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type alias Remote
import { type Remote } from "";

Takes the raw type of a remote object, function or class in the other thread and returns the type as it is visible to the local thread from the proxy return value of Comlink.wrap() or Comlink.proxy().

& (T extends (...args: infer TArguments) => infer TReturn ? (...args: [I in keyof TArguments]: UnproxyOrClone<TArguments[I]>) => Promisify<ProxyOrClone<Unpromisify<TReturn>>> : unknown)
& (T extends { new (...args: infer TArguments): infer TInstance; } ? { new (...args: [I in keyof TArguments]: UnproxyOrClone<TArguments[I]>): Promisify<Remote<TInstance>>; } : unknown)