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Denque is a well tested, extremely fast and lightweight double-ended queue implementation with zero dependencies and includes TypeScript types.
export interface IDenqueOptions { capacity?: number}
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport class Denque<T = any> { #head = 0; #tail = 0; #capacity?: number; #capacityMask = 0x3; #list = new Array(4); constructor(array?: T[], options?: IDenqueOptions) { options = options || {}; this.#capacity = options.capacity; if (Array.isArray(array)) { this.#fromArray(array); } } peekAt(index: number) { let i = index; // expect a number or return undefined if ((i !== (i | 0))) { return void 0; } const len = this.size(); if (i >= len || i < -len) return undefined; if (i < 0) i += len; i = (this.#head + i) & this.#capacityMask; return this.#list[i]; } shift() { const head = this.#head; if (head === this.#tail) { return undefined; } const item = this.#list[head]; this.#list[head] = undefined; this.#head = (head + 1) & this.#capacityMask; if (head < 2 && this.#tail > 10000 && this.#tail <= this.#list.length >>> 2) { this.#shrinkArray(); } return item; } get(i: number) { return this.peekAt(i); } peek() { if (this.#head === this.#tail) return undefined; return this.#list[this.#head]; } peekFront() { return this.peek(); } peekBack() { return this.peekAt(-1); } get length() { return this.size(); } size() { if (this.#head === this.#tail) return 0; if (this.#head < this.#tail) return this.#tail - this.#head; else return this.#capacityMask + 1 - (this.#head - this.#tail); } unshift(item: T) { if (arguments.length === 0) return this.size(); const len = this.#list.length; this.#head = (this.#head - 1 + len) & this.#capacityMask; this.#list[this.#head] = item; if (this.#tail === this.#head) this.#growArray(); if (this.#capacity && this.size() > this.#capacity) this.pop(); if (this.#head < this.#tail) return this.#tail - this.#head; else return this.#capacityMask + 1 - (this.#head - this.#tail); } push(item: T): number { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this.size(); } const tail = this.#tail; this.#list[tail] = item; this.#tail = (tail + 1) & this.#capacityMask; if (this.#tail === this.#head) { this.#growArray(); } if (this.#capacity && this.size() > this.#capacity) { this.shift(); } if (this.#head < this.#tail) { return this.#tail - this.#head; } else return this.#capacityMask + 1 - (this.#head - this.#tail); } pop() { const tail = this.#tail; if (tail === this.#head) return undefined; const len = this.#list.length; this.#tail = (tail - 1 + len) & this.#capacityMask; const item = this.#list[this.#tail]; this.#list[this.#tail] = undefined; if (this.#head < 2 && tail > 10000 && tail <= len >>> 2) { this.#shrinkArray(); } return item; } removeOne(index: number) { let i = index; // expect a number or return undefined if ((i !== (i | 0))) { return void 0; } if (this.#head === this.#tail) return void 0; const size = this.size(); const len = this.#list.length; if (i >= size || i < -size) return void 0; if (i < 0) i += size; i = (this.#head + i) & this.#capacityMask; const item = this.#list[i]; let k: number; if (index < size / 2) { for (k = index; k > 0; k--) { this.#list[i] = this.#list[i = (i - 1 + len) & this.#capacityMask]; } this.#list[i] = void 0; this.#head = (this.#head + 1 + len) & this.#capacityMask; } else { for (k = size - 1 - index; k > 0; k--) { this.#list[i] = this.#list[i = (i + 1 + len) & this.#capacityMask]; } this.#list[i] = void 0; this.#tail = (this.#tail - 1 + len) & this.#capacityMask; } return item; } remove(index: number, count: number) { let i = index; let removed: number[];let del_count = count; // expect a number or return undefined if ((i !== (i | 0))) { return void 0; } if (this.#head === this.#tail) return void 0; const size = this.size(); const len = this.