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import { colors, Spinner, type SpinnerOptions } from "./deps/cli.ts";import { normalizePath, path } from "./deps/path.ts";
/** * Removes all undefined values from an object. Neither Firestore nor the * RealtimeDB allow `undefined` as a value. * * @param data The object to clean * @param nullish Set to true to clean null and undefined values */export function removeUndefined<Shape extends object>( data: Shape, nullish = false,) { const transformed = Object.create({});
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) { if (nullish ? value == null : value === undefined) { continue; }
transformed[key] = value; }
return transformed;}
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
/** * Encode a string for passing through to an anchor program. */export function stringToUint8Array(text: string): Uint8Array { return encoder.encode(text);}
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
/** * Decode a Uint8Array to a string. */export function uint8ArrayToString(input: Uint8Array): string { return decoder.decode(input);}
/** * Normalize a path to it's posix form. * * @param filePath The path to normalize * @param [stripTrailing=false] When set to true any trailing slashes will be * removed. * * @returns a normalized path with posix style separators */export function normalize(filePath: string, stripTrailing?: boolean): string { return path.normalize(normalizePath(filePath, stripTrailing ?? false));}
/** * Normalize a path as a directory with a trailing slash. * * @param directory The directory to normalize * @param [trailingSlash=true] When set to true a trailing slash will be added. */export function normalizeDirectory(directory: string, trailingSlash = true) { return `${normalize(directory, true)}${trailingSlash ? "/" : ""}`;}
/** * Get the normalized path of the provided `path`. */export function getPath(filepath: string | URL): string { return filepath instanceof URL ? filepath.pathname : filepath.startsWith("file:") ? new URL(filepath).pathname : normalize(filepath);}
interface ReadJsonOptions { /** * When set to true, the file with the default data will be created if it does * not exist. */ create?: boolean;
/** * The default data to use when the file does not exist. * * @default {} */ defaultData?: object;}
export async function readJson(path: string, options: ReadJsonOptions = {}) { const { create = false, defaultData = Object.create(null) } = options;
try { return JSON.parse(await Deno.readTextFile(path)); } catch { if (create) { await Deno.writeTextFile(path, JSON.stringify(defaultData)); }
return defaultData; }}
export async function writeJson(path: string, json: object) { try { const content = JSON.stringify(json); await Deno.writeTextFile(path, content, { create: true }); } catch { return {}; }}
export function wait(options: SpinnerOptions) { let spinner: Spinner; const getSpinner = () => { return spinner ??= new Spinner({ text: options.text, prefix: options.prefix ?? "", color: options.color ?? colors.cyan, spinner: options.spinner ?? "dots", hideCursor: options.hideCursor ?? true, indent: options.indent ?? 0, interval: options.interval ?? 100, stream: ?? Deno.stdout, enabled: true, discardStdin: true, }).start(); };
const proxy = { text: (text: string) => { if (options.enabled === false) return; getSpinner().text = text; return proxy; }, info: (text: string) => { if (options.enabled === false) return; getSpinner().info(text); return proxy; }, fail: (text: string) => { if (options.enabled === false) return; getSpinner().fail(text); return proxy; }, succeed: (text: string) => { if (options.enabled === false) return; getSpinner().succeed(text); return proxy; }, warn: (text: string) => { if (options.enabled === false) return; getSpinner().warn(text); return proxy; }, stop: () => { if (options.enabled === false) return; getSpinner().stop(); return proxy; }, };
return proxy;}