(x) if (isNumberTypedArray(x0)) return numberTypedArrayTransform(fn, x0)(x) if (isBigIntTypedArray(x0)) return bigIntTypedArrayTransform(fn, x0)(x) if (isWritable(x0)) return writableTransform(fn, x0)(x) if (is(Object)(x0)) return objectTransform(fn, x0)(x) throw new TypeError('transform(x, y); x invalid')}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const transform = (fn, init) => { if (!isFunction(fn)) { throw new TypeError('transform(x, y); y is not a function') } return x => PossiblePromise.then( toFunction(init)(x), res => _transformBranch(fn, res, x), )}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const flattenIterable = (reducer, x0, x) => { let y = x0 for (const xi of x) { if (isIterable(xi)) { for (const xii of xi) y = reducer(y, xii) } else if (is(Object)(xi)) { for (const k in xi) y = reducer(y, xi[k]) } else { y = reducer(y, xi) } } return y}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const flattenToArray = x => flattenIterable( (y, xii) => { y.push(xii); return y }, [], x,)
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const flattenToSet = x => flattenIterable( (y, xii) => y.add(xii), new Set(), x,)
/* * @synopsis * TODO * * @note * TODO: refactor to PossiblePromise.then */const flatMapArray = (fn, x) => { const y = mapArray(fn, x) return isPromise(y) ? y.then(flattenToArray) : flattenToArray(y)}
/* * @synopsis * TODO * * @note * TODO: refactor to PossiblePromise.then */const flatMapSet = (fn, x) => { const y = mapSet(fn, x) return isPromise(y) ? y.then(flattenToSet) : flattenToSet(y)}
/* * @synopsis * TODO * * @note * TODO: refactor to PossiblePromise.then */const flatMapReducer = (fn, reducer) => (y, xi) => { const yi = fn(xi) return isPromise(yi) ? yi.then(reduce(reducer, y)) : reduce(reducer, y)(yi)}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const flatMap = fn => { if (!isFunction(fn)) { throw new TypeError('flatMap(x); x is not a function') } return x => { if (isArray(x)) return flatMapArray(fn, x) if (is(Set)(x)) return flatMapSet(fn, x) if (isFunction(x)) return flatMapReducer(fn, x) throw new TypeError('flatMap(...)(x); x invalid') }}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const isDelimitedBy = (delim, x) => (x && x[0] !== delim && x[x.length - 1] !== delim && x.slice(1, x.length - 1).includes(delim))
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const arrayGet = (path, x, defaultValue) => { let y = x if (!isDefined(y)) return toFunction(defaultValue)(x) for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { y = y[path[i]] if (!isDefined(y)) return toFunction(defaultValue)(x) } return y}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const get = (path, defaultValue) => { if (isArray(path)) return x => arrayGet(path, x, defaultValue) if (isNumber(path)) return x => arrayGet([path], x, defaultValue) if (isString(path)) return (isDelimitedBy('.', path) ? x => arrayGet(path.split('.'), x, defaultValue) : x => arrayGet([path], x, defaultValue)) throw new TypeError('get(x, y); x invalid')}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const pickObject = (props, x) => { const y = {} for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { if (isDefined(x[props[i]])) y[props[i]] = x[props[i]] } return y}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const pick = props => { if (isArray(props)) return x => { if (is(Object)(x)) return pickObject(props, x) throw new TypeError('pick(...)(x); x is not an object') } throw new TypeError('pick(x); x is not an array')}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const omitObject = (props, x) => { const y = Object.assign({}, x) for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) delete y[props[i]] return y}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const omit = props => { if (isArray(props)) return x => { if (is(Object)(x)) return omitObject(props, x) throw new TypeError('omit(...)(x); x is not an object') } throw new TypeError('omit(x); x is not an array')}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const anyIterable = (fn, x) => { const promises = [] for (const xi of x) { const point = fn(xi) if (isPromise(point)) promises.push(point) else if (point) return (promises.length > 0 ? Promise.all(promises).then(() => true) : true) } return (promises.length > 0 ? Promise.all(promises).then(res => res.some(x => x)) : false)}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const anyObject = (fn, x) => anyIterable( fn, (function* () { for (const k in x) yield x[k] })(),)