#list.length; if (i >= size || i < -size || count < 1) return void 0; if (i < 0) i += size; if (count === 1 || !count) { removed = new Array(1); removed[0] = this.removeOne(i); return removed; } if (i === 0 && i + count >= size) { removed = this.toArray(); this.clear(); return removed; } if (i + count > size) count = size - i; let k; removed = new Array(count); for (k = 0; k < count; k++) { removed[k] = this.#list[(this.#head + i + k) & this.#capacityMask]; } i = (this.#head + i) & this.#capacityMask; if (index + count === size) { this.#tail = (this.#tail - count + len) & this.#capacityMask; for (k = count; k > 0; k--) { this.#list[i = (i + 1 + len) & this.#capacityMask] = void 0; } return removed; } if (index === 0) { this.#head = (this.#head + count + len) & this.#capacityMask; for (k = count - 1; k > 0; k--) { this.#list[i = (i + 1 + len) & this.#capacityMask] = void 0; } return removed; } if (i < size / 2) { this.#head = (this.#head + index + count + len) & this.#capacityMask; for (k = index; k > 0; k--) { this.unshift(this.#list[i = (i - 1 + len) & this.#capacityMask]); } i = (this.#head - 1 + len) & this.#capacityMask; while (del_count > 0) { this.#list[i = (i - 1 + len) & this.#capacityMask] = void 0; del_count--; } if (index < 0) this.#tail = i; } else { this.#tail = i; i = (i + count + len) & this.#capacityMask; for (k = size - (count + index); k > 0; k--) { this.push(this.#list[i++]); } i = this.#tail; while (del_count > 0) { this.#list[i = (i + 1 + len) & this.#capacityMask] = void 0; del_count--; } } if (this.#head < 2 && this.#tail > 10000 && this.#tail <= len >>> 2) this.#shrinkArray(); return removed; } splice(index: number, count: number) { let i = index; // expect a number or return undefined if ((i !== (i | 0))) { return void 0; } const size = this.size(); if (i < 0) i += size; if (i > size) return void 0; if (arguments.length > 2) { let k: number; let temp: T[]; let removed: number[] | undefined; let arg_len = arguments.length; const len = this.#list.length; let arguments_index = 2; if (!size || i < size / 2) { temp = new Array(i); for (k = 0; k < i; k++) { temp[k] = this.#list[(this.#head + k) & this.#capacityMask]; } if (count === 0) { removed = []; if (i > 0) { this.#head = (this.#head + i + len) & this.#capacityMask; } } else { removed = this.remove(i, count); this.#head = (this.#head + i + len) & this.#capacityMask; } while (arg_len > arguments_index) { this.unshift(arguments[--arg_len]); } for (k = i; k > 0; k--) { this.unshift(temp[k - 1]); } } else { temp = new Array(size - (i + count)); const leng = temp.length; for (k = 0; k < leng; k++) { temp[k] = this.#list[(this.#head + i + count + k) & this.#capacityMask]; } if (count === 0) { removed = []; if (i != size) { this.#tail = (this.#head + i + len) & this.#capacityMask; } } else { removed = this.remove(i, count); this.#tail = (this.#tail - leng + len) & this.#capacityMask; } while (arguments_index < arg_len) { this.push(arguments[arguments_index++]); } for (k = 0; k < leng; k++) { this.push(temp[k]); } } return removed; } else { return this.remove(i, count); } } clear() { this.#head = 0; this.#tail = 0; } isEmpty() { return this.#head === this.#tail; } toArray() { return this.#copyArray(false); } #fromArray(array: T[]) { for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { this.push(array[i]); } } #growArray() { if (this.#head) { // copy existing data, head to end, then beginning to tail. this.#list = this.#copyArray(true); this.#head = 0; } // head is at 0 and array is now full, safe to extend this.#tail = this.#list.length; this.#list.length <<= 1; this.#capacityMask = (this.#capacityMask << 1) | 1; } #copyArray(fullCopy: boolean) { const newArray = []; const list = this.#list; const len = list.length; let i: number; if (fullCopy || this.#head > this.#tail) { for (i = this.#head; i < len; i++) newArray.push(list[i]); for (i = 0; i < this.#tail; i++) newArray.push(list[i]); } else { for (i = this.#head; i < this.#tail; i++) newArray.push(list[i]); } return newArray; } #shrinkArray() { this.#list.length >>>= 1; this.#capacityMask >>>= 1; } }