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Run promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrency
interface Runnable<A> { fn: () => Promise<A>; resolve: (value: A | PromiseLike<A>) => void; // We mimic the promise interface which we do not control. // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any reject: (reason?: any) => void;}
/** * Takes a number, setting the concurrency for the promise queue. Returns a set of functions to use the queue. */export function makeRunWithLimit<A>( concurrency: number,) { if (concurrency < 1) { throw new Error("concurrency should be a positive number"); }
const queue: Runnable<A>[] = []; let activeCount = 0;
async function run<A>({ fn, resolve, reject }: Runnable<A>) { activeCount++;
try { const result = await fn(); resolve(result); } catch (error) { reject(error); } activeCount--;
const mNextRunnable = queue.shift(); if (typeof mNextRunnable !== "undefined") { run(mNextRunnable); } }
function enqueue(runnable: Runnable<A>) { if (activeCount < concurrency) { run(runnable); } else { queue.push(runnable); } }
/** * Pass a thunk to this function that returns a promise. */ function runWithLimit(fn: () => Promise<A>) { return new Promise<A>((resolve, reject) => enqueue({ fn, resolve, reject }) ); }
/** * Call to get the number of promises that are currently running. */ function getActiveCount() { return activeCount; }
/** * Call to check how many promises are still waiting to start execution. */ function getPendingCount() { return queue.length; }
return { runWithLimit, getActiveCount, getPendingCount, };}