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const any = fn => { if (!isFunction(fn)) { throw new TypeError('any(x); x is not a function') } return x => { if (isIterable(x)) return anyIterable(fn, x) if (is(Object)(x)) return anyObject(fn, x) throw new TypeError('any(...)(x); x invalid') }}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const allIterable = (fn, x) => { const promises = [] for (const xi of x) { const point = fn(xi) if (isPromise(point)) promises.push(point) else if (!point) return (promises.length > 0 ? Promise.all(promises).then(() => false) : false) } return (promises.length > 0 ? Promise.all(promises).then(res => res.every(x => x)) : true)}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const allObject = (fn, x) => allIterable( fn, (function* () { for (const k in x) yield x[k] })(),)
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const all = fn => { if (!isFunction(fn)) { throw new TypeError('all(x); x is not a function') } return x => { if (isIterable(x)) return allIterable(fn, x) if (is(Object)(x)) return allObject(fn, x) throw new TypeError('all(...)(x); x invalid') }}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const arrayAnd = (fns, x) => { const promises = [] for (let i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) { const point = fns[i](x) if (isPromise(point)) promises.push(point) else if (!point) return (promises.length > 0 ? Promise.all(promises).then(() => false) : false) } return (promises.length > 0 ? Promise.all(promises).then(res => res.every(x => x)) : true)}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const and = fns => { if (!isArray(fns)) { throw new TypeError('and(x); x is not an array of functions') } if (fns.length < 1) { throw new RangeError('and(x); x is not an array of at least one function') } for (let i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) { if (isFunction(fns[i])) continue throw new TypeError(`and(x); x[${i}] is not a function`) } return x => arrayAnd(fns, x)}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const arrayOr = (fns, x) => { const promises = [] for (let i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) { const point = fns[i](x) if (isPromise(point)) promises.push(point) else if (point) return (promises.length > 0 ? Promise.all(promises).then(() => true) : true) } return (promises.length > 0 ? Promise.all(promises).then(res => res.some(x => x)) : false)}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const or = fns => { if (!isArray(fns)) { throw new TypeError('or(fns); fns is not an array of functions') } if (fns.length < 1) { throw new RangeError('or(fns); fns is not an array of at least one function') } for (let i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) { if (isFunction(fns[i])) continue throw new TypeError(`or(fns); fns[${i}] is not a function`) } return x => arrayOr(fns, x)}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const not = fn => { if (!isFunction(fn)) { throw new TypeError('not(x); x is not a function') } return x => new PossiblePromise(fn(x)).then(res => !res)}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const compare = (predicate, f, g) => x => PossiblePromise.all([ toFunction(f)(x), toFunction(g)(x),]).then(res => predicate(...res))
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const eq = function(f, g) { if (arguments.length !== 2) { throw new RangeError('eq(...arguments); exactly two arguments required') } return compare((a, b) => a === b, f, g)}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const gt = function(f, g) { if (arguments.length !== 2) { throw new RangeError('gt(...arguments); exactly two arguments required') } return compare((a, b) => a > b, f, g)}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const lt = function(f, g) { if (arguments.length !== 2) { throw new RangeError('lt(...arguments); exactly two arguments required') } return compare((a, b) => a < b, f, g)}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const gte = function(f, g) { if (arguments.length !== 2) { throw new RangeError('gte(...arguments); exactly two arguments required') } return compare((a, b) => a >= b, f, g)}
/* * @synopsis * TODO */const lte = function(f, g) { if (arguments.length !== 2) { throw new RangeError('lte(...arguments); exactly two arguments required') } return compare((a, b) => a <= b, f, g)}
exports.pipe = pipeexports.fork = forkexports.assign = assignexports.tap = tapexports.tryCatch = tryCatchexports.switchCase = = mapexports.flatMap = flatMapexports.filter = filterexports.reduce = reduceexports.transform = transformexports.get = getexports.pick = pickexports.omit = omitexports.any = anyexports.all = allexports.and = andexports.or = orexports.not = notexports.eq = = = ltexports.gte = gteexports.lte = lte