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Ruck is an open source buildless React web application framework for Deno.
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// @ts-check/// <reference no-default-lib="true" />/// <reference lib="dom" />/// <reference lib="dom.iterable" />/// <reference lib="dom.asynciterable" />/// <reference lib="deno.ns" />/// <reference lib="deno.unstable" />
import CacheContext from "graphql-react/CacheContext.mjs";import HydrationTimeStampContext from "graphql-react/HydrationTimeStampContext.mjs";import LoadingContext from "graphql-react/LoadingContext.mjs";import { createElement as h, useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState,} from "react";
import Effect from "./Effect.mjs";import HeadManagerContext from "./HeadManagerContext.mjs";import NavigateContext from "./NavigateContext.mjs";import RouteContext from "./RouteContext.mjs";import scrollToHash from "./scrollToHash.mjs";
/** * A React component for use on the client to provide all the React context * required to enable the entire Ruck API. * @param {object} props Props. * @param {number} props.hydrationTimeStamp Milliseconds since the * [performance time origin]( * (when the client JavaScript environment started running). * @param {import("./HeadManager.mjs").default} props.headManager Head tag * manager. * @param {import("graphql-react/Cache.mjs").default} props.cache Data cache * store. * @param {import("graphql-react/Loading.mjs").default} props.loading Loading * store. * @param {import("./serve.mjs").Router} props.router Router. * @param {import("./serve.mjs").Route} props.initialRoute The initial route * that was server side rendered. * @param {() => void} props.onEffectsDone Callback that runs after initial * effects in children are done. * @param {import("react").ReactNode} [props.children] React children. */export default function ClientProvider({ hydrationTimeStamp, headManager, cache, loading, router, initialRoute, onEffectsDone, children,}) { const [route, setRoute] = useState(initialRoute);
const navigationAbortControllerRef = useRef( /** @type {AbortController | null} */ (null), );
const navigate = useCallback( /** @type {Navigate} */ async ({ url, updateHistory = true, abortController = new AbortController(), }) => { if (typeof url !== "string" && !(url instanceof URL)) { throw new TypeError("Option `url` must be a string or `URL` instance."); }
if (typeof updateHistory !== "boolean") { throw new TypeError("Option `updateHistory` must be a boolean."); }
if (!(abortController instanceof AbortController)) { throw new TypeError( "Option `abortController` must be an `AbortController` instance.", ); }
if (!abortController.signal.aborted) { const oldUrl = route.url; // Normalize a possibly absolute or relative `url`. const newUrl = new URL(String(url), document.baseURI); const samePage = newUrl.pathname + === oldUrl.pathname +;
if (samePage) { if (updateHistory && newUrl.hash !== oldUrl.hash) { history.pushState(null, "", String(newUrl)); }
setRoute({ url: newUrl, content: route.content, cleanup: route.cleanup, });
scrollToHash(newUrl.hash); } else { try { if (navigationAbortControllerRef.current) { navigationAbortControllerRef.current.abort(); }
navigationAbortControllerRef.current = abortController;
dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("ruckroutechangestart", { detail: { url: newUrl, abortController, }, }), );
// Todo: Validate what the router returns. const { content, cleanup } = router(newUrl, headManager, false);
let routeContent;
/** @type {((value: unknown) => void) | undefined} */ let onAbort;
const abortPromise = new Promise((resolve) => { onAbort = resolve; });
abortController.signal.addEventListener( "abort", /** @type {Exclude<typeof onAbort, undefined>} */ (onAbort), { once: true }, );
try { await Promise.race([ // The content might not be a promise. Promise.resolve(content).then((resolvedContent) => { routeContent = resolvedContent; }), abortPromise, ]); } finally { abortController.signal.removeEventListener( "abort", /** @type {Exclude<typeof onAbort, undefined>} */ (onAbort), ); }
if (abortController.signal.aborted) { try { if (cleanup) cleanup(); } finally { dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("ruckroutechangeabort", { detail: { url: newUrl, }, }), ); } } else { if (updateHistory) history.pushState(null, "", String(newUrl));
if (!newUrl.hash) scrollTo(0, 0);
const callback = () => { if (newUrl.hash) { const target = document.querySelector(newUrl.hash); if (target) target.scrollIntoView(); else scrollTo(0, 0); }
dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("ruckroutechangeend", { detail: { url: newUrl, }, }), ); };
setRoute({ url: newUrl, content: h(Effect, { callback, children: routeContent }), cleanup, });
// Now that the new route is set, cleanup the previous route. if (route.cleanup) route.cleanup(); } } catch (error) { dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("ruckroutechangeerror", { detail: { url: newUrl, error, }, }), ); } } } }, [router, headManager, route.cleanup, route.content, route.url], );
const onPopState = useCallback(() => { navigate({ url: new URL(location.href), updateHistory: false, }); }, [navigate]);
useEffect(() => { addEventListener("popstate", onPopState);
return () => { removeEventListener("popstate", onPopState); }; }, [onPopState]);
useEffect(onEffectsDone, [onEffectsDone]);
return h( NavigateContext.Provider, { value: navigate }, h( RouteContext.Provider, { value: route }, h( HydrationTimeStampContext.Provider, { value: hydrationTimeStamp }, h( HeadManagerContext.Provider, { value: headManager }, h( CacheContext.Provider, { value: cache }, h(LoadingContext.Provider, { value: loading }, children), ), ), ), ), );}
/** * Navigates the Ruck app to a route URL. * * Ruck generally attempts to match what the page content and scroll position * would be for a SSR page load of the URL, according to these URL scenarios: * * - _To the same page, without a hash._ The page scrolls to the start. * - _To the same page, with a hash._ If the hash target exists it will be * scrolled to, even if the same hash is already in the URL. If it doesn’t, no * scrolling happens. * - _To another page, without a hash._ The page scrolls to the start. * - _To another page, with a hash._ After route content mounts, if the hash * target exists it will be scrolled to. If it doesn’t, the page scrolls to * the start. * @callback Navigate * @param {NavigateOptions} options Options. * @returns {Promise<void>} Resolves once the navigation is done. */
/** * {@linkcode Navigate} options. * @typedef {object} NavigateOptions * @prop {string | URL} url Ruck app route URL to navigate to that’s absolute or * relative to the `document.baseURI`. * @prop {boolean} [updateHistory] Update the browser `history` API? Defaults * to `true`. * @prop {AbortController} [abortController] Abort controller to abort the * navigation. Has no effect after navigation ends. */