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import { Cache, EmptyCache } from "./cache.ts";import { ensureDir, ensureFile, move } from "./deps/fs.ts";import { path } from "./deps/path.ts";import { copy, readerFromStreamReader, readLines, Untar } from "./deps/std.ts";import type { LiteralUnion } from "./deps/types.ts";import { LoadRepositoryError } from "./errors.ts";import { GitRepository, parseGitUrl } from "./parse.ts";import { matchOne } from "./utils/match.ts";
export interface LoadRepositoryOptions { /** * A cache object which provides access to the directory. */ cache?: Cache;}
export interface HashedGitRepository extends GitRepository { /** * The commit hash that this repository used. */ hash: string;}
interface LoadRepositoryReturn { /** * The absolute path to the repository in the cache folder. */ directory: string;
/** * The key used to identify the repository in the cache. */ key: string;
/** * The parsed repository with the latest commit hash. */ repo: HashedGitRepository;
/** * When `true` this is the first time this specific hash was downloaded. */ isNew: boolean;}
/** * Throws an error if the url can't be parsed. */export async function loadRepository( source: string, options: LoadRepositoryOptions = {},): Promise<LoadRepositoryReturn> { // first: parse the provided source to get the full url const repo = parseGitUrl(source); const cache = options.cache ?? new EmptyCache();
if (!repo) { throw new LoadRepositoryError(`could not parse ${source}`); }
const hash = await getHash(repo);
if (!hash) { throw new LoadRepositoryError( `the requested reference ${repo.ref} does not exist on the requested repository: ${repo.url}`, ); }
const key = cache.getKey(hash, repo); const hasCache = cache.hasKey(key); const destination = cache.getDownloadPath(key); let isNew = false;
if (!hasCache) { isNew = true;
if (repo.mode === "tar") { await getTar({ destination, hash, repo }); } else { await gitClone({ destination, hash, repo }); } }
return { directory: destination, key, repo: { ...repo, hash }, isNew };}
interface GetTarProps { destination: string; repo: GitRepository; hash: string;}
async function gitClone(props: GetTarProps) { const { repo, destination, hash } = props; let tmp = destination;
if (repo.subdirectory) { tmp = await Deno.makeTempDir(); }
await{ cmd: ["git", "clone", repo.ssh, tmp], cwd: tmp, stdout: "piped", }).output();
await{ cmd: ["git", "checkout", hash], cwd: tmp, stdout: "piped", }).output();
await Deno.remove(path.join(tmp, ".git"), { recursive: true });
if (repo.subdirectory) { const source = path.join(tmp, repo.subdirectory); await move(source, destination, { overwrite: true });
if (tmp !== destination) { await Deno.remove(tmp); } }}
async function getTar(props: GetTarProps): Promise<void> { const { destination, repo, hash } = props; const url = === "gitlab" ? `${repo.url}/repository/archive.tar.gz?ref=${hash}` : === "bitbucket" ? `${repo.url}/get/${hash}.tar.gz` : `${repo.url}/archive/${hash}.tar.gz`;
const subdirectory = `${}-${hash}${repo.subdirectory ?? ""}`;
const response = await fetch(url); const decompressedStream = response.body?.pipeThrough( new DecompressionStream("gzip"), ); const streamReader = decompressedStream?.getReader();
if (!streamReader) { throw new LoadRepositoryError(`could not download ${url}`); }
const tarballEntries = new Untar(readerFromStreamReader(streamReader));
for await (const entry of tarballEntries) { const relative = path.relative(subdirectory, entry.fileName);
if (relative.startsWith("..")) { continue; }
const absolutePath = path.join( destination, relative, );
if (entry.type === "directory") { await ensureDir(absolutePath); continue; }
await ensureFile(absolutePath); const file = await, { write: true }); await copy(entry, file); }
async function getHash(repo: GitRepository): Promise<string | undefined> { // shortened hashes that match are added here. If there is more than one // shortened match then this is an ambiguous reference. Throw an error. const shortened: string[] = [];
for await (const reference of getGitReferences(repo)) { if ( (repo.ref === "HEAD" && reference.type === "HEAD") || repo.ref === || repo.ref === reference.hash ) { return reference.hash; }
if ( reference.type !== "HEAD" && reference.hash.length > 4 && reference.hash.startsWith(repo.ref) ) { shortened.push(reference.hash);
if (shortened.length > 1) { throw new LoadRepositoryError( `An ambiguous reference was provided: ${repo.ref}, which which matches multiple commits: ${ shortened.join(", ") }`, ); } } }
const hash = shortened[0];
if (hash) { return hash; }}
const GITHUB_REFS_REGEX = /refs\/(?<type>\w+)\/(?<name>.+)/;
type GitReference = MainGitReference | NamedGitReference;
interface MainGitReference { type: "HEAD"; name?: never; hash: string;}
interface NamedGitReference { /** * The type of reference. * * This can be a branch / tag / pr or other type defined as part of the git * hosting provider. */ type: LiteralUnion<"tag" | "pull" | "branch", string>;
/** * The name of the reference. */ name: string;
/** * The hash of the reference. */ hash: string;}
/** * Get the git references from the provided git repository. */export async function* getGitReferences( repo: GitRepository,): AsyncGenerator<GitReference, void, unknown> { const stdout ={ cmd: ["git", "ls-remote", repo.url], stdout: "piped", }).stdout;
try { for await (const line of readLines(stdout)) { const [hash, ref] = line.split("\t");
if (!ref || !hash) { throw new LoadRepositoryError( `invalid hash: ${hash} and ref: ${ref} found for ${repo.url}`, ); }
if (ref === "HEAD") { yield { type: "HEAD", hash }; continue; }
const match = matchOne<"type" | "name">(ref, GITHUB_REFS_REGEX);
if (!match?.named.type || !match? { throw new LoadRepositoryError( `could not parse ref: ${ref} for ${repo.url}`, ); }
const name =; const type = match.named.type === "heads" ? "branch" : match.named.type === "refs" ? "ref" : match.named.type === "tags" ? "tag" : match.named.type;
yield { type, name, hash }; } } catch (error) { throw new LoadRepositoryError( `could not fetch from the remote url: ${repo.url}`, [error], ); }}