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type alias Join
import { type Join } from "";

Join an array of strings and/or numbers using the given string as a delimiter.

Use-case: Defining key paths in a nested object. For example, for dot-notation fields in MongoDB queries.


Example 1

import type {Join} from 'type-fest';

// Mixed (strings & numbers) items; result is: 'foo.0.baz'
const path: Join<['foo', 0, 'baz'], '.'> = ['foo', 0, 'baz'].join('.');

// Only string items; result is: ''
const path: Join<['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], '.'> = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'].join('.');

// Only number items; result is: '1.2.3'
const path: Join<[1, 2, 3], '.'> = [1, 2, 3].join('.');

Type Parameters

Strings extends Array<string | number>
Delimiter extends string
definition: Strings extends [] ? "" : Strings extends [string | number] ? `${Strings[0]}` : Strings extends [string | number, ...infer Rest] ? `${Strings[0]}${Delimiter}${Join<Rest, Delimiter>}` : string